Hai Sahabat Ahzaa, selamat datang kembali di AhzaaNet. Pada latihan soal ini,
kita akan menyajikan latihan soal tentang bentuk simple present tense dalam
descriptive text (teks deskripsi). Teks descriptive merupakan teks
untuk menggambarkan seseorang, sesuatu, suatu tempat, atau binatang secara
spesifik atau khusus. Salah satu ciri kebahasaan yaitu bentuk waktu yang
digunakan dalam descriptive adalah bentuk simple present tense sehingga kata
kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk pertama.
Nah, untuk lebih jelas mengenai bentuk descriptive text dan simple present
tense, review berikut ini mungkin membantu,
Descriptive Text
Teks descriptive ---- Menggambarkan seseorang, sesuatu, suatu
tempat, atau binatang secara spesifik atau khusus. Seringkali penggambaran
teks ini dengan visualisasi gambar.
Struktur descriptive text
-- Identification, berisikan pengenalan subjek atau hal- hal yang ingin
-- Description, lebih menginformasikan ciri- ciri subjek yang sudah
dikenalkan terlebih dahulu,
Ciri- ciri kebahasaan
Noun yang spesifik, misalkan my cat, school,mother, dll
Penggunaan simple present tense
Detailed noun phrase misalnya a cute cat, a big large wooden house
Beragam jenis adjective atau kata sifat
Relational process, yaitu menggunakan kata kerja yang dapat
menggambarkan keadaan participant, dan atau mengisyaratkan kepemilikan
misalnya My house has four bathrooms.
Figurative language, biasanya menggunakan bahasa yang bersifat
figurative seperti simile atau metapor sebagai cara untuk membandingkan.
Simple Present Tense
Rumus :
Subject + V I (Kata Kerja Bentuk I) + s/es*
*s/es khusus untuk subjek orang ketiga tunggal (He, She, It)
Penggunaan Simpe Present Tense
a. Menyatakan suatu kebiasaan yang dilakukan
He usually goes to school at 6.30 o'clock.
We always watch TV at night
They swim on Saturday.
He often plays volleyball at noon.
b. Menyatakan kebenaran umum
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
The earth revolves around the sun.
c. Menyatakan peristiwa saat ini
Contoh :
Anna plays piano well.
She works hard at her office.
He looks pale today.
Penanda waktu (keterangan waktu), adverbial of place ( keterangan tempat),
dan adverbial of frequency ( keterangan frekuensi)
Always selalu
Usually biasanya
Often sering
Sometimes kadang- kadang
Seldom jarang
Never tidak pernah
At night pada waktu malam
On Sunday pada hari minggu
Twice a week dua kali seminggu
Every week setiap minggu
Every day setiap hari
Here, there disini, disana, dsb.
***Adverbial of place diletakkan terlebih dahulu sebelum adverbial of
Contoh penggunaan kata kerja bentuk pertama dalam descriptive text
Kansai International Airport (KIX) in Japan is the world’s first
international airport built on a man-made island, 5km off the Senshu coast
at Osaka Bay.
Its terminal, a beautiful, modern four story structure, is the
longest in the world (1,7km) and was designed by the prominent Italian
architect Renzo Piano.
Indeed, even first-time passengers feel the comfort and the
convenience of KIX in terms of the procedures and flow that need to
be followed, from the time one disembarks up to picking luggage.
International arrivals sort out immigration matters and baggage on
the first floor, while international departures take place on the
third floor after one is ticketed on the fourth floor. A 24-Hour
Airport Lounge, Business Center, VIP and Conference Rooms and, of course,
Duty Free shops offering branded goods at attractive prices
are readily available. If you happen to be traveling with your pet,
you can always have it kept at the Pet Hotel, the first ever in Japan.
Nah, berikut latihan soal untuk lebih memperjelas lagi penggunaan kalimat
simple present tense dalam descriptive text. Selamat berlatih. Semoga bermanfaat yaa...
Salah satu bentuk teks yang diajarkan pada materi bahasa Inggris kelas 9
SMP/ MTs adalah teks report. Teks report memberikan suatu gambaran tentang
suatu hasil pengamatan terhadap sesuatu baik itu orang, benda, binatang,
maupun tempat secara umum. Teks ini hampir mirip dengan bentuk teks
descriptif, namun ada beberapa perbedaan yang terdapat dalam generic
structure nya.
Source Image : Pixabay
Pada teks report, participant cenderung general atau umum artinya data yang
tersaji berupa suatu simpulan umum baik itu dalam penggambaran
karakteristik, ciri atau keberadaan dan keadaan participant. Adapun tujuan
dari teks report adalah menmberikan suatu gambaran umum dari participant
yang diulas.
Generic structure dari teks report ini antara lain sebagai berikut,
General classification, yaitu pernyataan umum mengenai subjek laporan,
keterangan dan klasifikasinya.
Description, menginformasikan tentang ciri- ciri umum dari subjek
sebelumnya baik itu sifatnya, perilaku, tampilan fisik, fitur- fiturnya,
kualitas dan sebagainya.
Teks report sering menggunakan unsur kebahasaan tertentu antara lain:
General noun, kata yang merujuk pada sesuatu secara umum, misalnya
snakes are reptiles ( ular jenis apapun adalah golongan reptile)
Relational process, menggunakan kata kerja yang menggambarkan keadaan
participant, dan atau mengisyaratkan kepemilikan. Misalnya Birds have
wings,, A Giraffe is a tall animal.
Penggunaan simple present tense, penggunaan simple present tense
dikarenakan teks ini menyatakan kebenaran umum atau fakta ilmiah.
Contoh text report
Beetles are among the most common insects in the world. In fact,
scientists have found about 350,000 different species (kinds) of these
strange and interesting creatures.
Beetles come in many shapes, colors, and sizes. Some are round. Others
are long and thin. Most are brown or black. Some beetles have bright,
shiny bodies. Many have colored spots or stripes. Jewel beetles can be
blue, black, green, or copper colored. Ladybird beetles, also called
ladybugs, are orange with black dots.
Most beetles are smaller than your thumb. The world’s largest beetle is
the giant longhorned beetle of South America. It can grow to more than 7
inches (18 centimeters) in length. The tiny feather-winged beetle of
North America is one of the world’s smallest insects. It could fit on
the head of a pin!
Some beetles have horns. Rhinoceros beetles have two big horns.
Longhorned beetles have long, curving antennae, or feelers, that look
like horns. Weevils are beetles with long, slender snouts. A beetle’s
jaws are called mandibles. Some beetles, such as male stag beetles, have
large, powerful mandibles that look like deer antlers.
Beetles, like all insects, have a body with three main parts: head,
thorax, and abdomen. A beetle has antennae, eyes, and mouthparts on its
head. It has six legs and two pairs of wings—front wings and hind
wings—on its thorax. A beetle digests food in its abdomen.
Beetle wings are special. The front set of wings is hard. These wings
are called elytra. The colors of a beetle are on its elytra. The hard
elytra cover and protect the delicate hind wings. Beetles use only their
hind wings for flight. To take off, a beetle spreads open its elytra and
then unfolds its hind wings.
Beetles, like other insects, do not have bones. Instead, they have a
hard covering called an exoskeleton on the outside of their bodies. The
covering is like armor that protects their insides. The covering of a
beetle is harder than the covering of most other insects.
Some beetles that fall over on their hard backs have trouble standing
up. They just lie helplessly on their backs waving their legs. One
exception is the click beetle, which can jump into the air and land
right side up. It makes a clicking sound during its jump.
Source : Microsoft Encarta
Pada contoh diatas, terdapat bagian- bagian dalam report text yang
menunjukkan bagian general classiffication, maupun description. Pada
paragraf pertama, adalah bagian general classification, yang mendeskripsikan
tentang beetles secara umum, diikuti oleh paragraf- paragraf setelahnya yang
menjelaskan bagian deskripsi dari beetles tersebut.
Baik, setelah mencermati teori dan contoh tentang report text, selanjutnya
adalah latihan soal. Pada report text, pertanyaan yang muncul secara umum
adalah tentang tujuan teks, topik teks, pertanyaan infformasi tersurat dan
tersirat. Untuk lebih memahami, beberapa soal latihan online dibawah
ini bisa dicoba,
Demikian Latihan Soal Online Teks Report (Report Text) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/ MTs Semester 2 . Semoga membantu sahabat Ahzaa semuanya yang sedang melaksanakan PJJ (pembelajaran jarak jauh) dirumah.
Halo sahabat Ahzaa, pada post kali ini saya akan mempublish latihan soal PAS (Penilaian Akhir Semester) Ganjil kelas 9 SMP/ MTs tahun 2020/ 2021. Soal latihan ini merupakan rangkaian dari soal latihan PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/ MTs yang sudah dipublish beberapa saat yang lalu.
Adapun materi susunan soal mencakup materi kelas 9 bahasa Inggris semester ganjil yaitu expression of hope and wish, expression of congratulation, expression of agreement, expression of purpose, label text, procedure text, present continuous tense past continuous tense, dan present perfect tense.
1. Andy : Hi Liz, Do you have any plans on Sunday?
Liza : Hi , Andy. I think I'm free on Sunday.
Andy : How about going to Marina Beach?
Liza : That's a good idea. ...
A. I hope it won't rain that day
B. I wish you good luck
C. I hope you can finish your homework on time
D. I hope you have a good time
2. Chika : PSBB program is applied to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
Geri : ...
A. Good luck
B. I hope it is very effective to reduce it
C. I do hope that everything will be fine
D. I hope not
3. X : I get a notification informing that I have an interview next Monday.
Y : ...
A. I hope so
B. Good luck. I hope you get the job you've been dreaming of
C. Let's hope so
D. I don't hope you will be successful in your interview
4. A : Do you think Covid-19 will end soon?
B : ...
A. Let's hope not
B. I hope not
C. I hope they will do so to reduce the spread of Covid-19
D. Hopefully it will end soon but it depends on our actions to reduce it
5. X: Congratulations. You won the School Badminton competition for this year!
Y : …
A.My happiness
B.I don’t think so
C.Yes, I do
D.Thank you
6. A: I heard you got the scholarships to study at university.
B: Yes, you are right. I worked hard for it.
A: I believe in you. Congratulations
B: ….
A.Not at all
B.You’re welcome
C.Thank you
D.No big deal
7. Student 1 : Teachers should give many tasks to students in learning from home program.
Student 2 : ____ because it will fulfill our time by doing many tasks than wasting time to play game.
A. I don't have any idea
B. It's up to the teachers
C. I am on your side
D. I don't agree at all
8. X : The government will give students free internet data for distance learning next month.
Y : Oh, that sounds good. ____ as it will lighten the burden of parents in buying internet data for their children's learning.
A. I absolutely disagree
B. I strongly agree
C. It's hard to do
D. Let's wait and see
9. Teacher : The regulation will ask student who breaks the law to leave out of school. What do you think?
Student : Sorry, sir. ____ It doesn't give good solution for students' future.
Teacher : Good! Any other idea?
A. I strongly agree
B. I think it's a good idea
C. I don't agree
D. We support the regulation
Look at the picture to answer number 10 to 14
source : https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/
10. What is the text about?
A. describing the ingredients of the product
B. giving guide to consume the product
C. informing the details of the product
D. explaining the uses of the product
11. The medicine is intended for relieving ....
A. major pains
B. minor pains
C. permanent headache
D. permanent minor pain
12. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. If you suffer from Asthma, you are suggested to use this medicine
B. It is suggested to take this Aspirin for a long period
C. It is important to ask a doctor before taking this medicine if you have a history of stomach problems
D. Children and teenagers who are recovering from chicken pox or flu-like symptoms can consume this product
13. How many tablets are there in the package?
A. 25
B. 50
C. 75
D. 100
14. "...consult a doctor because these symptoms could be an early sign ..."
The underlined word has similar meaning to ....
A. syndromes
B. indications
C. targets
D. habits
Text for number 15 -16
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Andika Sautama
It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.
Congratulations on your new home
May your new place give you ….
Warmth, happiness and lots of joy!
Your sincerely
Mr. and Mrs. Irfan Hakim
15. We know from the text that Mr. and Mrs. Andika Sautama have just … a new house
D.moved into
16.Why does the writer write the card?
A.To congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Andika Sautama for their moving into a new house
B.To give warmth and happiness for Mr. and Mrs. Andika’s house
C.To ask Mr and Mrs. Andika Sautama to come to their house
D.To help Mr. and Mrs. Andika Sautama build a new house
Text for number 17 - 19
17. Why does the writer write the text?
A.To inform about a birthday party
B.To invite someone to the birthday party
C.To amuse the readers about the birthday party
D.To give information about the birthday party
18. When will the party be held?
A. In the evening
B. In the morning
C. In the afternoon
D. At midnight
19. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the text?
A. Vita Maharani was born in 2006
B. The party will be held in the afternoon
C. The invitees should inform Endah about their coming
D. Vita Maharani will be 17 years old in 2022
Text for number 20 -22
1.Remove the back cover, using a small screwdriver to loosen the screw
2.Remove batteries and replace with two new AAA batteries. use the + and - signs to position correctly. dispose of used batteries properly.
3.Replace the cover and tighten the screw with the screwdriver
4.Reset the time using the side buttons
The GMX 200 is guaranteed to keep time accurately for one full year from date of purchase. should it malfunction in any way during this time period, your money will be refunded in full.
20. What are these the instructions for?
A. Changing the batteries
B. Replacing cover
C. Repairing batteries
D. Getting a refund
21. It can be referred from the text that ….
A. the GMX 200 is a disposal garbage
B. used batteries can be replaced in the product
C. the users will get full refund if there is malfunction during the guarantee period
D. there are two kinds of batteries to replace the old batteries
22. “Dispose of used batteries properly”
The underlined word has similar meaning with ….
A. discard
B. extricate
C. retrieve
D. liberate
23. I met sandy when we were at elementary school. We ... each other for over fifteen years.
A. know
B. knew
C. have known
D. will know
24. 'Excuse me, but ... in my place.' ' Oh, I'm sorry.'
A. you sit
B. you sat
C. you are sitting
D. you were sitting
25. Ann ... along the road when she met Evan.
A. walks
B. has walked
C. is walking
D. was walking
Oya, bagi teman- teman yang ingin mendownload soal diatas, bisa melalui tautan link berikut ini yaa...
Dalam kehidupan sehari- hari, kita sering menyatakan wish dan hope. Keduanya memiliki arti yang hampir sama akan tetapi digunakan dalam situasi yang berbeda. Secara arti, hope diartikan sebagai sesuatu yang diinginkan terjadi di masa akan datang (something good that you want to happen in the future) atau menginginkan sesuatu agar menjadi kenyataan (to want something to be true). Sedangkan untuk wish, bisa merujuk pada harapan agar seseorang mendapatkan sesuatu yang baik misalnya saja kesuksesan dan kebahagiaan ( to hope for somebody's success or happiness)
Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai penggunaan wish dan hope, berikut pembahasannya.
1. Wish sering digunakan dalam situasi yang tidak nyata atau bersifat imajinatif.
Contoh :
I wish (that) I studied algebra ( I don't study algebra)
I wish (that) I had met you ( I didn't meet you but I want to meet you)
Dari kedua contoh diatas, bisa kita simpulkan bahwa bentuk ini memiliki form :
wish + clause in past tense
2. Wish kadang- kadang digunakan sebbagai ungkapan greeting (ungkapan selamat) dan harapan yang baik.
Contoh :
I wish you a "lucky day"
I wish him "happy birthday"
I wish you "good luck"
Bentuk ini memiliki form :
wish + direct object + indirect object
3. Wish untuk menyatakan penyesalan (regret) tentang kejadian lampau yang tidak pernah terjadi.
Contoh :
I wish you had finished the work. ( you did not do the work)
I wish I could have helped you ( I regret losing the opportunity to help you)
Form untuk bentuk ini adalah
wish + could/ would have + past participle
4. Wish untuk sesuatu yang mungkin bisa terjadi di masa akan datang
Contoh :
I wish to get higher salary ( Saya berharap untuk mendapatkan gaji yang lebih tinggi)
I wish to come to your wedding party ( Saya berharap untuk bisa datang ke pesta pernikahanmu)
Fomr untuk bentuk ini adalah
wish + to infinitive
1. Hope untuk menyatakan harapan yang baik (goodwill) akan tetapi dengan bentuk form yang berbeda dari wish yaitu hope + that clause
Contoh :
I hope (that) you have an unforgettable moment.
I hope (that) you have a good time
2. Hope untuk menyatakan sebuah kemungkinan tentang hasil yang diinginkan
Contoh :
I hope you can come to the party tomorrow.
I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow
Nah, itulah sekilas tentang penggunaan wish dan hope. Inilah saatnya ke soal latihan untuk lebih memperdalam pemahaman tentang materi ini.
Langsung saja, berikut soal latihannya. semoga bermanfaat ya...
Latihan Soal Wish dan Hope bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP
1. Andy : What if we go together to Maerokoco on Sunday?
Liza : That's a good idea. ...
A. I hope it won't rain that day
B. I wish you good luck
C. I hope you can finish your homework on time
D. I hope you have a good time
2. Ricky : Do you think our
project will be successful?
Andin: ...
A. Good luck
B. I hope so
C. I do hope that everything will be fine
D. I hope not
3. Linda : I get an e-mail informing that I have an interview next
Indah : ...
A. I hope so
B. Good luck. I hope you get the job you've been dreaming of
C. Let's hope so
D. I don't hope you will be successful in your interview
4. Evan : Do you think
Covid-19 will end soon?
Dimas: ...
A. Let's hope not
B. I hope not
C. I hope they will do so to reduce the spread of Covid-19
D. Hopefully it will end soon but it depends on actions from the scientists, the government andthe society.
5. Dinda: I won the school
debate competition, Icha.
Icha : That's
very great, Dinda. Congratulation on your achievement. ...
Dinda: Thank you
Icha, I hope so.
A. I hope you will be successful in the next level competition
B. I do not hope you reach your achievement
C. I hope you won't do so
D. Let's hope not
6. Alfa: You look so sad, Ris.
what's wrong?
Risa: My mother is
sick and she is still hospitalized in the hospital for several days.
Alfa: ...
A. I wish good fortune always be with you
B. I hope you have an enjoyable moment with your mother
C. I hope she will get better soon in a day or two
D. Good luck, Risa.
7. Adi: Do you think that we
can erase poverty in Indonesia?
Adam: Yes, ....
A. I hope not. I doubt about that
B. I hope they won't do so
C. Let's hope not.
D. hopefully, we can reduce it in the slum areas
8. Erlin: I heard that you are
getting a job interview. ...
Reza: Thank you and
the same to you.
A. Have some fun
B. Have a good time
C. I wish you a success
D. enjoy yourself
9. Risma: Happy Birtday Rama,
Rama: Thanks
A. I wish all your dreams come true
B. I wish you Happy Birthday
C. I wish to come to your party
D. I wish I could have met you
10. Father : I am really proud of you, Dzaky. You deserve your success. You
must be full of joy and happiness in your graduation day. ....
Dzaky : Thanks
for your motivation, dad. I love you so much.
A. Wish me luck
B. I wish that you set your goals high and don't stop until you reach
C. I wish to come to your graduation party
D. Wishing you a happy day
11. Endra: Congratulation, Egi. This
day is your special day for your wedding. ....
Egi: Thank you
very much.
A. I wish you a lovely and happiest wedding
B. I wish you a success
C. I wish you get a speed recovery
D. wishing you find your own star
12. Siska: Congratulation, Rika. You
are getting the first prize in the student badminton Tournament. I am very
proud of your achievement. ....
Rika: Thank you
and the same to you, Siska.
A. Have a good time
B. Best of luck
C. I don't think you can be successful to be professional badminton player
D. I hope you achieve your dream to be professional badminton player.
13. Gilang: The Gigi 25th
anniversary concert was so amazing last night. I think this is the best
concert I've ever seen. Why didn't you watch it, Draka?
Draka: .... but
my father didn't allow me to watch it.
A. I wish I were at the concert.
B. wish me luck, Gilang
C. I wish to come to the concert
D. I wish you a happy day
14. Farmer 1 : We are hoping to have an abundant harvest this season.
Farmer 2 : ....
A. I hope not
B. Let's hope not
C. I hope they will do so
D. I hope so
15. Nadya : Warmest congratulations
on the birth of your sweet baby girl, Nina. ....
Nina: Thank you
A. I hope you’ll get better soon in a day or two
B. May you be happy and successful in your new life
Present Perfect Tense merupakan sebuah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan suatu peristiwa/ perbuatan yang telah selesai terjadi atau
dilakukan pada masa lampau dengan waktu yang tidak tertentu dan
masih ada hubungannya dengan waktu sekarang.
Present Perfect Tense memiliki rumus sebagai berikut,
Positive : Subject + have/ has + VIII
Negative :Subject + have/ has + not + VIII
Interrogative : Have/ Has + Subject + VIII
** have : I, you, they we
has : he, she, it
Contoh :
Cindy has prepared her wedding party for five months. (Cindy
sudah mempersiapkan pesta pernikahannya selama lima bulan --- saat ini masih
I have lost my keys. (Saya kehilangan kunci saya --- sampai saat
inipun saya belu menemukannya)
They have done the homework. (Mereka sudah mengerjakan PR --- saat
ini PR nya sudah dikerjakan)
b. For and Since
Kalimat dalam Present Perfect Tense sering menggunakan kata For atau Since,
dalam menunjukkan keterangan waktunya.
For (selama) , menunjukkan arti lamanya jangka waktu hingga
kini, karenanya, For selalu diikuti oleh sejumlah jangka waktu tertentu.
for a week
for three months
for six days
for a long time, dst.
Since (sejak), menunjukkan arti suatu saat tertentu pada waktu
lampau hingga sekarang.
since August
since the last five years
since 1998
Contoh kalimat,
I haven't seen you since Saturday.
She hasn't seen me for a week
I have lived in Semarang since 2001.
They have built the monument since January.
c. Penanda adverb
Dalam Present Perfect sering digunakan adverb berikut ini,
so far
until now
up to the present
just (now)
Contoh Kalimat,
She has just gone away
The students have finished five chapters so far.
Up to now, the writer hasn't continued the last chapter of his story.
Joko has almost finished his project.
Selain penanda adverb diatas, Present Perfect juga sering menggunakan
keterangan berikut ini,
recently = baru- baru ini
lately = akhir- akhir ini
not ... yet = belum
Contoh :
He hasn't finished the work yet.
We have recently watched "Tilik" at YouTube.
What has your manager done lately?
Juga, penggunaan Present Perfect sering menggunakan keterangan waktu sebagai
this -- this week, this morning, this month, this Saturday,
Contoh :
They have gone shopping this week.
She has met her lecturer this morning.
Baik, untuk lebih mendalami pembahasan diatas, latihan soal berikut ini bisa
membantu, jangan lupa tuliskan skor pencapaiannya di kolom komentar ya...dan
Semoga bermanfaat.
Dalam ungkapan sehari- hari, kadang -kadang kita menyatakan keberadaan dari sesuatu apakah orang atau benda. Untuk menyatakan sesuatu keberadaan sesuatu (ada dan tidak ada) dalam bahasa Inggris adalah dengan menggunakan expletive there. There diikuti oleh bentuk be (is/ are, was, were) plus kata benda yang mewakili an indefinite person ( orang yang tidak tentu) atau sesuatu (things). There biasanya diletakkan sebelum verb be dan kata bendanya diletakkan setelah be.
** Bentuk be tergantung pada benda yang mengikutinya apakah singular atau plural.
Contoh :
There is someone in front of the door. (Ada orang di depan pintu) --- bentuk singular
There is a teacher in the class. ( Ada seorang guru di dalam kelas) --- bentuk singular
There are students in the class. ( Ada siswa- siswa di dalam kelas) --- bentuk plural
There is something wrong. ( Ada sesuatu yang tidak beres) --- bentuk singular
Untuk kalimat negatf, tambahkan not setelah bentuk "be" nya, sedangkan untuk kalimat tanya, Be diletakkan pada awal kalimat.
There is ... (There's) There is not ... (There isn't) Is there ...?
There are ... There are not ... (There aren't ...) Are there ...?
Contoh :
The class is very quiet. There are not many students there.
There is not a super mall in this city.
Is there a bank near here?
Tips : Perhatikan bentuk "be" yang digunakan pada benda yang bersifat uncountable (tidak dapat dihitung) seperti sand, oil, sugar, salt, dll. Pada benda- benda tersebut, bentuk be nya adalah selalu singular.
Baik, kita berlanjut ke latihan soal yaa.. Jangan lupa tuliskan skor pencapaian pada kolom komentar dan bagikan bila bermanfaat..
Tenses dalam bahasa Inggris disebut juga bentuk waktu. Setiap tenses mempunyai
aturan dan pemakaian masing- masing. Penggunaan bentuk tenses sesuai dengan
kalimat akan menunjukkan bentuk waktu dari kalimat tersebut.
Nah, Pada pembahasan berikut ini, saya akan membahas mengenai penggunaan salah
satu Tenses yaitu bentuk Present Continuous Tense. Present Continuous Tensemempunyai bentuk/ pattern sebagai berikut;
AdapunPenggunaan Present Continuous Tense adalah sebagai berikut;
Untuk meyatakan peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada saat ini (
Contoh :
I am not wearing uniform at the moment.
They are studying English now.
It is raining now.
He is listening to the radio at the moment.
Untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang sudah direncanakan akan dilakukan pada masa
mendatang ( keterangan waktu harus disebutkan).
Contoh :
She is leaving Jakarta tomorrow.
Mr. Ryan is going to Bali next week.
The plane is arriving tonight.
Bentuk ini memiliki makna kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan pada asa mendatang
dengan penanda waktu akan datang seperti tomorrow, next week tobight, dan
Penanda waktu yang digunakan dalam Present Continuous Tense
Tomorrow : besok
Tonight; malam ini
Today; hari ini
At present ; pada saat ini
Now; sekarang
This evening ; sore ini
This afternoon ; siang ini
At this moment ; sekarang ini
Dan sebagainya.
Beberapa kata kerja yang tidak digunakan dalam Present Continuous Tense yaitu
See, hear, smell, notice
Want, desire, forgive, hate
Think, know, understand, remember, believe, forget, mind
Own, owe, belong, possess
Aturan untuk merubah bentuk verb 1 menjadi bentuk v ing
Dalam present continuous, kita memerlukan kata kerja bentuk verb-ing.
maka dari itu untuk membentuknya, ada beberapa aturan yang berlaku antara lain
Verb yang berakhir dengan single e langsung ditambah dengan ing
Contoh :
to hate … hating
to love … loving
Verb yang berakhir dengan ee, langsung ditambah ing
Contoh :
To see … seeing
To agree … agreeing
Verb yang mempunyai satu suku kata dengan berakhir pada single
consonan, maka konsonan di dobelkan dan ditambah ing
Contoh :
To hit … hitting
To stop … stopping
Verb lebih dari satu suku kata, akhir suku kata hanya ada satu vokal dan
berakhir dengan satu konsonan, maka konsonan di dobelkan
Contoh :
To begin … beginning
To prefer … preferring
Verb yang berakhir dengan L dan sebelum L satu huruf vokal, maka L di
Contoh :
To travel … travelling
To signal … signalling
Berikut ini adalah contoh lain kalimat dengan bentuk kalimat Present
Continuous Tense.
He is sleeping now.
I need an umbrella because it is raining.
Rudy and Ann are talking on the phone.
Jim is reading about this grammar.
Look! It is snowing.
Right now I am looking at the classroom and Linda is writing in her
Who is the woman who is standing next to the window?
Are you talking about the woman who is wearing the blue and gold
We are watching television at the moment.
I am using a pencil now.
We are waiting for John.
She is moving the chair now.
I am writing now.
We are practicing English at this time.
The teacher is explaining the lesson.
Mary is telephoning Anna.
Meldi is eating sandwich.
Dayu is working in the bank
John is visiting Mr. Miller tonight.
Burhan is going to Lombok next month
Baik, saatnya ke soal latihan yaa.. Penjelasan materi yang sangat singkat diatas akan saya lengkapi dengan latihan soal dibawah ini, jangan lupa tuliskan skor pencapaian pada kolom komentar dan bagikan bila bermanfaat..Selamat berlatih ...