Ahzaa.Net: Bahasa Inggris
Hadapi Ujian Sekolah (US) Kelas 9 SMP/ MTS? Yuk Latih Kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu Disini!

Hadapi Ujian Sekolah (US) Kelas 9 SMP/ MTS? Yuk Latih Kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu Disini!

Halo sahabat AhzaaNet, selamat berjumpa kembali di blog pembelajaran kami. Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan menyajikan latihan soal untuk persiapan teman- teman kelas 9 SMP yang akan menghadapi ujian sekolah di jenjang SMP. 

Bahasa Inggris

Adapun mapel yang akan dibahas adalah Bahasa Inggris. Latihan soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP Tahun 2025 terdiri atas 40 soal yang mencakup materi- materi seperti teks reading yaitu descriptive text, report text, procedure text, recount text, maupun teks - teks fungsional pendek lainnya. 

Terdapat 40 soal pilihan ganda, lengkap dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan setiap soal. Untuk memudahkan dalam belajar teman- teman, kunci soal dan pembahasan dibuat secara interaktif dalam spoiler. 

Baik, langsung saja yaa... berikut latihan soalnya, 

Latihan Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris SMP Tahun 2025 - 2026

The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

Hi Reza,

We proud of your accomplishment. You have done the math competition with flying color. Your achievement will unlock the next step of your study.
Congrats my boy!

Dad and Mom

1. Reza's parents write the text to ....
A. want to see their son's success
B. appreciate their son's achievement 
C. express their happiness at their son's competition day 
D. convey how they love their son 

Fungsi dari bacaan tersebut adalah untuk mengungkapkan apresiasi terhadap sebuah pencapaian.

2. What is the meaning of the sentence "Your achievement will unlock the next step of your study"? 
A. Reza will be easier to continue his study in next grade. 
B. Reza's parents will give the successful key for his future
C. Reza's parents hope that he will continue his study abroad 
D. Reza wants to continue his school in a good reputation school 

Makna dari kalimat tersebut adalah bahwa prestasi yang diraih Reza akan memudahkan untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang berikutnya 

3. "You You have done the math competition with flying color". The phrase "flying color" means ....
A. wonderful color 
B. colorful flies 
C. outstanding result 
D. remarkable success

Arti dari flying color adalah hasil yang memuaskan 

The following text is for questions number 4 and 5 

Dear Marketing Team,

This is soft reminder. We need to meet tomorrow at 10 am in the office to discuss our annual program for 2025. Please be on time.

Warm regards,
Marketing and Partnership Manager

4. The topic of the text is ....
A. requiring the team to have a meeting
B. explaining the agenda of a meeting
C. giving detail of a meeting
D. asking the team to be on time

Topik dari teks adalah untuk meminta tim melakukan agenda meeting. 

5. If the team members come late, ....
A. the meeting will be postponed 
B. the manager will be disappointed 
C. the manager will postpone the meeting 
D. the meeting will be cancelled 

Jika para anggota datang terlambat, maka kemungkinan manajer akan menunda pertemuan 

The following text is for questions 6 to 8.


Our school will have some competitions that will be held from 18th to 20th of April 2025 to commemorate Kartini Day. There are English Speech Contest, Murotal Competition, and Mural Competition.

Registration will be held on 9th to 11th of April at OSIS room. The technical support meeting will be on April 16th at classrooms.

Free registration and full of prize!

Contact your class chairperson to have the details.

6. The writer's purpose to write the text is ....
A. To invite students to take part in the competitions
B. To tell the students how to participate in the Murotal Competition
C. To announce the competitions to celebrate the Kartini Day
D. To explain the dates of registration and technical support meeting

Tujuan penulis menulis teks adalah mengumumkan kegiatan dalam rangka peringatan Hari Kartini 

7. Why do students need to communicate with the class chairperson?
A. To have further information about the programs announced
B. To register themselves to join one of the competitions held by OSIS
C. To prepare either the team or the person taking part in the competitions
D. To choose class representatives who will participate in the programs  

Pada kalimat terakhir bacaan dijelaskan bahwa informasi yang lebih jelas tentang program dapat ditanyakan pada ketua kelas 

8. “Contact your class chairperson to have the details.”
The word "contact" has the closest meaning to ....

A. associate with
B. deal with
C. bring up
D. talk to

Secara konteks, kata "contact" memiliki arti yang sama dengan "talk to". 

The following text is for questions 9 to 11.
soal nomor 9

9. The text is addressed to ....
A. The guesses of a hotel
B. The employees of a food company
C. The customers of a restaurant
D. The visitors of a warehouse

Teks tersebut ditujukan kepada para pegawai perusahaan makanan. 

10. We may probably find the text in ....
A. a warehouse 
B. a laboratory 
C. a cruise ship 
D. a laboratory 

Kemungkinan terbesar ditemukannya bacaan tersebut adalah Jawaban C (Kapal Pesiar) terutama di bagian dapur dan/atau gudang makanannya

The following text is for questions 11 to 13.

Dear Fira,

I beg your apology to delay the meeting as my flight is cancelled. I will tell you the time available to rearrange it as soon as I land on Ahmad Yani. 


11. What will Fira and Lora do next?
A. They will keep in touch by sending message to each other.
B. They will match their schedule each other to meet.
C. They will meet at Ahmad Yani Airport.
D. They will complain to the airline.

Dikarenakan kendala pada penerbangan, maka pertemuan akan dijadwalkan ulang setelah Lora mendarat di bandara Ahmad Yani 

12. “I will tell you the time available to rearrange it …”
The word "it" refers to …
A. the flight
B. the apology
C. the meeting
D. the time available

Kata ganti "it" merujuk pada pertemuan 

13. The writer’s intention delivering the message is ....
A. To inform when the writer will be able to meet
B. To ask for forgiveness from the recipient
C. To tell the postponement of a meeting
D. To inform the cancellation of a flight

Jawaban dijelaskan pada kalimat pertama 

The following text is for questions 14 to 16.





Travel Highlights
Visit a native Maori village and observe their unique traditional dances and customs
Stay at peaceful sheep farms and dairy farms
Ski on Mount Cook, the highest peak in New Zealand
Asian meals provided
Five-star accommodation

All flights on Air New Zealand
Departing 10 Dec, 16 Dec, and 22 Dec
Prices $2500
(Adults) $1800
(Children under 12)


14. To whom is the advertisement addressed?
A. People who live in New Zealand
B. Families who want to spend holiday in Australia
C. Those who like travelling abroad
D. People who wish to have vacation in New Zealand

Iklan tersebut ditujukan kepada mereka yang ingin menghabiskan masa liburan di New Zealand

15. Based on the advertisements above, during the trip the travelers will enjoy some activities such as ....
A. Having Asian meals, skiing on Mount Cook, and milking in peaceful dairy farms
B. Skiing on Mount Cook, visiting a Maori village, and studying Maori customs
C. Observing a native Maori village, learning Maori traditional dances, and skiing on Mount Cook
D. Visiting a native Maori village, observing Maori dances and customs, and skiing on Mount Cook

Jawaban sudah jelas dalam teks 

16. The word "meals" in the sentence " Asian meals provided" has the closest meaning to ....
A. repasts
B. beverages
C. baguettes
D. cocktails

Persamaan kata “meals” adalah “repast” (makanan)

The following text is for questions 17 to 20.

Bedugul is a mountain lake resort area in Bali, Indonesia, located in the centre-north region of the island near Lake Bratan on the road between Denpasar and Singaraja. The area covers the villages of Bedugul itself, Candikuning, Pancasari, Pacung and Wanagiri amongst others.

Bedugul is located in the Tabanan Regency, at 48 kilometres (30 mi) north of the city of Denpasar or 20 kilometres (12 mi) south from Singaraja city. In the area there is three crater lakes Lake Bratan, Lake Buyan, and Lake Tamblingan.

Bedugul area enjoys a mild mountain weather due to its location at an altitude of about 1,500 metres (4,900 ft) above sea level.

Major sites in Bedugul are the Pura Ulun Danu Bratan water temple and the Bali Botanic Garden. The Botanic Garden, opened in 1959. With a total area of 157.5 hectares (389 acres), it is the largest botanic garden in Indonesia

17.The text tells us about ....
A. Pura Ulun Danu Bratan
B. A mountain lake resort
C. Tabanan Regency
D. Bedugul, Bali

Ide pokok dari bacaan tersebut adalah Bedugul, Bali.

18. What might a travel blogger do after reading the text?
A. Plan to visit Bedugul to take pictures and to write a review
B. Start to write about the beauty of Bedugul resort
C. Book a ticket to Bedugul and a hotel room
D. Read more about the Bedugul

Jawaban A adalah jawaban yang paling memungkinkan dilakukan oleh seorang travel blogger.

19. “The area covers the villages of …”
"The area" in the sentence refers to …
A. Bedugul
B. Lake Bratan
C. Denpasar
D. Singaraja

Kata “The area” merujuk pada “Bedugul”

20. … it is situated on 1,500 metres above sea level, Bedugul area enjoys a mild mountain weather.
A. Since
B. Because of
C. Although
D. Nevertheless 

Jawaban yang tepat adalah jawaban A (since: karena)
Because/As/Since/For + Clause

The following text is for questions 21 to 24

Last month, my family and I visited my grandmother’s house in Yogyakarta. It was my first time traveling to this city. We went there two days after my sister’s graduation ceremony in Semarang. We arrived in Yogyakarta at night and stayed at my grandmother’s house, which is only a five-minute walk from Malioboro Street.

On the first morning, we were still exhausted from the long journey from Semarang to Yogyakarta. So, we decided to stay at home and rest to regain our energy. I took a walk around the neighborhood with my sister to experience the atmosphere of Yogyakarta.

On the second day, we all went to Malioboro Street, where we saw many vendors selling various products, claiming them to be traditional Yogyakarta items. I purchased a wooden figurine and a T-shirt with "Yogyakarta" printed on it, while my sister bought a leather handbag. Meanwhile, my parents were busy selecting souvenirs to bring home.

On the third day, we visited Taman Sari and Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat to explore some of Yogyakarta’s historical sites. We took many pictures, including photos of the buildings, so we could look at them again later. Around the area, we found several places offering traditional Yogyakarta food, so we eagerly stopped by to try some.

For the last two days in Yogyakarta, we spent our time visiting shopping malls, including Jogja City Mall, Malioboro Mall, Hartono Mall, and Ambarrukmo Plaza. We realized that Yogyakarta was quite hot during the day, which is why we preferred spending more time in air-conditioned places like these.

21. The writer and his family preferred spending their time in malls because …
A. they wanted to buy some souvenirs during their visit in Yogyakarta
B. they wanted to have some traditional food in the food court of each mall
C. they wanted to took some pictures while shopping in the malls they visited
D. they wanted to cool off in the hot days when they spent their holiday

Dijelaskan dalam paragraph terakhir.

22. The writer and his family enjoyed Yogyakarta traditional food when they were …
A. at Malioboro Street
B. in their grandmother’s house
C. in some place close to Taman Sari
D. in the food court of Ambarukmo Plaza

Dijelaskan dalam paragraph keempat

23. From the text, we can conclude that …
A. the writer and his family spent five days in Yogyakarta during their vacation
B. the writer and his family always spend their time in shopping malls
C. the writer and his family are keen of traveling abroad to spend their holiday
D. the writer and his family visited Yogyakarta to have some traditional foods there

Dari keseluruhan bacaan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis dan keluarganya tinggal selama lima hari di Yogyakarta

24. “So, we decided to stay at home to recharge our energy.”
The underlined word refers to …
A. the writer’s house in Semarang
B. the writer’s house in Yogyakarta
C. the place where the writer stayed in
D. the place where the writer spent his time

Kata “home” dalam kalimat tersebut merujuk pada “my grandmother’s house” (the place where the writer stayed in)

The following text is for questions 25 to 28

Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures and are friendly toward humans. These aquatic mammals captivate us in various ways. They live in groups and are known to assist humans in different situations, including rescue operations and fishing.

There are 36 identified species of dolphins. Among them, 32 species are well-known sea dolphins, while the remaining 4 are river dolphins. Learning about different dolphin species is both fascinating and insightful.

Dolphins are also very entertaining. They have the ability to leap out of the water, with some capable of jumping as high as 30 feet. Their bodies are grayish-blue, and their skin is highly sensitive to human touch and other objects.

Despite having around 100 teeth, dolphins do not use them for chewing. Instead, they use their teeth to catch fish, which they then swallow whole. They can consume up to 15 kg of fish daily. When hunting, dolphins always work together in groups.

25. What is mainly discussed in the text?
A. A general description of dolphins
B. A description of dolphin in specific
C. An explanation of dolphins’ habitat
D. An explanation of dolphins’ diet

Ide pokok dari bacaan adalah gambaran umum mengenai lumba-lumba.

26. The last paragraph talks about …
A. The physical look of dolphins
B. The diet of dolphins
C. The way dolphins use their teeth
D. How dolphins eat fish

Paragraf terakhir menjelaskan makanan lumba-lumba

27. The dolphins’ teeth … to get fish, not to chew the fish.
A. are used
B. used
C. use
D. are using

Kalimat soal akan menjadi benar secara gramatika dengan melengkapinya menggunakan pola passive voice.

28. From the text, we know that …
A. there are 100 teeth of dolphins that are used in digesting their prey
B. dolphins are able to entertain human by jumping out of water
C. there are two kinds of dolphins, which are living in the sea and fresh water
D. dolphins prefer living solitarily to living an a group

Jawaban C tersirat dalam paragraph kedua

The following text is for questions 29 to 32

Albert Einstein, regarded as the greatest scientist of the 20th century, was born into a Jewish family in Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. His parents were Hermann Einstein and Paulina Koch. During his childhood, Einstein was not very social and was even considered a slow learner. However, despite this perception, he had a deep interest in mathematics and physics. At the age of five, he attended a Catholic elementary school for three years before continuing his education at Luitpold Gymnasium for junior and senior secondary levels at the age of eight. Later, at 21, he pursued higher education at ETH (Technische Eidgenoessische Hochschule).

In 1905, Einstein earned his doctorate from the University of Zurich after completing his dissertation titled Eine Neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimension. Four years later, in 1909, he was awarded the title of professor. He developed the theory of relativity, which later inspired many scientists. From his research, he introduced the famous equation E = MC², which became widely recognized worldwide. In 1921, he was honored with the Nobel Prize for his scientific contributions.

In 1933, Einstein and his family emigrated to the United States due to the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany. He worked at Princeton University and became an official U.S. citizen in 1940. However, he was deeply saddened when his discoveries were used to create the atomic bombs that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Albert Einstein passed away on April 18, 1955, at the age of 76 at Princeton Hospital, leaving behind a remarkable legacy that significantly contributed to the advancement of science.

29. What is the writer’s intention to write the passage?
A. To give information about Albert Einstein family
B. To describe the life of Albert Einstein in brief
C. To tell why Albert Einstein move to America
D. To explain the education of Albert Einstein

Bacaan tersebut dimaksudkan untuk memberikan gambaran singkat tentang kehidupan Albert Einstein

30. Where did Albert Einstein spend his childhood?
A. In German
B. In America
C. In his house
D. In Luitpold Gymnasium

Secara tersirat dimuat dalam paragraph pertama

31. Since 1933, Einstein and his family lived … America because of Nazi in Germany.
A. at
B. to
C. on
D. in 

Preposisi yang tepat untuk menunjukkan lokasi dalam kalimat tersebut adalah “in”

32. “Einstein closed his age on April 18, 1955 at the age of 76 years at Princeton Hospital.”
The underlined phrase is similar to …
A. passed over
B. passed away
C. passed by
D. passed out

Kata “closed his age” secara kontekstual sama dengan “passed away” (meninggal dunia)

The following text is for questions 32 to 35.

The Ambarawa Railway Museum is home to 21 antique locomotives, along with two additional ones stored in the depot. These locomotives are no longer in production, and the factories that once manufactured them no longer exist. The museum's main building is the former Ambarawa railway station, which was constructed in 1873 and spans an area of 127,500 m².

The oldest locomotive in the museum was built by Hartman Chemnitz. Measuring 8.58 meters in length and 2.45 meters in width, this locomotive began operating in 1891. It runs on wood fuel and has a maximum speed of 50 km/h.

One of the highlights of visiting this museum is the opportunity to take a train ride from the Ambarawa Railway Museum to the now-defunct Bedono train station. This experience is known as the Railway Mountain Tour. What makes this journey so unique? Passengers get to ride an antique train that travels along a 4.9-kilometer cog railway— the only one of its kind in the world.

33. What is the social function of the text?
A. To give description locomotives in general
B. To explain the location of Ambarawa Railway Museum
C. To tell how special is to be on board of an antique train
D. To describe Ambarawa Railway Museum 

Fungsi sosial dari bacaan adalah mendeskripsikan secara spesifik sebuah tempat bernama Museum Kereta Api Ambarawa

34. The main building of Ambarawa Railway Museum … Ambarawa Railway Station.
A. is
B. was
C. will be
D. would be

Dijelaskan dalam paragraph pertama kalimat ketiga.

35. What does the second paragraph talk about?
A. An antique locomotive in Ambarawa Railway Museum
B. The oldest locomotive in Ambarawa Railway Museum
C. The only functioning locomotive at Ambarawa Railway Museum
D. The steam locomotives used for special trip offered by Ambarawa Railway Museum

Paragraf dua menjelaskan tentang sebuah lokomotif tertua yang ada di Museum tersebut
The following text is for questions 36 to 38.

The following steps will show you how to operate a Rice Cooker properly.
1. Wash the cooking pot and make sure the inner side is clean.
2. Measure the rice by using the measurement cup and put the rice into the cooking pot. Make sure to give space for the rice, water and the expansion.
3. Rinse the rice so that we can remove the pesticides that may be present.
4. Add some water into the cooking pot, usually we need to see the water is 1 cm above the rice surface.
5. Soak the rice for about 30 minutes in order to make the cooked rice stickier.
6. Put the cooking pot along with the rice and water into the Rice Cooker.
7. Close the Rice Cooker lid and then plug the cable into the electricity socket.
8. Start the Rice Cooker by pressing the Cooking/Timer Button.
9. Wait until the cooking process is over.
10. Open the lid and the rice is ready to be served.

36. What should the user do before use the rice cooker?
A. Rinse the rice
B. Wash the rice cooker
C. Clean the cooking pot
D. Measure the rice properly

Disebutkan secara tersirat dalam langkah pertama

37. To make the rice be stickier when done, it needs to …
A. give enough water
B. rinse the rice thoroughly
C. give enough space to expand
D. soak the rise for 30 minutes

Disebutkan dalam langkah kelima

38. Why does the user need to wash the rice?
A. To have whiter color when done
B. To remove the pesticides
C. To make it cooked well
D. To make it stickier

Disebutkan dalam langkah ketiga

The following text is for questions 39 to 40.
Many thousands of years ago, a man and his wife lived in the Philippines, they were called Angngalo and Angngarab.

One morning, they went to gather some shellfish. Inside one, they found a pearl. It was an unusual yellow colour and very large.

Angngalo gave it to Angngarab. “Oh!” she said, “I can find many more pearls than you!”

Soon they were quarrelling and shouting at each other. They ran along the seashore looking for shellfish. Before, they had a big pile in front of them. They pulled open the shells and looked in them for pearls.

“I’ve got more pearls than you!” shouted Angngalo.

“No, you haven’t!” answered Angngarab. “Anyway, my pearls are bigger than yours!”

Soon, they were fighting. They threw the shells and pearls at each other. (That is why there are so many shells and pearls in the Philippines) They rolled on the ground and stamped their feet.

There was aloud “Boom!” and “Crack!”. The mountains and hills began to split. The water in the rivers and lakes flooded the land.

They still continued fighting. Suddenly, there was a great storm, with thunder lighting. The land broke into several parts. Luzon was in the north, the Visayan Islands were in the middle, and Mindanao in the south.

Because of this, there are now over seven thousand islands in the Philippines.

39. The topic of the text is ....
A. A legend of Philippines archipelago
B. Two friends who never stopped arguing
C. Short description of seven thousand islands
D. A story where pearls come from

Bacaan tersebut bercerita tentang legenda kepulauan Filipina

40. What did Angngalo and Angngarab argue upon?
A. The pile of shell they got
B. The pearl they searched for
C. The amount of pearls they found
D. The place to find pearl 

Dijelaskan dalam paragraph ketiga dan keempat

Demikian Latihan Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris SMP Tahun 2025 - 2026. Semoga soal- soal Bahasa Inggris di atas bermanfaat buat teman- teman yang sedang menghadapi Ujian Sekolah (US) khususnya di jenjang SMP. 

Jangan lupa share bila bermanfaat. Salam. 
Penggunaan "am/is/are" dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris, Penjelasan, Contoh dan Latihan Soal

Penggunaan "am/is/are" dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris, Penjelasan, Contoh dan Latihan Soal

Hai sahabat AhzaaNet, kembali berjumpa di blog pembelajaran kami. Baik, pada kesempatan ini, kita akan belajar salah satu materi Bahasa Inggris yaitu penerapan "am/is/are" dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris. 

Bentuk is/am/are seringkali disebut sebagai bentuk To Be dalam kalimat Simple Present Tense. Penggunaan To Be (is/am/are) diterapkan dalam kalimat nominal yang predikatnya berupa complement (kata benda/ kata sifat/ kata keterangan)


Baik, untuk lebih memahami tentang pokok bahasan bentuk am/is/are dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris, teman- teman dapat memperhatikan gambar berikut ini, 

Source : https://ahzaa.net

Bila diperhatikan, dalam kalimat tersebut, terdapat beberapa kata yang dicetak tebal. Seperti yang sudah disampaikan sebelumnya, bahwa is/am/are diterapkan dalam kalimat nominal yang predikatnya berupa complement (kata benda/ kata sifat/ kata keterangan). Hal tersebut dijelaskan sebagai berikut :

Hi, I am Fio → "am" pada kalimat tersebut menghubungkan antara subjek "I" dengan "Fio" sebagai kata benda

I'm 20 → "am" pada kalimat tersebut menghubungkan antara subjek "I" dengan "20"   sebagai kata benda

I'm Indonesian → "am" pada kalimat tersebut menghubungkan antara subjek "I" dengan "Indonesian" sebagai kata benda

I'm from Semarang → "am" pada kalimat tersebut menghubungkan antara subjek "I" dengan "from" Semarang sebagai kata keterangan

I'm a student → "am" pada kalimat tersebut menghubungkan antara subjek "I" dengan a student sebagai complement (kata benda)

My favourite colour is blue → "is" pada kalimat tersebut menghubungkan antara subjek "My favourite colour" dengan "blue" sebagai kata sifat

Penerapan am/is/are berdasar subjeknya 
Selanjutnya kita pelajari tentang bagaimana penerapan "am/is/are" dalam kalimat berdasarkan subjeknya. 
Berikut penerapan am/is/are untuk kalimat positif,

Subjek To Be
I To Be Short form
he is  he's
she is she's
it is it's
we are we're
you are you'are
they are they're

Sedangkan penerapan am/is/are untuk kalimat negatif adalah sebagai berikut, 
Subjek To Be
I To Be Short form
he is not he isn't
she is not she isn't
it is not it isn't
we are not we aren't
you are not you aren't
they are not they aren't

Contoh Kalimat 
  • It's hot. Can you turn on the air conditioner, please?
  • Linda is ill. She is in bed.
  • I'm 19 years old. My brother is 23.
  • It's eight o'clock. You'are late again. 
  • Fira and I are twins.
  • Your books are on the table. 
  • She is scared of clowns.

Perhatikan juga untuk penerapan bentuk negatif untuk am/is/are pada beberapa kalimat berikut ini,
  • I'm not hungry but I'm thirsty. 
  • Rudi is interested in art. he is not interested in politics.
  • Fira isn't a student. She is a lecturer. 
  • It's rainy today, but it isn't cold. 

Oya teman- teman, perhatikan juga penerapan am/is/are untuk bentuk lainnya seperti that, there, here dalam sebuah kalimat. 

  • Thank you. That's very kind of you 
  • Look! There's Anna
  • 'Here's your pen.' 'Thank you.'

Untuk bentuk "here", maka disesuaikan dengan jumlah benda yang mengikutinya. Dalam kalimat Here's your pen, jumlah pen adalah tunggal, sehingga memakai bentuk "is". Namun jika dalam kalimat seperti berikut, "Here are your keys", maka bentuk To Be yang digunakan adalah "are" karena benda yang mengikuti jumlahnya jamak. 

Latihan Soal "am/is/are" dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

1. The weather ... cold today, so you have to wear jacket

2. This car ... expensive, you can't afford to buy it.

3. Don't lift these bags directly because these ... heavy

4. Look! there ... your mother.

5. My friend and I ... good badminton players.

6. The students ____ at class.

7. "Laskar Pelangi" ... a good novel.

8. The weather is nice today. It ... warm and sunny.

9. I ... a lawyer. My sister is a teacher.

10. I ... interested in Math.

11. Linda likes paintin. Her favourite colour ... green.

12. Indonesia ... a very big country.

13. Those students ... late. They come early.
were not
are not
is not

14. My mother isn't at home. She ... at work.
is not

15. Here ... your books. Thank you for borrowing me.
is not

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Correct answers:

Demikian pembahasan penggunaan "am/is/are" dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Semoga pembahasan di atas bermanfaat untuk semuanya.


Future Indefinite Tense : Pengertian, Rumus, Penggunaan, dan Contohnya

Future Indefinite Tense : Pengertian, Rumus, Penggunaan, dan Contohnya

Future Indefinite Tense seringkali disebut sebagai Future Tense. Future Tense biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang dilangsungkan di masa akan datang. Namun selain itu, Future Tense juga difungsikan untuk menyatakan bentuk lainnya seperti conditional sentence maupun untuk menyatakan permintaan. 

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Lebih jelasnya tentang bentuk Future Tense, berikut pembahasannya, 

Rumus Future Tense
Future Indefinite Tense/ Future Tense memiliki rumus sebagai berikut :

Subyek + will/ shall + verb I 
Subyek + to be (is,am,are) going to + Verb I 

Keterangan Waktu
Future Tense menggunakan beberapa keterangan waktu antara lain :
  • tonight (malam ini)
  • next week (minggu depan) 
  • next .... ( ... depan) 
  • soon (segera) 
  • this week end ( akhir pekan ini) 
  • The day after tomorrow (besok lusa) 
  • if (untuk conditional) (jika) 

Penggunaan Future Tense 
a. Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa/ perbuatan yang akan terjadi atau dilaksanakan pada waktu yang akan datang. 
Contoh :
  • I shall visit him next month. (saya akan mengunjunginya bulan depan)
  • We shall watch the concert tonight.  (Kita akan menonton konser nanti malam)
  • She is going to study Math tonight. (Dia akan belajar matematika malam nanti)
  • They are going to visit us tomorrow. (Mereka akan mengunjungi kita besok)
  • Randu will play football next week. (Randu akan bermain sepak bola minggu depan)

b. Future Tense digunakan dalam kalimat conditional (conditional sentence) tipe pertaa yang hanya menggunakan kata kerja bantu will/ shall. 
Contoh :
  • If you go out, We shall go out. (Jika kamu pergi, kami akan pergi)
  • She will help you if you ask her politely. (Dia akan membantumu jika kamu memintanya dengan sopan)

c. Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan permintaan
Contoh :
  • Shall I open the window? (Bolehkah saya membuka jendela?)
  • Will you help me? (Maukah kamu membantuku?)
  • Shall we meet him now? (Bolehkah kami bertemu dengannya sekarang?)
Pada kalimat yang predikatnya selain kata kerja, yaitu kata benda, kata keterangan maupun kata sifat, maka susunan kalimatnya adalah sebagai berikut: 

Subyek + will/ shall + be 
Subyek + to be + going to + be 

Contoh :
  • She will be a lawyer next year. (Dia akan menjadi seorang pengacara tahun depan)
  • I shall be here tomorrow morning. (Saya akan berada disini besok pagi)
  • He will be glad to that for you. (Dia akan senang untuk melakukannya untukmu)
  • I am going to be free soon. (Saya akan segera bebas)

Untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang akan terjadi di masa akan datang dalam waktu yang dekat (near future), maka rumus kalimat yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :
Subyek + to be + about / on the point (verge) of

Contoh :
  • I am about to go out for having dinner.  (Saya hampir pergi - sudah siap untuk pergi - untuk makan malam)
  • The old house is on the point of falling. (Rumah itu hampir roboh)
  • The tree is on the point of falling down. (Pohon itu hampir tumbang)
  • The two countries are on the verge of war. (Dua negara itu hampir berperang)

Demikian pembahasan tentang bentuk Future Indefinite Tense : Pengertian, Rumus, Penggunaan, dan Contohnya. Semoga penjelasan di atas dapat membantu teman- teman dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. 

Semoga Bermanfaat. 


Bentuk Participle Bahasa Inggris: Present Participle dan Past Participle, Pengertian, Penggunaan dan Contohnya

Bentuk Participle Bahasa Inggris: Present Participle dan Past Participle, Pengertian, Penggunaan dan Contohnya

Dalam bahasa Inggris, dikenal dua macam bentuk participle yaitu present participle dan past participle. Present participle yang juga sering juga disebut sebagai aktive participle merupakan kata kerja bentuk -ing yang merujuk pada suatu aktivitas yang sifatnya aktif. 

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Sementara itu, past participle menunjuk pada suatu aktivitas yang sifatnya pasif. Past participle memiliki bentuk kata kerja ketiga (V-3). 

Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa present participle yang sifatnya aktif itu melakukan pekerjaan dan past participle yang sifatnya pasif itu dikenai suatu pekerjaan. 

Perhatikan pada contoh present participle dan past participle berikut ini, 
1. Present Participle (active participle)
Contoh :
  • The coming month is May. (coming month : bulan yang akan datang)
  • The smiling woman worked at the same company as me. (smiling woman : wanita yang sedang tersenyum)
  • a working boy is my nephew. (working boy : anak laki- laki yang sedang berkerja)
Only people in urban areas had running water. (runnig water : air yang mengalir)

Penggunaan Present Participle
Present participle dapat berfungsi sebagai adjective, setelah kata kerja tertentu, membentuk continuous tense, maupun diterapkan dalam konteks lainnya.

1. Sebagai adjective 
Contoh :
  • His skin was blistered because he was accidentally splashed with boiling water
  • The waiting man reads a magazine
  • The movie was boring.
  • The work was tiring

2. Membentuk Continuous Tense
Contoh : 
  • They are playing Sudoku now.
  • They were shopping at the mall.

3. Present Participle ditempatkan setelah kata kerja untuk persepsi (verb of perception) seperti see, watch, smell, hear, leave, observe, feel, find, keep, notice, dan catch.
Contoh :
  • I faintly heard someone singing in this forest.
  • He rushed into the kitchen when he smelled something burning.

4. Dalam konteks tertentu, seperti dua situasi yang terjadi secara bersamaan yang dilakukan oleh objek yang sama.

Contoh :
He rode away. He whistled as he went.
<=> He rode away whistling 
<=> Whistling, he rode away.

5. Jika ada dua peristiwa yang dilakukan oleh seorang subjek secara berurutan, maka peristiwa yang terjadi lebih dahulu dapat dituliskan dengan active participle.

Contoh :
She went to the campus after she had had breakfast.
<=> Having had breakfast, she went to the campus 

6. Jika peristiwa yang kedua merupakan bagian atau akibat dari peristiwa yang pertama, maka peristiwa yang kedua dapat dituliskan dengan menggunakan active participle.

Contoh :
As he knew her number, he called her.
<=> Knowing her number, he called her. 

2. Past Participle (Passive Participle)
Contoh :
  • She cleaned poured water in the floor. (poured water : air yang tertumpah)
  • The director held unexpected meeting in the weekend. (unexpected meeting : pertemuan yang tidak diharapkan)
  • They deployed unarmed troops to repel demonstrations. (unarmed troops : pasukan yang tidak dipersenjatai)

Penggunaan Past Participle
Past participle adapat bertindak sebagai adjective (kata sifat), kata kerja untuk membuat kalimat pasif, dan sebagainya.

1. Sebagai adjective
Contoh :
  • The stolen car has been found.
  • The printed books will be distributed soon.
  • The broken car has been repaired.
  • I was bored. (Saya bosan)
  • She is tired. (Dia lelah)

2. Untuk membuat kalimat pasif
Contoh :
  • The car had been sold.
  • The car is being repaired now.

3. Past participle ditempatkan setelah kata kerja tertentu (verb of perception) apabila objeknya pasif. 
Contoh :
  • She knew the car stolen.
  • We waited the floor swept.
  • We will see the project finished in this year. 

4. Past participle untuk menggantikan subjek yang diikuti oleh kata kerja pasif apabila subjek tersebut disebutkan secara berulang.
Contoh :
  • Luna arrived home, She was followed by her husband.
  • Luna arrived home, followed by her husband. 

Mengenal Gerund dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris, Pengertian, Fungsi dan Contoh dan Penggunaannya

Mengenal Gerund dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris, Pengertian, Fungsi dan Contoh dan Penggunaannya

Gerund merupakan suatu bentuk kata kerja dalam bentuk -ing yang bertindak sebagai kata benda sehingga gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai subyek, kobyek, komplemen, dan penjelas dari kata benda lainnya. 

Fungsi Gerund 
Seperti dijelaskan sebelumnya, gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek, objek, komplemen, maupun penjelas dari kata benda lainnya. 

Gerund sebagai Subjek 
Sebagai kata benda dalam bentuk -ing, gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek, berikut contohnya,
  • Swimming is a good hobby. 
  • Running makes us healthy.
  • Being poor makes him commit crimes.
  • Driving a car is easy. 

Pada kalimat- kalimat di atas (yang bercetak tebal), gerund  yang merupakan bentuk -ing, bertindak sebagai subjek kalimat. 

Gerund sebagai objek 
Gerund sebagai objek dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu sebagai objek dari kata kerja dan objek kata depan. Berikut pembahasan lengkapnya,

1. Objek kata kerja 
Gerund yang berfungsi sebagai objek kata kerja biasanya diletakkan setelah kata kerja tertentu. Ada beberapa kata kerja yang objeknyadapat diikuti oleh gerund. 

 admit mengakui
 appreciate menghargai
 avoid menghindari
 anticipate mengharapkan
 consider mempertimbangkan
 continue meneruskan
 deny menyangkal
 delay menunda
 detest membenci
 enjoy menikmati
 excuse menolak
 finish menyelesaikan
 fancy mengkhayal
 forgive memaafkan
 keep terus menerus
 mind berkeberatan
 neglect meremehkan
 practise mempraktikkan
 postpone menunda
 pardon memaafkan
 prevent mencegah
 resist menahan
 risk mengambil resiko
 understand memahami

Contoh :
  • I don't like smoking.
  • She enjoys camping in mountainous areas.
  • Anna doesn't mind coming to the party. 

Kata yang tercetak miring pada kalimat- kalimat di atas (seperti kata like, enjoy, mind) merupakan kata- kata yang diikuti oleh gerund. Kata- kata lainnya yang diikuti oleh gerund dapat dilihat pada tabel di atas. 

2. Objek kata depan (preposisi)
Gerund dapat diletakkan setelah objek kata depan (preposisi) seperti at, after, before, from, in, on, of, under, up, through, about, without, for dan to. Namun, khusus untuk preposisi "to", perlu dicermati kembali. Pasalnya, preposisi "to" dapat juga diikuti oleh bentuk infinitive. 

Preposisi "to" yang diikuti oleh gerund, dapat dikenali melalui bentuk frase atau kelompok kata berikut ini, 

 to be used to terbiasa
 to be used to terbiasa
 to object to berkeberatan
 to take to menyukai
 to look after to menanti- nanti
 to be averse to terbiasa

Contoh :
  • She went to the book store after doing her task. 
  • Luna smiled at me before waving her hand. 
  • Ms. Nana goes on speaking in the class.
  • They are fond of cycling
  • I am used to climbing mountain. (Saya terbiasa menaiki gunung)
  • They object to supporting street children. (Mereka berkeberatan membiayai anak - anak jalanan)
  • Fira is looking forward to seeing the film. ( Fira menantikan menonton film itu)

3. Sebagai Komplemen
Selain dapat berperan sebagai subjek, gerund juga dapat dapat berfungsi sebagai komplemen yang diletakkan setelah bentuk to be (is, am, are, was dan were), seperti  pada contoh di bawah ini,
  • Anna's hobby is drawing.
  • His favourite sport was bicycle riding.
  • What she wants is playing badminton.

4. Gerund sebagai penjelas kata benda noun modifier
Sebagai penjelas kata benda, gerund dapat ditempatkan sebagai noun modifier, yaitu menjelaskan kata benda. Berikut contohnya,
  • The waiting room is very large.
  • People are not advised to take many sleeping pills.
  • The reading book contains children's stories.

5. Gerund untuk menyatakan larangan
Contoh :
  • No parking 
  • No littering 
  • No spitting
  • No smoking

Gerund vs to Infinitive
Ada beberapa kata kerja yang dapat diikuti oleh gerund maupun to infinitive. Keduanya memiliki perbedaan apabila kata kerja tersebut dikuti oleh gerund atau to infinitive. Lebih jelasnya, perhatikan pada contoh berikut :
a. He stops smoking. 
b. He stops to smoke. 

Pada kalimat (a), He stops smoking, seseorang berhenti dari perbuatan merokok untuk kemudian melakukan perbuatan yang lain, sementara itu pada kalimat (b), He stops to smoke, seseorang berhenti dari melakukan perbuatan tertentu baru kemudian merokok. 

Secara umum, perbedaan tersebut merujuk pada berlangsung atau tidaknya suatu peristiwa. Kata yang diikuti oleh gerund, menunjuk pada peristiwa yang sudah berlangsung atau bisa dilakukan, sedangkan kata yang diikuti oleh to infinitive apabila peristiwa belum berlangsung. 

Berikut daftar kata yang dapat diikuti oleh gerund maupun to infinitive,

 advise menasehati
 allow mengijinkan
 attempt mencoba
 begin memulai
 continue melanjutkan
 forget melupakan
 hate membenci
 like menyukai
 intend bermaksud
 love mencintai
 prefer lebih menyukai
 regret menyesali
 remember mengingat
 start memulai
 stop menghentikan
 try mencoba

Perbedaan Gerund dan Active Participle
Baik gerund maupun active participle memiliki bentuk yang sama yaitu kata kerja bentuk -ing. Meskipun sama bentuknya, keduanya memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Gerund, berdasarkan artinya mengandung makna, "peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung".

Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan pada contoh berikut ini,
  1. The sleeping baby is cute. (the baby who is sleeping is cute = bayi yang sedang tidur itu menggemaskan) ; Active Participle
  2. The sleeping pills must be given according to a doctor's prescription. (The pills for sleeping must be given according to a doctor's prescription = Pil yang membantu orang untuk tidur harus diberikan sesuai resep dokter) ; Gerund
  3. The running boy had won a race twice. (the boy who is running .... = anak laki- laki yang sedang berlari) ; Active Participle
  4. She bought running shoes for her exercise. (Dia membeli sepatu untuk berlari untuk latihannya) ; Gerund

Gerund setelah Possessive Adjective
Gerund sebagai kata benda, dapat diltempatkan setelah possessive adjective dan pronoun bentuk objek. Berikut contohnya 
  • Her coming late makes her teacher angry.
  • His coming was eagerly awaited. 
  • They enjoy my dancing last night. 

Demikian tentang gerund dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris baik pengertian, fungsi, contoh dan penggunaannya. Semoga pembahasan di atas dapat memudahkan teman- teman dalam belajar materi gerund bahasa Inggris. 

Semoga bermanfaat 


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