Sahabat ahzaa, berikut ini adalah transkrip latihan Soal Listening
Questions - Responses SMK Tahun 2020 - 2021.
Untuk bahan pembelajaran, berikut audio nya,
1. What is your address?
A. The adding machine is mine.
B. The woman dress is red
C. I live in Rose Boulevard
A. The adding machine is mine.
B. The woman dress is red
C. I live in Rose Boulevard
2. When did the electrician arrive?
A. The bulb burnt out last night.
B. He came around this morning.
C. The voltage drops and causes dim lights
3. When will you purchase a computer?
A. The market sells computer.
B. The commuter line leaves at 6 AM.
C. When the prices go down.
4. Where were you waiting?
A. I was waiting on the corner
B. Because it was raining.
C. I weigh the same as you.
5. Which shop sells children books?
A. There is a children bookstore at Pandanaran street.
B. The library has lots of books.
C. I read books to my children.
6. What are your plans for this afternoon?
A. The plane leaves at noon.
B. The planning meeting was yesterday.
C. I think I'll play tennis.
7. How will we get to the airport?
A. The bus is late.
B. They will meet us at the port.
C. We'll take an airport bus.
8. What type of movies do you like?
A. I'm moving to a quiet neighborhood.
B. I prefer actions
C. I like my meat rare.
9. Who attended the seminar?
A. the doctor attended to the patients
B. All senior management went
C. They came at nine.
10. Shouldn't we leave before it starts to rain?
A. Yes Let's take an umbrella with us.
B. It didn't rain the night we left
C. The rain caused the leaves to fall.
11. May I sit down?
A. Yes, I went in May.
B. The cushion is filled with down.
C. Please do. This seat isn't occupied.
12. Why haven't you written me?
A. I haven't had time to write.
B. You will write me soon.
C. The letters are on the desk.
13. How far is the bank from here?
A. It was about five year ago.
B. It's about ten minute walk.
C. The bank is beside the gas station.
14. What is the book about?
A. It costs about sixty thousand rupiahs.
B. It was a love story.
C. The book is on the shelf.
15. How soon will you be ready?
A. Her son left early.
B. In about ten minutes
C. We said we wanted red.
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