Pembahasan Latihan Soal Teks Invitation Bahasa Inggris SMP - Ahzaa.Net

Pembahasan Latihan Soal Teks Invitation Bahasa Inggris SMP

Text 1
By the Grace and Blessing of God

We, Mr. Budi and Mrs. Nita, as parents request the honor of your presence
at the wedding reception of our beloved son with the beautiful daughter of 
Mr. Zaki and Mrs. Anna

On Sunday, August 30th , 2020
At 07.00 p.m.– completion
Venue at Horizon Hotel 
Jl. Sudirman No. 123, Semarang

It is a great appreciation and happiness for us if you can attend the reception
to give blessing prays for our son and daughter.
The happiness is dedicated to the couple:
With all respects, we would be very happy if you can come on time.

1.  What is the aim of the text above?
A. To describe the wedding in general
B. To invite someone to the wedding party
C. To amuse the readers about the wedding
D. To tell information about the wedding reception
Bahasan :
tujuan teks diatas adalah untuk mengundang seseorang ke pesta pernikahan

2. From the text above  the Evan's parents are ....
A. Mr. Zaki and Mrs. Anna
B. Mr. Budi and Mrs. Nita
C. Mr. Budi and Mrs. Anna
D. Mr. Zaki and Mrs. Nita

Bahasan :
Orang tua dari Evan adalah Mr. Budi dan Mrs. Nita (We, Mr. Budi and Mrs. Nita, as parents request the honor of your presence at the wedding reception of our beloved son ...)

3.     It can be concluded from the text that ....
A.    The wedding reception will be held in the morning
B.    Mr. Zaki and Mrs. Anna are the parents of  Evan
C.    The invitees should come on time
D.    The host of the wedding reception is Mr. Zaki and Mrs. Anna

Bahasan :
Simpulan yeng benar teks adalah tamu undangan harus hadir tepat waktu (on time)

4.     With all respects, we would be very happy if you can come on time."
The underlined word has similar meaning to ....
A.     punctually
B.     late
C.     slowly
D.     fast

Bahasan :
on time berarti punctually ( tepat waktu)

Text 2

5.  The purpose of the text is to ....
A. describe the birthday party in specific way
B. invite someone to the birthday party
C. amuse the readers about the birthday party
D. tell information about the birthday party
Bahasan :
Tujuan teks adalah untuk mengundang seseorang ke pesta ulang tahun

6.     From the text we know that ....
A.    Bella will hold the birthday party at the restaurant
B.    The birthday party will hold in the morning
C.    The party will finish at 9 p.m
D.    The invitees should confirm their attendance before going to the party

Bahasan :
Pernyataan yyang benar adalah para tamu seharusnya mengkornfimasi kehadiran mereka (RSVP : Mita ...)

Text 3
Mr. and Mrs. Budi Laksono
request the company of
Mr. and Mrs. Soejono
on the occasion of their
25th Wedding Anniversary
on Saturday 22 August at 8. p.m.

Dinar Asri Utama Blok AII No. 9
R.S.V.P: Shinta (024-54390231)

7.    The text is written  ....
A. to invite somebody to a party
B. to celebrate a wedding anniversary
C. to inform the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Budi Laksono
D. to call Shinta

Bahasan :
Tujuan teks adalah untuk mengundang seseorang ke pesta

8.  Who will celebrate the wedding anniversary?
A. Shinta
B. Mr. and Mrs. Budi Laksono
C. Mr. and Mrs. Soejono
D. The company

Bahasan :
yang merayakan ulang tahun pernikahan adalah Mr. and Mrs. Soejono

Text 4

9.    What is the text written for?
A. To invite somebody to a party
B. To celebrate a party
C. To welcome an invitee
D. To promote the restaurant
Bahasan :
Teks tersebut adalah untuk mengundang seseorang ke pesta

10.   Who should we contact to make a confirmation?
A. Zahra
B. Pesona Resto
C. Marissa
D. Kathy

Bahasan :
Kontak konfirmasi bisa menghubungi Marissa

Text 5
Dear all of students,
Each of us has different talents, different dreams, and different destinations. We all have the power to make a new tomorrow with great happiness. We, the Senior Class of Bina Utama High School, invite you to join us  on School Anniversary on Friday 28th August 2020 at 06.30 pm at Kencana Auditorium Bina Utama High School.

11. Where will the anniversary be held?
A. At high school  
B. In the class room
C. At the school yard
D. At Kencana Auditorium

Bahasan :
Acara diselenggarakan di Kencana Auditorium

12.   “…invite you to join us…” The underlined word means ....
A. Force
B. Ask
C. Tell
D. Persuade
Bahasan :
kata invite berarti mengundang

Text 6

13.   What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To describe the party in general
B. To invite someone to the birthday party
C. To entertain the readers about the birthday party
D. To tell information about the birthday party
Bahasan :
Tujuan teks adalah mengundang seseorang ke pesta ulang tahun

14.  When will the party be held?
A.   In the evening
B.   In the morning
C.   In the afternoon
D.   At midnight

Bahasan :
Pesta ulang tahun diselenggarakan pada sore hari

15.  Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the text?
A.   Vita Maharani was born in 2006
B.   The party will be held in the afternoon
C.   The invitees should inform Endah about their coming
D.   Vita Maharani will be 17 years old in 2022

Bahasan :
Pernyataan yang salah adalah Vita Maharani akan berusia 17 tahun pada 2022. Dia lahir pada 2006 sehingga pada 2022 seharusnya berusia 16 tahun

Text 7

16. What is the party for?
A.   to have good friends
B.   to enjoy food and drinks
C.   to welcome the new year
D.   to meet good friends
Bahasan :
Tujuan pesta adalah untuk merayakan tahun baru

17.  The writer writes the text to ....
A.   to tell the important of new year
B.   to remind people the coming of new year
C.   to make someone happy in new year party
D.   to invite a friend to attend the new year party

Tujuan penulis membuat teks adalah untuk mengundang teman ke pesta tahun baru

Text 8
Dear friends,

My happy return will come soon
Please come to my fifteenth Birthday Party
At My house

Sunday, August 23rd, 2020
09.00 a.m

There will be many beautiful gifts for you
There will also be many games and a lot of fun

I'll be waiting for you all


18.   The text is about ....
A.     Liza's friends
B.     Liza's celebration
C.     Liza's birthday invitation
D.     Liza's birthday

Bahasan :
Teks adalah tentang undangan ulang tahun Liza

19.    Liza will celebrate her birthday ....
A.     In the morning
B.     In the afternoon
C.     In the evening
D.     At midnight

Bahasan :
Liza merayakan ulang tahun pada pagi hari

20.    "There will be many beautiful gifts for you"
The underlined word refers to ....
A.    Liza
B.    All of Liza's friends
C.    The invitees
D.    Liza and her friends
Pembahasan :
Kata "you" merujuk pada tamu undangan


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