Halaman 2 ---- Latihan Soal Plus Pembahasan Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/ MTs Tahun Ajaran 2021/ 2022 - Ahzaa.Net

Halaman 2 ---- Latihan Soal Plus Pembahasan Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/ MTs Tahun Ajaran 2021/ 2022

The following text is for questions 31 to 34.

An office is generally a room or other area where administrative work is done. In legal writing, a company has offices in any place that it has an official presence. In modern terms an office usually refers to the location where white-collar workers are employed.

The primary purpose of an office building is to provide a comfortable workplace and working environment to support workers in performing their job effectively. These workers usually occupy set areas within the office building, and usually are provided with some equipment they may need within these areas. Work spaces in an office are typically designed to create comfortable office activities such as reading, writing, counting, planning, working with computers etc. There are many different ways of arranging the space in an office based on their function. Managerial fashions and the culture of specific companies can be very influential for offices’ arrangement.

31. What is the author’s purpose in presenting the passage?
A. To explain offices in general
B. To describe an office in details
C. To inform the functions of an office
D. To show how to build a room for an office

Tujuan penulis menghadirkan bacaan Report Text adalah menjelaskan kantor secara umum

32. One of the purposes of a room called an office is …
A. To give comfortable working environment for those who working in it
B. To facilitate workers’ need to be able to perform their job effectively
C. To ensure that people who work in it can do many activities
D. To create a specific arrangement for its users

Disebutkan dalam kalimat pertama paragaraf kedua

33. “The primary purpose of an office building is to provide a comfortable workplace …”
The underlined word is similar to …
A. ultimate
B. functional
C. cozy
D. calm

Kata “comfortable” secara kontekstual sama dengan “cozy” (nyaman)

34. The design of work spaces in an office is depended … its function.
A. with
B. on
C. to
D. in

Preposisi yang tepat agar kalimat menjadi benar secara gramatika adalah “on”
Depend selalu diikuti on  

The following text is for questions 35 to 37.

Hi Wafiq,

Mr. Vandi just texted me that he cannot come to the final preparation for Debate Contest held by UNISBANK today. He will be available on Saturday at 9 am. Please let the rest of the team know the new schedule.


35. What is the purpose of the text?
A. to arrange the final preparation schedule
B. to have the final preparation for Debate Contest
C. to postpone the final preparation for Debate Contest
D. to ask his friend to forward the message to Mr. Vandi

Dijelaskan bahwa ada penundaan pertemuan untuk persiapan akhir sebuah kontes

36. What will Wafiq do after receiving the message?
A. He will forward the message to the other team members.
B. He will ask the other team members their availability.
C. He will request the change of the final preparation.
D. He will delay the schedule to meet Mr. Vandi

Dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat terakhir bacaan
"Please let the rest of the team know the new schedule."

37. “He will be available on Saturday at 9 am.”
The underlined word refers to …
A. Wafiq
B. Findra
C. Mr. Vandi
D. the rest of the team

Kata “He” merujuk pada “Mr. Ahmad.”

The following text is for questions 38 to 40.

38. The advertisement is intended to those who …
A. have Bank Mega Credit Card
B. want to stay more than 3 nights
C. are the customer of Bank Mega
D. need a hotel to stay for their vacation

Iklan ini ditujukan kepada para pemegang Kartu Kredit Bank Mega

39. From the text, we know that people who have reserved a room …
A. must show any credit card to front desk officer
B. have to go to the bank to apply a new credit card
C. need to insert promotional code on booking engine page
D. cannot get their money back when they cancel the booking

Disebutkan pembayaran harus dilakukan dimuka dan tidak dapat dikembalikan

40. “Please insert: MEGACC on promo code on our booking engine page.”
The underlined word has similar meaning to …
A. type on
B. attach to
C. enter into
D. put onto

Persamaan kata “insert” secara konteks kalimat adalah “type on” (ketikkan)

The following text is for questions 41 to 43.


Congratulate for the soft opening of your third store in Semarang. Your success on building the fashion business from scratch are always be my inspiration. Keep fighting Sis!


41. Why does the sender write the text?
A. to express her sympathy
B. to Appreciate her friend’s success
C. to supporting her friend’s business
D. to cheer up her friend’s situation

Dijelaskan dalam kalimat pertama

42. From the text, the sender hopes that Fara ....
A. is always be her inspiration
B. will be able to open the next stores
C. is able to handle the business
D. never gives up on her business

Dijelaskan dalam kalimat penyemangat, yaitu kalimat terakhir bacaan

43. “Your success on building the fashion business from scratch are always be my inspiration.”
The closest meaning of the underlined word is …
A. briefly
B. usually
C. temporarily
D. continuously

Persamaan kata “always” secara kontekstual adalah “continuously” (terus menerus)

The following text is for questions 44 and 45.


Come get messy and show the kids how much fun it can be.
To eat healthy while we make energy bites, smoothies, and acai bowls.
Stay and have lunch with friends or drop them off so you can get stuff done.
Ages 6 – 12 
Sunday, Feb 3rd 
10 – 11.30 AM
Space is limited, Call 0274-1234567
Or go to www.localfood.com to reserve your spot ASAP

44. The text is addressed to ….
A. children
B. parents
C. cooks
D. kids

Dari kalimat pertama “show the kids” (tunjukkan kepada anak-anak), maka pengumuman ini ditujukan kepada orang tua

45. “… to reserve your spot ASAP”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. bill
B. book
C. charge
D. purchase 

Kata “reserve” bersinonim dengan kata “book” (Verb; memesan)

The following text is for questions 46 to 48.

46. Whom is the text most appropriate intended for?
A. readers traveling with a plane
B. custom officers of an airport
C. on-board plane passengers
D. ground crews of an airline

Teks tersebut ditujukan kepada siapa saja yang bepergian menggunakan pesawat (Jawaban A)

47. What will probably happen to a violator?
A. His/her belongings will be taken out.
B. His/her passport will be suspended.
C. His/her flight will be cancelled.
D. His/her bag will be confiscated.

Dijelaskan secara tersirat dalam kalimat “Your airlane may also refuse to let you fly.”

48. “If you do not comply with this notice …”
The underlined word has similar meaning to ....
A. obey
B. submit
C. confirm
D. deny 

Persamaan kata “comply” secara kontekstual adalah “obey” (mematuhi)

The following text is for questions 49 to 50.

49. What is the topic of the text?
A. Informing details of the product
B. Explaining how to store the product 
C. Telling the way to consume the product
D. Describing the ingredients of the product

Ide pokok dari sebuah label adalah memberikan informasi rinci dari sebuah produk

50. What is the biggest part of the product?
A. tomato puree
B. olive
C. diced tomatoes
D. canola oil

Disebutkan secara jelas dalam bagian “ingredients”.

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