Halaman 2 --- Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Ujian Seleksi Kompetensi Bidang (SKB) PTB STMKG Mapel Bahasa Inggris - Ahzaa.Net

Halaman 2 --- Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Ujian Seleksi Kompetensi Bidang (SKB) PTB STMKG Mapel Bahasa Inggris

Berikut lanjutan soal dari halaman sbeelumnya Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Ujian Seleksi Kompetensi Bidang (SKB) PTB STMKG Mapel Bahasa Inggris

21. It can be inferred from the passage that earthquake is ....
A. related with Tsunami
B. natural phenomena
C. dreadful geological phenomena
D. seismically phenomena
E. seismological phenomena

Jawaban C tersurat pada kalimat pertama. 
Berdasarkan teks dapat disimpulkan bahwa gempa bumi merupakan salah satu fenomena geologi yang paling mengerikan yang dihadapi oleh jenis manusia karena efek yang menghancurkan dan kejadian mereka biasanya tak terduga. 

22.  The word "dreadful" in the first line is closest in meaning to ....
A. natural
B. phenomena
C. general accident
D. natural accident
E. great fear and anxiety

Berdasarkan konteksnya, kata  dreadful dalam dreadful geological phenomena bermakna fenomena  geologi yang sangat menakutkan dan mencemaskan. Maka jawaban yang tepat dalah E

23. It can be inferred from the passage that the occurence of earthquake ....
A. unmonitored
B. not to be monitored
C. always associated with Tsunami
D. can not be predicted
E. natural activities

Berdasarkan teks, peristiwa gempa bumi tidak dapat diprediksi. Hal ini tersirat pada kalimat pertama "Earthquakes are among the most dreadful geological phenomena faced by human kind because of their devastating effects and their usually unpredictable occurence."

24. It can be inferred from the passage that the NMHS is ....
A. National Meteorological and Hidrological Services
B. National Meteorological and Hidrological Service
C. National Meteorological and Hidrological Services'
D. National Meteorological and Hidrological Services's
E. National Meteorological and Hidrological Service's

NMHS adalah National Meteorological and Hydrological Services

Questions 25 -34
(Sipencatar AMKG 2009/2010)
Over the blue, calm water of the Indian Ocean, a fishing boat is sailing towards Indonesia. It is warm and sunny throughout the Indian Ocean. It is breakfast time in Indonesia and in Thailand. Parents are getting ready to go to work. Children are getting ready to go to school. Suddenly, a strong earthquake strikes off the coast of Indonesia, deep down on the sea floor. The sea floor moves up and down. The water is violently disturbed. In Indonesia, the walls and floors of the house suddenly start to shake. Chairs topple over. Things rattle and break.

It is an earthquake! people know what to do. They do not run outside. They take cover under the tables, desks, or in doorways to protect themselves from falling objects. The earthquake sends out shock waves in all directions. The sea surface is also disturbed. Big waves are formed. These powerful waves are called Tsunamis. These waves travel fast across the sea. They are dangerous and they can kill. They do not start to clean up the mess. They quickly leave their homes and move inland away from the ocean and rivers to higher ground. They know earthquakes can trigger Tsunami waves. The national Tsunami Warning Centers in the Indian Ocean issue a Tsunami warning. Then Disaster Management Organizations and the media warn people a Tsunami is expected. There is not much time. People hurry to safety, way from the shore and wait for the Tsunami to come. (Source : UNESCO-IOC; 2006; Tsunami Warning pp. 1-4)

25. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. occurance of tsunami
B. the indian Ocean is warm and sunny
C. fishing boat is sailing towards Indonesia
D. calm water of the Indian Ocean
E. dishes crash to the floor

Topik utama dari bacaan adalah tentang terjadinya tsunami ( the occurance of tsunami)

26. In the first paragraph, the word blue refers to ....
A. water
B. color
C. sky
D. sun
E. ocean

Berdasarkan konteksnya, kata "blue" pada paragraf pertama merujuk pada samudra (ocean)

27. The word towards in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ....
A. to the sky
B. to the sea
C. to the ocean
D. to the front
E. to the boat

Berdasarkan konteksnya, kata towards memiliki makna menuju ke ...( dalam hal ini "a fishing boat is sailing towards Indonesia" kapal ikan berlayar menuju samudra Hindia)

28. In the second paragraph, the word "coast" is closest in meaning to ...
A. the sea water
B. a strong earthquake
C. an earthquake
D. the sea floor
E. land bordering the sea

kata "coast" memiliki makna pantai (beach). Pada opsi jawaban kata coast diartikan sebagai land bordering the sea

29. It is an earthquake! people are suggested to ....
A. run outside
B. take tables
C. take desks
D. be quite
E. protect themselves

Orang- orang dianjurkan untuk  melindungi diri mereka (kalimat ketiga paragraf 2)

30. In paragraph 2, the words "sends out" is closest in meaning to ....
A. goes out
B. go out
C. gives out
D. gets out
E. went out

Kata sends out dalam kalimat "The earthquake sends out shock waves in all directions", diartikan mengirimkan. Secara lengkap kalimat tersebut berarti Gempa mengirimkan gelombang kejut ke segala arah. Maka jawabannya adalah gives out

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