Hai sahabat AhzaaNet, selamat datang kembali di blog belajar Ahzaa. Pada kesempatan ini, kita akan belajar untuk menghadapi asesmen sumatif akhir semester (SAS) Ganjil/ Gasal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD/MI Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2024/ 2025.
Latihan soal terdiri atas 36 soal yang mencakup 30 soal pilihan ganda dan 6 soal uraian. Semua soal sudah saya lengkapi dengan kunci jawaban untuk memudahkan dalam belajar.
Oya, latihan soal juga dapat diunduh bagi teman- teman yang memerlukannya. Baik, langsung saja yaa, berikut latihan soalnya,
Selamat belajar dan tetap semangat....
1. A. : How does a cake taste?
B : it tastes ….
a. Sour
b. Sweet
c. Salty
d. Bitter
2. My mother buys lemonade. It tastes
a. Sweet
b. Bitter
c. Sour
d. Salty
3. My father likes to drink …. In the
a. Noodles
b. Soup
c. Coffee
d. Fried rice
4. A : How does the medicine taste?
B : It tastes ….
a. Bitter
b. Sweet
c. Sour
d. Salty
5. Look at the picture!
There is …. pizza
a. a bar of
b. a slice of
c. a plate of
d. a spoon of
6. My brother eats … cake.
a. a bowl of
b. a slice of
c. a piece of
d. a spoon of
7. My mother buys … banana in the
a. a bar of
b. a hand of
c. a piece of
d. a slice of
8. A : Do you mind if I order a bowl of
B : ….
a. Yes, I do
b. No, I don’t mind
c. Yes, you’re welcome
d. I like a a plate of satay
9. A : What is your favourite … ?
B : my favourite drink is orange juice.
a. food
b. clothes
c. drink
d. shoes
10. A : May I have a cup of hot coffee?
B : ….
a. Thank you
b. You’re welcome
c. Sure
d. I like a cup of chocolate
11. A : What food … he want to eat?
B : He wants to eat a bowl of noodle.
a. is
b. do
c. are
d. does
12. If you are thirsty, you can … the
beverage in the refrigerator.
a. eat
b. drink
c. wear
d. buy
13. A : How much money do you … ?
B : I have 30.000 rupiahs.
a. want
b. have
c. get
d. take
14. A : Look at the menu! What do you
want to drink?
B : I want … milk tea.
a. a cup of
b. a slice of
c. a bowl of
d. a can of
15. A : …. ?
B : It costs fifty thousand rupiahs.
a. How much money do you have ?
b. How much does it cost?
c. How much money does he have?
d. Do you have money?
16. These are kinds of foods, except
a. porridge
b. mineral water
c. noodle
d. satay
17. Riana always … nutritious
food to keep her body healthy.
a. drinks
b. eats
c. takes
d. brings
18. A : What’s wrong with you?
B : I have a ….
A : You should go to the dentist.
a. sore eye
b. headache
c. toothache
d. fever
19. A : ….
B : have you seen to the doctor?
A : Yes, I have. The doctor told me that I ate a lot of spicy food.
B : Well, you must not eat spicy food for now.
a. I have an itchy
b. I have a sore eye
c. I have aheadache
d. I have a stomachache
The text is for number 20 to 23.
Mrs. Manda is a nurse in Raya Hospital. Her job is helping the doctors to
take care of the patients. She is very friendly in caring for his patients.
Most of the patients like Mrs. Manda very much. She loves her job.
20. From the text, Mrs Manda is ….
a. a doctor
b. a nurse
c. a surgeon
d. a dentist
21. Mrs Manda works in ….
a. Mitra Hospital
b. Raya Hospital
c. Ananda Hospital
d. Fitra Hospital
22. What does Mrs. Manda do as a nurse?
a. Checking the condition of the
patients regularly
b. Giving the patients prescription
c. Helping the doctor to take care of
the patients
d. Examining the condition of the
23. Do the patients like Mrs. Manda?
a. Yes, they do
b. No, they don’t
c. Yes, they are
d. No, they are not
24. If you have a fever, you should go
to …..
a. The hospital
b. The school
c. The market
d. The police station
25. A : What do you wear in cold
B : I wear ….
a. cap
b. coat
c. sweater
d. T-Shirt
26. A : It’s raining. Do you
bring …. ?
B : Yes, I do.
a. jacket
b. coat
c. raincoat
d. sweater
27. A : What do you wear in Kartini’s
Day, Rani?
B : I wear …
a. a t-shirt
b. a kebaya
c. a coat
d. a shirt
28. We must wear … when going to
a. coat
b. uniform
c. raincoat
d. jacket
29. To protect my hands from the cold,
I wear … on my hand.
a. socks
b. belt
c. gloves
d. hat
30. A : What does Fina wear?
B : She … sweater.
a. wear
b. wears
c. wearing
d. worn
Answer the questions below correctly!
31. Mention four names of foods and
drinks do you know!
32. A : What do you want to have for
B : I want ... (semangkuk bubur)
33. A : How much is a carton of milk?
B : It is ...(sembilan belas ribu rupiah)
34. Translate into Indonesian!
a. A bowl of noodle is nineteen
thousand rupiahs
b. I like to drink a glass of
35. Complete the sentence with
appropriate word.
a. Don’t eat too many candies. You may
get a ....
b. I ate too many unhealthy food, so I
have ....
c. If you are sick you should see a
36. A : What do you wear for sport?
B : I wear ....( kaos)
31. a. Foods : noodle, fried rice, satay, meatballs
b. Drinks : juice, coffee, tea, milk
32. a bowl of porridge
33. nineteen thousand rupiahs
34. a. semangkuk mie harganya sembilan belas ribu rupiah
b. Saya suka minuk segelas teh
35. a. toothache
b. stomachaache
c. doctor
36. T-Shirt
Demikian Latihan Soal Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Semester (SAS) Gasal/ Ganjil Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD/ MI Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2024/ 2025. Buat teman- teman yang menginginkan print out dari soal di atas, teman- teman bisa mendapatkannya berikut ini,
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