Hai sahabat Ahzaa, selamat datang kembali di AhzaaNet. Pada kesempatan ini kita akan belajar tentang materi cuaca (weather) melalui latihan soal.
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Gambar oleh Sathish kumar Periyasamy dari Pixabay |
Beberapa kosakata tentang cuaca dapat kalian temukan pada tabel berikut ini. Pelajari lalu silahkan latih kemampuan teman- teman melalui latihan soal di bawah yaa...
Kosakata tentang Iklim dan Cuaca dalam Bahasa Inggris
angin | wind, breeze |
angin kencang | strong wind |
awan | cloud |
badai | storm, tornado, hurricane, typhoon, gale |
banjir | flood, overflow, inundation |
berawan | cloudy |
cahaya matahari | sunshine, sunlight |
cuaca | weather |
curah hujan | rainfall, a rain shower |
halilintar/ petir | thunderbolt, lightning flash, bolt of lightning |
hujan | rain, rainfall, precipitation |
hujan gerimis | drizzle, drizzling rain, a light rain |
hujan lebat | downpour, heavy rain |
hujan salju | snowfall |
iklim | climate, sphere, zone, atmosphere |
iklim panas | a hot climate |
iklim sedang | temperate climate zone, a mild climate area |
iklim tropis | tropics climate zone |
kabut | fog, mist, haze |
kabut asap | smog |
kemarau | dry period, dry season, drought |
kering | dry |
musim | season, monsoon |
musim dingin | winter, cold season |
musim gugur | autumn, fall season |
musim hujan | rainy season |
musim kemarau | dry season |
musim panas | summer, hot season, summertime |
musim semi | spring season, springtime |
pelangi | rainbow |
prakiraan cuaca | weather forecast |
salju | snow |
sejuk | cool, chilly, cold |
siklon | cyclone |
suhu | temperature |
udara | air |
Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Topik Iklim (Climate) dan Cuaca (Weather)
1. It is rainy season. We should bring .... every day.
a. hat
b. umbrella
c. sun glasses
d. bag
2. The wind blows hard. It is ....
a. snowy
b. foggy
c. muddy
d. windy
3. It is winter season so we wear ...
a. hat
b. T-Shirt
c. sweater
d. sunglasses
4. The sun shines ... in the summer.
a. dark
b. dusky
c. brightly
d. gloomy
5. Leaves turn brown. It is ....
a. spring
b. summer
c. winter
d. autumn
6. The snow falling down. It is ....
a. rainy
b. snowy
c. sunny
d. windy
7. South Korea has ... season in a year.
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
8. In the stormy, there are too much ....
a. dust
b. fog
c. snow
d. wind
9. The rain comes from ....
a. the sun
b. cloud
c. soil
d. sea
10. In the winter, I feel ....
a. hot
b. warm
c. fresh
d. cool
11. The sun shines in the ....
a. morning
b. afternoon
c. night
d. midday
12. The leaves fall in the ....
a. summer
b. autumn
c. winter
d. spring
13. In dry season we should bring ....
a. jacket
b. gloves
c. hat
d. coat
14. There are two season in Indonesia. They are ....
a. winter and summer
b. dry and rainy
c. autumn and spring
c. summer and spring
15. Let's go to the beach. The weather is ....
a. cloudy
b. snowy
c. sunny
d. stormy
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