Prepositions (Kata Depan) dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris merupakan kata yang
menunjukkan hubungan antara noun, pronoun dan kata- kata yang lainnya.
Preposition (kata depan) ditempatkan mendahului kata benda untuk menerangkan
posisi atau letak dari benda yang dimaksudkan.
Berikut ini contoh dari preposisi (kata depan) dalam sebuah kalimat.
1. Look! The man is jumping into the river.
2. There is a calendar on the wall.
3. My bike is under the tree.
4. Mita and her family live in Semarang.
5. The boy threw a ball at his friend.
6. She arrives here before her mother.
7. The girl sitting between my sisters is my niece.
Beberapa kata yang dicetak miring seperti
into, on, under, in, at, before, dan between dalam kalimat-
kalimat di atas merupakan preposition. Kata- kata tersebut menjelaskan atau
menerangkan posisi atau letak dari benda- benda yang dimaksudkan.
Macam- Macam Preposisi (Kata Depan)
Berdasarkan banyak suku kata, preposisi (kata depan) dibedakan menjadi dua
macam yaitu kata depan dengan satu suku kata dan kata depan dengan dua suku
kata atau lebih. Berikut uraian dari macam- macam kata depan (preposisi) dalam
kalimat bahasa Inggris.
Kata Depan yang terdiri atas satu Suku Kata
at | di/ pada |
ahead | ke depan |
about | sekitar/ tentang |
across | seberang |
after | sesudah |
above | di atas |
around | di sekeliling |
among | di antara (banyak) |
away | menjauh |
against | terhadap |
back | di belakang/ kembali |
behind | di balik |
before | sebelum |
below | di bawah |
beneath | di bawah |
beside | di samping |
beyond | di luar |
between | di antara (dua) |
backwards | mundur |
by | oleh/ dengan |
down | bawah |
during | selama |
downwards | ke bawah |
for | untuk |
from | dari |
front | depan |
in | di |
into | ke dalam |
inside | di dalam |
near | dekat |
on | pada |
of | dari |
off | lepas |
out | luar |
onward | maju |
over | di atas |
round | sekeliling/ sekitar |
since | sejak |
side | di sisi/ samping |
sidewards | ke arah samping |
to | ke/ kepada |
towards | ke arah |
till | sampai/ hingga |
through | melalui/ lewat |
up | atas |
upto | sampai/ hingga |
untill | sampai/ hingga |
upon | pada |
upwards | ke arah atas |
under | di bawah |
via | melalui/ lewat |
with | dengan |
within | dalam |
without | tanpa |
Sementara itu, berikut kelompok preposisi yang terdiri atas dua suku kata
atau lebih.
Kata Depan yang terdiri atas dua suku kata atau lebih
1. In
in | front | of |
in | the front | of |
in | the centre | of |
in | the back | of |
in | the middle | of |
2. By
by | means | of |
by | order | of |
by | reason | of |
by | virtue | of |
by | way | of |
by | dint | of |
3. With
with | reference | to |
with | regard | to |
with | respect | to |
with | an eye | to |
with | a view | to |
4. With the
with the | exception | of |
with the | purpose | of |
5. For
for | fear | of |
for | lack | of |
for | want | of |
6. For the
for the | benefit | of |
for the | purpose | of |
for the | sake | of |
7. On
on | account | of |
behalf | behalf | of |
for the | pain | of |
8. On the
on the | face | of |
on the | occasion | of |
on the | part | of |
on the | point | of |
on the | strength | of |
on the | top | of |
9. At the
at the | coast | of |
at the | hands | of |
at the | point | of |
at the | risk | of |
10. As a
as a | consequence | of |
as a | result | of |
11. In
in | accordance | with |
in | addition | to |
in | advance | of |
in | back | of atau back of |
in | care | of |
in | case | of |
in | comparison | with |
in | connection | with |
in | contrast | with |
in | favor | of |
in | front | of |
in | lieu | of |
in | proportion | to |
in | regard | to |
in | respect | to |
in | return | for |
in | spite | of |
12. In (the) --- the bisa dihilangkan
in (the) | course | of |
in (the) | event | of |
in (the) | face | of |
in (the) | light | of |
in (the) | process | of |
13. In the
in the | middle (midst) | of |
Itulah tentang preposisi dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris dan macam- macamnya. Lain kali kita bahas lagi tentang preposisi dalam berbagai konteks kalimat. Tetap belajarnya di AhzaaNet yaa dan jangan lupa follow blog ini untuk informasi update materi- materi soal dan pelajaran terbaru...
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