Expletive "there" dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa sesuatu itu "ada" atau "tidak ada". Misalnya, Ada sebuah buku di atas meja, maka kita bisa mengatakan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan kalimat "There is a book on the table."
Letak Expletive There dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris
Jika subject dari verb BE (auxiliary/ modal) adalah sebuah kata benda (noun), yaitu kata benda yang mewakili an indifinite person/ orang tidak tertentu atau benda (things), maka THERE diletakkan sebelum verb BE dan kata benda atau sesuatu diletakkan setelah bentuk BE. Lebih jelasnya, bisa dilihat pada contoh berikut :
- There is a child at the door. (ada seorang anak kecil di pintu)
- There is an egg in that nest. (ada sebuah telur di sarang itu)
- There are eggs in that nest. (Ada telur- telur di dalam sarang itu).
- There is something wrong (Ada sesuatu yang tidak beres).
- There can no doubt about it (Tidak ada keraguan tentang hal tersebut)
Penerapan Expletive There
Dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris, Expletive There biasanya disertai oleh bentuk BE, namun ada beberapa kalimat yang menggunakan There sebagai subject dalam infinitive dan -ing clause serta dalam kalimat exclamatory sentence (kalimat seru).
Baik, berikut penerapan Expletive There dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris
1. There + be + noun/ pronoun + expression of place and time
Contoh :
- There is an antique lamp in the room.
- There is nobody here.
- There were a lot of participants here yesterday
- There were several events last week.
- There isn't much milk in the glass.
2. There + be + noun with adjective modifier
Contoh :
- There are different ways to do it
- There are two beds for each room.
- There are many assistants who can help you.
- There are (some) people who support him.
3. There + be + noun + Present Participle (-ing)
Contoh :
- There was a girl climbing the communication tower. ( A girl was climbing the communication tower).
- There is strong wind coming up from the north. (A strong wind is coming up from the north)
Dua contoh di atas merupakan bentuk kalimat aktif dan digunakan bentuk Present Participle, sedangkan untuk kalimat yang bermakna pasif, maka bentuk yang dipakai biasanya adalah bentuk Past Participle. Contoh :
- There were many houses submerged in the flood disaster (Many houses were submerged in the flood disaster)
- There were many unfortunate people buried in the landslide (Many unfortunate people were buried in the landslide)
Beberapa kata kerja seperti appear, come, go, happen, live, remain, seem, enter, follow juga seringkali digunakan setelah bentuk Expletive There dan berikut contohnya,
Contoh :
- Once upon a time there lived a dragon king.
- There seem to be three reason for her success.
- There comes a time when we must all face our maker.
- Suddenly there entered a misterious man wearing a mask.
- There remains nothing more to be done.
4. There + be + noun phrase + to infinitive clause
- There is crucial for the project to be ready before Monday.
- There was no one for us to talk to.
5. There dapat berperan sebagai subject dalam Infinitive dan -ing Clause
Contoh :
- I'd like there to be relaxing in the park.
- There appear to be several reason for changing our plan.
- She doesn't want there to be any more trouble.
6. Expletive There ataupun here dapat digunakan juga dalam kalimats eru (exclamatory sentence)
Contoh :
- There they are! (Disitulah mereka)
- There goes the alarm! (Alarm itu sedang berbunyi)
- There you have me! (Disitulah kami kenal)
- Here he comes! (Itulah dia datang)
- Here comes the train! (Itulah kereta datang)
- Here goes! (Beginilah)
- Here I am! (Inilah saya)
Expletive There dalam Kalimat Tanya
Dalam kalimat tanya, maka expletive There diletakkan sesudah BE (Modal Auxiliary).
Contoh :
- Statement : There is a car in the garage.
- Yes/ No Question : Is there a car in the garage?
- Short Answer : Yes, there is. No, there isn't
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