Materi preposisi (kata depan) kalimat bahasa Inggris masih kita lanjutkan
kembali. Pada post sebelumnya, sudah di bahas tentang pengenalan, apakah itu
preposisi dan macam- macamnya.
Nah, pada tulisan ini akan kita bahas tentang contoh penggunaan preposisi
dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris dalam berbagai maksud dan tujuan.
Baik, ada beberapa bentuk preposisi yang kita sering temukan dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris. Meskipun menggunakan preposisi yang sama, namun kadang memiliki maksud dan tujuan yang berbeda atau dengan kata lain, tergantung konteks kalimatnya. Berikut contoh dari penggunaan preposisi dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris,
Preposisi about dapat bermakna tentang, kira- kira, di sekeliling, di sekitar, maupun keliling. Lebih jelasnya, bisa diperhatikan pada contoh berikut,
- The boy gave a clear explanation about the accident. (tentang)
- The lecturer came about seven o'clock. (kira- kira)
- The young man looked about him. (di sekelilingnya)
- The child were tired of walking about Kota Lama Semarang. (keliling)
- She left it somewhere about here. (di sekitar)
Kata depan after dalam kalimat dapat bermaksud untuk menunjukkan sesudah, tentang, mengejar, memelihara, seperti, dan sebagainya. Berikut contoh penggunaan preposisi after dalam kalimat.
- The girls watched the Kung Fu Panda 4 after school. (sesudah)
- The students came here after the teacher. (sesudah)
- The police run after the gangster. (mengejar)
- The residents are worried that further flooding will occur because it has rained day after day. (berhari- hari)
- My mother always asks after my condition. (tentang)
- The girl was called Anna after her mother. (seperti)
Againts dapat diartikan bertentangan. Dalam berbagai konteks kalimat, kata against dapat diartikan sebagai kata lain seperti bersandar pada, bertentangan, pada dan sebagainya.
- The boy leaned againts the tree. (bersandar pada)
- The flood current was beating against the embankment. (pada)
- Are you for or against the opinion? (bertentangan)
- Please, don't do it against your will. (bertentangan)
Preposisi at dapat dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan tempat, waktu, arah, harga maupun okupasi. Berikut contoh kalimat yang menunjukkan penggunaan preposisi at sesuai dengan konteks kalimatnya,
Place (tempat)
- They were at home last night.
- My sister lives at Semarang.
- Write your name at the top right corner of the envelope.
- The bank is at the corner of the Pemuda Street.
- The painting looks beautiful at a distance.
- Winda goes to school at six o'clock.
- The relatives send gifts to each other at Ramadhan and Eid.
- The teacher gave quiz at the end of the lesson.
- The people celebrate new year at midnight.
- The man is at work.
- We ate steak at dinner last night.
- The little boy suddenly threw a stone at me.
- Look at the notice board, there is your work displayed there.
- She bought the T-shirt at Rp. 50.000 each.
Between dapat diartikan sebagai diantara atau sekitar. Between yang diartikan diantara hanya digunakan apabila terdapat satu benda berada di tengah dari dua benda lainnya. Berikut contoh kalimat dengan preposisi between yang dimaksudkan untuk di antara maupun sekitar.
- Liza sat between her mother and brother. (di antara)
- My brother's wallet disappeared between 9 and 10 p.m. (sekitar)
Among diartikan sama dengan between, perbedaannya, among berarti di antara lebih dari dua sementara untuk between di antara dua.
- My older brother sat among the professors at the university.
- The little boy fell among the crowd of carnival goers.
Preposisi By dapat menunjukkan arti sebelum, dengan - alat angkutan, tempat, dan sebagainya. Berikut contoh kalimat dengan preposisi By,
Waktu (sebelum)
- Can you finish your thesis by April? (sebelum)
- I like walking by moonlight.
- When I was working in Jakarta, I went to work by train.
- People can visit Karimujawa by plane right now.
Tempat : dekat (near)
- Come and sit by the fire
- This novel is by Andrea Hirata.
Satu demi satu
- He put the puzzle together one by one.
- To achieve success, we have to move step by step
For sebagai preposisi dapat dimaksudkan sebagai panjangnya waktu, tempat tujuan, alasan ataus ebaba, tujuan, singkatan darei, kesesuaian, persetujuan, dan meskipun. Berikut contoh kalimat dengan berbagai konteks di atas.
- We lived in Bali for five years. (selama : panjangnya waktu)
- She left for Jakarta to business. (tujuan)
- The man was given an reward for his dedication. (alasan)
- Let's go camping for refreshing our mind. (tujuan)
- e.t.c stands for et cetera. (kependekan atau singkatan dari)
- Eating vegetables is good for the body's metabolism
- The students are for the plan. (setuju dengan)
- For all her wealth, she was unhappy. ( meskipun)
Preposisi from dapat dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan tempat yang jauh, asal, bahan- bahan, perbedaan, kebiasaan, sebab, ketidakhadiran dan sebagainya.
- The children have gone away from home.
- Fira got some gifts from her friends at her birthday.
- Compost fertilizer is made from the remains of natural materials. (bahan)
- From time to time he remained stubborn and did not change his stance
- She suffers from the loss of her child.
- He stays away from school. (ketidakhadiran)
Preposisi In dapat ditujukan untuk menyatakan posisi, kondisi, waktu, aktivitas dan sebagainya. Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat dengan preposisi "in",
- She is crying in her room.
- IKN Nusantara is in Kalimantan Timur.
- The criminal is in prison
- He was in difficulty in the first years of living abroad
- Don't go out in the heavy rain.
- I start working in January 2023
- She likes cycling in the morning
- I always come to my office in time.
- She likes to spend her time in reading.
- He had been in the army for ten years
She walked into her room .
Of dapat menunjukkan suatu kepemilikan, tentang, ukuran, penyebab, jarak, posisi, bahan, dan sebagainya. Berikut contoh kalimatnya,
- My car of my friend is painted. (kepemilikan)
- She told him of the accident. (tentang)
- The buyer ordered three meters of batik cloth. (ukuran)
- The victims of the plane died of cold. (sebab)
- Jawa is west of Bali. (posisi)
- The house is made of wood. (bahan)
- It is kind of you to help us.
Preposisi "on" dapat menunjukkan tempat, waktu, tentang, arah, cara dan sebagainya. Berikut kalimat- kalimat dengan preposisi "on",
- The phone is on the table. (tempat)
- The television is on the wall. (tempat)
- She came on Saturday night. (waktu)
- I congratulate him on his achievement. (tentang)
- There was a house on the forest. (dekat)
- The shop is on your right hand. (dekat)
- She did it on purpose. (cara)
Preposisi "to" dapat menunjukkan arah, sebelum, objek yang tidak langsung, perbandingan, kebalikan maupun hasil. Berikut kalimat yang menunjukkan preposisi "to",
- This is the road to the Cahaya Beach.
- It is ten minutes to five. (sebelum)
- Let's count from ten to twenty.
- Read the page 10 to me.
- The changes are nine to one.
- The students like to study face to face in the class.
- To my surprise he brought me a bunch of flowers at my graduation.
Preposisi with dapat dimaksudkan untuk menerangkan alat, kepemilikan, cara, alasan, persetujuan, dan sebagainya. Berikut contoh kalimat dengan maksud dan tujuan dari preposisi with,
- He opened the door with a knife.
- She played tennis with her husband.
- The girl with black bag is my sister.
- She leave her child with her mother.
- She greeted her friend wuth smiles.
- She had an argument with her friend.
- I am with you in what you say.
Demikian Contoh Penggunaan Preposisi (Kata Depan) Bahasa Inggris dalam Berbagai Maksud dan Tujuan. Semoga pembahasan di atas dapat memudahkan teman- teman dalam membedakan preposisi berdasarkan makna dan tujuannya.
Selamat belajar dan semoga bermanfaat.
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