Suatu kalimat dapat berbentu kalimat pasif, dimana subjeknya melakukan suatu
pekerjaan, namun juga dapat berbentuk kalimat pasif yang subjeknya dikenakan
suatu pekerjaan.
Sebenarnya, untuk membentuk kalimat pasif dari kalimat aktif, ada beberapa
langkah mudah diantaranya sebagai berikut :
- Ingat bahwa kalimat pasif mempunyai pola dasar TO BE + Verb-3
- Letakkan objek kalimat pasif pada awal kalimat pasif, artinya tukar objek kalimat aktif menjadi subjek kalimata pasif.
- Apabila dalam kalimat aktif tidak ada bentuk to be (auxiliary), maka bentuk TO BE dapat ditambahkan dalam kalimat tersebut, akan tetapi syaratnya haruslah TO BE yang sesuai dengan bentuk tense nya.
Dalam pemakaiannya, kalimat pasif sering dibedakan berdasarkan bentuk
Tense-nya. Berikut uraian lengkapnya,
Present Tense
Form : S + is/am/are + V-3
Active : Linda writes a novel.
Passive : A novel is written by Linda.
Active : I buy some candies.
Passive : Some candies are bought by me.
*** Perlu dicermati, bahwa kata kerja yang digaris tebal di atas untuk kalimat
aktif merupakan bentuk Present Tense, sehingga dalam perubahan menjadi kalimat
pasif, yang diingat adalah bentuk To Be nya adalah is, am, are lalu tambahkan
saja bentuk V-3 pada kalimat pasif.
Past Tense
Form : S + was/were + V-3
Active : Linda wrote a novel.
Passive : A novel was written by Linda
Active : I bought some candies.
Passive : Some candies were bought by me.
*** Dalam bentuk Past Tense, maka bentuk BE yang digunakan adalah was/
Continuous Tense
S + is/ am/ are/ was/were + V-3
Active : Linda is writing a novel
Passive : A novel is being written by Linda.
Active : Linda was writing a novel
Passive : A novel was being written by Linda.
Active : I am buying some candies.
Passive : Some candies are being bought by me.
Active : I was buying some candies.
Passive : Some candies were being bought by me.
*** Bentuk Contiunuous Tense dapat berupa bentuk Present Continuous
Tense, Past Continuous Tense, maupun bentuk Continuous Tense
lainnya. Pada prinsipnya, bentuk dasar tetap berlaku yaitu BE + V-3.
Namun, juga masih tetap mempertahankan bentuk -ing dalam kalimat,
sehingga diperlukan bentuk "being" sebelum V-3.
Perfect Tense
S + have/ has/ had + V-3
Active : Linda has written a novel.
Passive : A novel has been written by Linda
Active : I have bought some candies.
Passive : Some candies have been bought by me.
*** Bentuk Perfect Tense dapat berupa Present Perfect Tense, Past
Perfect Tense maupun bentuk Perfect lainnya. Bentuk BE pada Perfect
Tense diubah menjadi bentuk "been".
S + Modal + be + V-3
Active : Linda will write a novel.
Passive : A novel will be written by Linda
Active : I will buy some candies.
Passive : Some candies will be bought by me.
Active : The bike needs repairing.
Passive : The bike needs to be repaired
Active : The letter requires stamping.
Passive : The letter requires to be stamped.
Latihan Soal
- Anna ate some apples.
- The policeman catches the robber
- They are painting some pictures
- Does Jaka paint his room?
1. Anna ate some apples.
Tense : Past Tense
Be : was/ were
Subject Jamak (some apples)
eat - ate - eaten
>>>> Some apples were eaten by Anna
2. The policeman catches the robber
Tense : Present Tense
Be : is/ am/ are
Subject tunggal (the robber)
catch - caught - caught
>>>> The robber is caught by the policeman.
3. They are painting some pictures
Tense : Present Continuous Tense
Be : being
Subject jamak (some pictures)
paint - painted - painted
>>>> Some pictures are being painted (by them)
4. Does Jaka paint his room?
Tense : Present Tense
Be : is/am/ are
Subject tunggal (his room)
paint - painted - painted
>>>> Is the room painted by Jaka?
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