Announcement merupakan salah satu bentuk teks fungsional pendek yang sering
kita temukan dalam kehidupan sehari- hari. Announcement text atau yang dikenal
sebagai teks pengumuman dalam bahasa Inggris dapat berisikan informasi tentang
berbagai hal. Nah, sebenarnya, apakah teks announcement itu? tujuan,
struktur, dan jenisnya? Yuk kita pelajari melalui pembahasan berikut ini. Tak
lupa, kita lengkapi juga dengan latihan soal untuk memudahkan dalam
Pengertian Announcement Text
Announcement text merupakan sebuah teks fungsional pendek melalui sesuatu yang
dikatakan, ditulis atau dicetak agar diketahui. Adapun tujuan dari teks
announcement adalah untuk memberitahukan informasi tentang suatu acara,
lowongan pekerjaan, penerimaan siswa baru, penerimaan mahasiswa baru dengan
pemberitahuan kepada masyarakat umum atau tertentu berbentuk formal.
Struktur teks
Teks announcement memiliki struktur teks yaitu sebagai berikut :
- Title
- Opening
- Purpose of Announcement
- Content of announcement
- Date/ Time/ Place
- Contact Person
- Closing
Contoh Announcement Text
Text 1
Attention please,
We have found a wallet in the school yard. If you have lost it, please contact
Mrs. Andini at the teacher room during the break. Thank you.
Text 2
Attention please,
To celebrate Isra' Mi'raj, we will hold several activities. One of them is by
raising humanitarian funds for our brothers and sisters who are currently
experiencing flood disasters. Your help will be very useful for those in need.
For more complete information, please contact Raya in the OSIS room. Thank
Text 3
To 9th grade students,
Today, I can't provide study material as usual because I have an assignment
to Yogyakarta. Please write Descriptive Text about historical places in the
Old City of Semarang. Collect assignments on my desk. We will discuss this
task at the next meeting.
Latihan Soal Teks Announcement
Text 1
To commemorate the upcoming the Kartini Day, The Students Board organization
will hold some interensting programs. They are English story telling
contest, Spelling Bee Competition, and English Speech Contest.
The objective of the programs is to develop students' English skill. All
classes must participate in the programs. The program will be held on April
20th, 2024. The English story telling contest and spelling bee competition
will start at 08.00. The English speech contest will begin at 9.00. Every
contestant should attend fifteen minutes before the programs begin.
For further information, please contact Maria of class VIII-C as the
coordinator programs.
1. What is the purpose of holding the programs?
a. to commemorate the Kartini Day
b. to give information about English programs
c. to increase students' ability in English
d. to motivate students in learning
2. Who should take part in the programs?
a. the Students Board Organization members
b. Maria
c. class VIII-C
d. all classes
Text 2
To all grade 8th students!
We will visit the Kota Lama Museum in the next school holiday. The museum
will present the history of the city of Semarang during the Dutch Colonial
era. Mr. Rafa and Ms. Nia will be the person in charge for giving details
and registration.
3. What is the topic of the passage?
a. Announcing the time of school
b. Informing the activity during the
school holiday
c. Explaining the Kota Lama Museum
d. Describing the Kota Lama Museum in
4. Those who are interested in the activity …
a. will meet either Mr. Rafa or Ms. Nia
to register
b. will see the heritage of the
city of Semarang
c. will be given detail information by
Mr. Rafa and Ms. Nia
d. will have to pay some money before
visiting the Kota Lama Museum
Text 3
SMP Buana Jaya Volleyball Club opens recruitment for new members.
For all students who are interested in please come to the volleyball court
on Tuesday and Thursday at 3 pm to do registration and join our practice.
Send WA text to Naka at 089567845444 for further information.
5. What is the writer’s intention of the passage?
a. Explaining how to join the
volleyball club
b. Describing the volleyball club
c. Informing the open recruitment to
the students
d. Inviting the students to practice
volleyball in the court
6. How do the interested students get detail information?
a. Come to the volleyball court on
Tuesday and Thursday.
b. Send a WA message to Naka
c. Register the volleyball club every
d. Enroll to SMP Buana Jaya
Demikian Ringkasan Materi Bahasa Inggris : Teks Announcement, Pengertian, Tujuan, Struktur, Jenis, dan Latihan Soal. Semoga Bermanfaat.
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