Materi Short Message Bahasa Inggris SMP, Pengertian dan Contoh Soalnya - Ahzaa.Net

Materi Short Message Bahasa Inggris SMP, Pengertian dan Contoh Soalnya

Materi Short Message Bahasa Inggris SMP,  Pengertian dan Contoh Soalnya
Short message Bahasa Inggris merupakan jenis teks yang berupa pesan singkat untuk menyampaikan sesuatu kepada orang lain agar melakukan sesuatu atau tidak melakukan sesuatu. Dalam penulisannya, short message harus memberikan informasi sebagai berikut : 
  • Penerima (receiver)
  • Isi (content) 
  • Pengirim ( sender) 
Macam Pesan Singkat (Short Message)
Pesan singkat (short message) digolongkan menjadi dua yaitu pesan singkat tertulis (written message) dan pesan singkat elektronik (electric message). Pesan singkat elektronik inilah yang banyak digunakan saat ini. Pesan tersebut melalui aplikasi media sosial seperti WhatssApp, Telegram, dan media sosial lainnya. 

Gambar oleh Hermann Traub dari Pixabay

Contoh Pesan Singkat (Short Message)

Dear Anna,

Hi, where are you? I came to your house to return your book just now, but you were not in. So, I boarded it up to your sister. 

Thanks for it.


Contoh Soal Short Message

Text 1 for number 1 -2

Sender : Fara
Saturday, 3rd February, 2024
09.57 a.m 

Ann, our plan to have a camp today is postponed by Alya because of the bad weather. 
She's just informed me that the camp will be held if the weather is fine tomorrow. 

1. What is the writer's intention to write the text above?
a. to invite someone to have a camp 
b. to ask someone to join a camp 
c. to inform someone about the changing of camp time 
d. to tell the plan of having a camp. 

2. Based on the short message above, Fara, Ann and Alya are going to have a camp on ....
a. Friday 
b. Saturday 
c. Sunday 
d. Monday

Text 2 for number 3 -4
Dear Rida

Your appointment  to see Mrs. Nana is on Monday 5th February at 10.00 a.m. Please be on time.


3. We know from the text that Rida will come to see Mrs Nana ....
a. in the morning 
b. in the afternoon 
c. in the evening 
d. in the midnight 

4. The phrase "Please be on time" in the text means ....
a. punctually 
b. fast 
c. early 
d. quickly 

Text 3 for number 5 - 6

Dear Maria, 
Do you have any plans for next weekend? Syara and I are going to have a barbecue at my house. It's been long time since we spent a weekend together. Will you join us? If you are interested, let me know soon. 


5. Why does Shesa ask Maria to join them for the weekend?
a. Maria is one of Shesa's best friend
b. Shesa knows that Maria likes to have a barbecue
c. Maria doesn't have any plans for weekend
d. It's been long since they spent a weekend together 

6. From the text we can conclude that ....
a. all of the girls have the same interest 
b. they will go to have a barbecue 
c. Syara and Shesa will have a barbecue if Shesa will not come 
d. they always spend their weekend together 

Text 3 for number 7 - 8

Sifa, sorry I can't come to your house this afternoon to finish our school project because my mom asks me to accompany her to see the dentist. I will meet you at at school tomorrow. 


7. What is Wanda and Sifa's plan?
a. to see the dentist 
b. to meet her mom 
c. to accompany Wanda's mom to see the dentist 
d. to finish their project together 

8. From the short message above we know that ...
a. Wanda will come to Sifa' house 
b. Wanda will accompany her mother to see the dentist 
c. Sifa feels disappointed 
d. Sifa will come to Wanda's house 

Demikian tentang teks pesan pendek (short message) Bahasa Inggris SMP. Semoga pembahasan di atas dapat memudahkan teman- teman yang belajar materi short message bahasa Inggris. 

Semoga Bermanfaat 


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