Invitation atau undangan merupakan salah satu teks pendek bahasa Inggris yang
diajarkan di jenjang SMP. teks invitation merupakan sebuah teks yang berisikan
tentang permintaan, permohonan atau sebuah usaha agar orang lain bergabung
dalam sebuah even tertentu.
Berdasarkan pengertian teks invitation di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa
teks invitation memiliki tujuan untuk mengundang orang lain untuk datang dalam
suatu even tertentu.
Generic Structure
Teks invitation memiliki struktur generik sebagai berikut :
- Title or type of event yaitu judul atau tipe dari even, yang mencakup even apa yang akan dilaksanakan.
- Orientation, yaitu memberikan informasi terkait apa yang akan dilaksanakan atau siapa yang akan datang.
- Date and Time, merupakan waktu berupa tanggal dan jam, yang menunjukkan kapan atau dimana even akan dilaksanakan
- Closing, yaitu penutup, mencantumkan harapan dari penulis kepada pembaca untuk datang pada even yang diadakan tersebut.
Ciri Teks Invitation
Teks invitation biasanya menggunakan bentuk simple future tense dan meliputi
waktu yang spesifik, tanggal, jam, dan tempat dari pelaksanaan even.
Contoh Teks Invitation berdasarkan generic structure
(Title )
Birthday Party
Dear, my best friend. I hope you are fine. I will celebrate my 15th birthday
party so I hope you can come to my party that will be held on :
(Date and time)
Place : My home at Jl. Kencana 56 Semarang
Date : February 9th, 2024
Time : 16.00 until end
I will be happy if you come to my birthday party and I will be waiting for
Latihan Soal Invitation
Text 1
Dear Amanda,
Years of gathering...
With food, good friend, and fun ...
So, let's get together one more time
To watch the new year come!
Saturday, December 31st, 2023
8 p.m until midnight
At Mira's house
Jl. Jasmin 10
1. From the text we know that the party is for ....
a. enjoying food and drink
b. welcoming the new year
c. seeking for new friends
d. having a good friend relationships
2. What is the writer's intention to write the text?
a. to tell a friend about the new year party
b. to invite a friend to come to the new year party
c. to inform about important event
d. to remind a friend about the new year party
Text 2
Dear Lisa,
Let's have fun at my 14th birthday party.
Please to come to my house on Saturday, February 10th 2024.
The party will start at 3.30 p.m and will end at 5.30 p.m.
You know that I won't be happy without your coming.
Your best friend,
3. How long is the party?
a. an hour
b. two hours
c. three hours
d. four hours
4. The writer writes the text above to ....
a. show her happiness for Lisa's plan
b. confirm her birthday to her friend
c. give an information about her birthday
d. invite her friend to join in her birthday party
Text 3
Please come to my celebration a party
To celebrate the fifteenth birthday
Wina Samara
Daughter of Mr. Dion Samara
Sunday, February 11th, 2024
9.00 a.m - 11.00 a.m
Graha Satu Blok A1 No.4
R.S.V.P to Salma Nisa
5. What is the goal of the text?
a. to give information
b. to tell about party
c. to invite someone
d. to ask for information
6. Which is NOT TRUE about the text?
a. Wina Samara was born in 2009
b. The birthday party will be held in the morning
c. The invitees should confirm their coming to Salma Nisa
d. Wina Samara will be 13 years in 2024
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