Halo sahabat Ahzaa, kembali lagi di AhzaaNet...Pada tulisan ini kita akan lanjutkan belajar dalam menghadapi Sumatif Akhir Semester (SAS) Ganjil untuk mapel Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/ MI Kurikulum Merdeka .
Latihan Soal Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Semester (SAS) Ganjil Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/ MI Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023/ 2024 terdiri dari 40 soal dengan rincian 25 soal pilihan ganda, 5 soal pernyataan benar atau salah dan 10 soal isian. Semua soal sudah lengkap dengan kunci jawaban untuk memudahkan teman- teman dalam belajar.
Baik, langsung saja, berikut latihan soalnya,
Latihan Soal Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Semester (SAS) Ganjil Bahasa Inggris Kelas
4 SD/ MI Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023/ 2024
1. A : What are you doing?
B : I am .... (membaca buku)
a. drawing scenery
b. reading a book
c. writing
d. cleaning the room
2. A : What is she doing?
B : She ... reading in the library
a. am
b. are
c. is
d. be
3. Mr. Ari's house is number ....
a. fifty
b. fifty- six
c. ninety
d. ninety-nine
4. 30
There are more than ... students in my class.
a. thirty -two
b. twenty-six
c. thirty
d. thirty-one
5. Eighty one minus twenty two is ....
a. 59
b. 68
c. 45
d. 49
6. The car and the motorcycle are in the ....
a. living room
b. garage
c. dining room
d. kitchen
7. My mother prepares breakfast in the ....
a. bathroom
b. bedroom
c. kitchen
d. living room
8. Make the bed in Indonesian is ....
a. membuat tempat tidur
b. merapikan tempat tidur
c. menyapu kamar tidur
d. membeli tempat tidur
9. A : What are they doing?
B : They are ... in the classroom
a. cooking
b. studying
c. running
d. playing football
10. Randu takes a bath every day. Every day means ....
a. setiap waktu
b. setiap hari
c. selalu
d. biasanya
11. Bolster in Indonesia is ....
a. bantal
b. guling
c. selimut
d. tirai
12. My father and mother sit on the ... in the living room.
a. floor
b. table
c. rug
d. sofa
13. A : Where are the soap?
B. It is (di samping) the shampoo.
a. behind
b. under
c. next to
d. beside
14. My brother takes a shower in the ....
a. kitchen
b. bathroom
c. living room
d. guest room
15. My sister ... in the bedroom.
a. takes a nap
b. makes a cookies
c. takes a rest
d. boils water
16. A : what do you find in the bathroom?
B : ....
a. blanket and pillow
b. shampoo and napkin
c. dipper and towel
d. table and chair
17. Bird ... fly high on the sky.
a. can
b. can't
c. cannot
d. doesn't
18. The students can't ... in the library.
a. read a book
b. borrow a book
c. study
d. eat snacks
19. Fira can ... very well. Her voice is beautiful.
a. sing
b. sang
c. sings
d. singing
20. A : Can we play football in the living room?
B : ....
a. Yes, we can
b. No, we cannot
c. No, we don't
d. Yes, we do
21. Faras can ... very well. She is very energic.
a. dance
b. dances
c. danced
d. dancing
22. Vita can ... in the kitchen.
a. study
b. watch
c. read a book
d. prepare for dinner
23. We need a ... to take the water in the bathroom.
a. tooth brush
b. dipper
c. tooth paste
d. bathtub
24. There are ... in the bedroom.
a. dippers
b. plates
c. knives
d. pillows
25. We need a ... to eat.
a. pan
b. fork
c. spoon
d. dipper
State True (T) or False (F) for the following statements
26. My family are having lunch in the garage
27. The students are studying in the class
28. Forty one minus twelve is thirty nine
29. Geri takes a nap in the bedroom
30. We do not use pan to drink
Fill the blanks with correct answer!
31. Sita ... every morning after getting up. (merapikan tempat tidur)
32. A : What do you use to dry your body after taking shower?
B : I use ... (handuk)
33. I brush my teeth with ... and ....
34. My father sits on the ... in the living room and starts to read his
35. I wash the dishes in the ....
36. I ... make fried egg in the kitchen
37. A : Can a fish fly to the sky?
B : ...
38. We ... (tidak bisa) play football in the kitchen.
39. There are ... (bantal) and ... (guling) on the bed.
40. I ... in the bedroom every day.
Demikian Latihan Soal Asesmen Sumatif Akhir Semester (SAS) Ganjil Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/ MI Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023/ 2024. Semoga memudahkan belajar teman- teman dan semoga bermanfaat.
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