Halo sahabat Ahzaa, selamat datang kembali di AhzaaNet. Pada kesempatan kali
ini, kita akan belajar tentang materi Bahasa Inggris yaitu Indirect Speech.
Nah, sebelum kita mulai untuk belajar lebih lanjut tentang Indirect Speech,
kita harus ketahui dulu apa itu Indirect Speech.
Indirect Speech (kalimat tak langsung) merupakan kalimat - kalimat langsung
(direct speech) yang diceritakan kembali dengan cara lain tanpa mengubah arti
dan tidak lagi mengulangi pembicaraan , tetapi menceritakan kembali apa yang
dikatakan oleh pembicara.
Untuk mengenal lebih lanjut tentang kalimat tak langsung, silahkan perhatikan
pada contoh- contoh berikut ini,
Contoh 1
Shita said, "Randu loves me." (Direct Speech = Kalimat langsung)
Shita said that Randu loved her. (Indirect Speech = Kalimat tak
(Shita berkata bahwa Randu Menyukainya)
Contoh 2
She told him, "Please help me." (Direct Speech = Kalimat langsung)
She told him to help her. (Indirect Speech = Kalimat tak langsung)
(Dia berkata pada laki- laki itu untuk menolongnya)
Contoh 3
Anna asked me,"Are you a student?" (Direct Speech = Kalimat langsung)
Anna asked me if I was a student. (Indirect Speech = Kalimat tak
(Anna bertanya padaku apakah saya seorang siswa.)
Dalam kalimat langsung, terdapat tanda kutip, sementara itu untuk kalimat tak
langsung tidak terdapat tanda kutip.
Ada tiga bentuk kalimat yaitu pernyataan (statement), perintah atau permintaan
(imperative/ requests) dan pertanyaan (questions). Pada pembahasan kali ini,
akan kami khususkan untuk membahas perubahan kalimat langsung menjadi tak
langsung pada kalimat pernyataan (statement).
Untuk mengubah kalimat langsung (direct speech) menjadi kalimat tak langsung
(indirect speech) ada beberapa ketentuan yang mesti diperhatikan. Berikut
1. Pernyataan langsung (direct speech) yang diubah menjadi pernyataan tak
langsung (indirect speech) tidak akan mengalami perubahan tense jika
induk kalimatnya memakai bentuk tense berikut :
a. Present Tense
b. Present Perfect Tense
c. Future Tense
1) Present Tense
Lina says, "I am a student." (direct speech)
Lina says that she is a student (indirect speech)
Andra says, "Fahmi likes camping." (direct speech)
Andra says that Fahmi likes camping. (indirect speech)
2) Present Perfect Tense
Fira has said, " I have had breakfast."
Fira has said that she has had breakfast.
Ghea has said to me,"Rindu types a letter."
Ghea has said to methat Rindu types a letter.
3) Future Tense
Woro will tell me," I am ready to come with you."
Woro will tell me that she is ready to come with me.
Asyam will say," Nobody is late."
Asyam will say that nobody is late.
2. Apabila induk kalimat langsung (direct speech) dalam bentuk simple past
tense, maka kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech) mengalami
perubahan tense. Perubahan- perubahan tense tersebut dapat dilihat pada
tabel berikut ini,
Perubahan- Perubahan Tense dalam pengubahan kalimat langsung menjadi tak
Kalimat Langsung | Kalimat tak Langsung |
Present Tense | Past Tense |
Present Continuous Tense | Past Continuous Tense |
Present Future Tense | Past Future Tense |
Present Perfect Tense | Past Perfect Tense |
Present Perfect Continuous Tense | Past Perfect Continuous Tense |
Past Tense | Past Perfect Tense |
Past Continuous Tense | Past Perfect Continuous Tense |
Past Future Tense | Past Future Perfect |
Future Continuous Tense | Conditional Continuous |
Keterangan waktu dan tempat juga akan berubah dalam ketentuan pengubahan
kalimat langsung (direct speech) menjadi kalimat tak langsung (indirect
now | then |
yesterday | the day before |
last night | the night before |
last week | the week before |
last Sunday | the Sunday before |
two days ago | two days before |
five years ago | five years before |
today | that day |
tomorrow | the following day, the next day |
next month | the following month |
next week/ year | the following week/ year |
the day after tomorrow | in two days time |
Selain itu, terdapat berbagai perubahan seperti berikut ini,
here | there |
this | that |
these | those |
can | could |
will | would |
shall | should |
may | might |
Contoh Kalimat
Present tense | Past Tense |
Resa told me," Ahfa is sick." | Resa told me that Ahfa was ill |
Rama said," I go to school by bus every day." | Rama said that he went to school by bus every day." |
Present Contiunuous | Past Continuous |
She said, "They are reading." | She said that they are reading. |
Saka told me," I am studying Math at the moment." | Saka told me that he was studying Math then. |
Simple Future | Past Future |
Farah said, "Mita shall go to Jakarta next week." | Farah said that Mita would go to Jakarta the following week. |
Ann told me," I will study hard tomorow." | Ann told me that she would study hard the following day." |
Present Perfect | Past Perfect |
Firda told me, "I have done my homework." | Firda told me that she had done her homework. |
She said, "Mother has bought a cake. " | She said that mother had bought a cake. " |
Present Perfect Continuous | Past Perfect Continuous |
He said, "I have been working here for 2 years" | He said that he had been working there for 2 years. |
She said, "I have been studying English for two hours" | She said that she had been studying English for two hours. |
Simple Past | Past Perfect |
He told me,"I saw Mirna last night." | He told me that he had seen Mirna the night before. |
Jessica said," Fitra bought a new laptop." | Jessica said that Fitra had bought a new laptop. |
Simple Continuous | Past Perfect Continuous |
Farhan remarked,"Azka was eating when he arrived." | Farhan remarked that Azka had been eating when he had arrived." |
He said," I was thinking about the price." | He said that he had been thinking about the price. |
Past Future | Past Future Perfect |
He said," I would break the door if I were you." | He said that he would have broken the door if he had been me. |
She said," I would study hard if I were you." | She said that she would have studied hard if she had been me. |
Future Continuous | Conditional Continuous |
He said," I will be doing the task myself." | He said that he would be doing the task himself. |
Demikian cara mengubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung (direct speech to indirect speech). Semoga pembelajaran ini dapat membantu teman- teman yang sedang mempelajari materi Direct speech to Indirect Speech.
Semoga Bermanfaat.
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