Cara Membuat Pertanyaan Yes/ No Question dalam Bahasa Inggris - Ahzaa.Net

Cara Membuat Pertanyaan Yes/ No Question dalam Bahasa Inggris

Cara Membuat Pertanyaan Yes/ No Question dalam Bahasa Inggris
Yes/ No question merupakan salah satu jenis pertanyaan yang sering ditemui dalam bahasa Inggris. Pertanyaan ini memiliki jawaban yang selalu dimulai dengan perkataan Yes atau No. Jawaban Yes/ No digunakan apabila dalam pertanyaan digunakan kata awal seperti Copula (kata kerja gabung) dan Auxiliary Verb  (kata kerja bantu)  yaitu Am, Is, are, Was, Were, Do, Does, Did, Have, Has, Had, Can, May, Must, Shall, Will, Should, dan Would.

Jawaban dengan Yes atau No dapat berbentuk jawaban yang panjang (long answer) maupun jawaban pendek (short answer. Kata kerja gabung atau kata kerja bantu yang dipakai dalam pertanyaan akan dipakai juga dalam jawaban.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Untuk pertanyaan dalam bentuk Present Tense, maka menggunakan kata kerja bantu Do atau Does, dan untuk bentuk Past tense, maka menggunakan kata bantu Did. 

Penggunaan nama diri seperti Mira, Alia, Farah, Numa, the teachers, the boys, the girls, maka kata- kata tersebut dapat menggunakan kata Kata Ganti Orang (he, she, it, they) sebagai subject dan kata ganti him, her, it atau them sebagai objek dalam jawaban. 

Jika kata I yang digunakan dalam pertanyaan, maka kata tersebut akan berubah menjadi you dalam jawaban, sedangkan pertanyaan yang menggunakan kata "you", maka jawabannya akan menjadi "I". Begitu pula kata "my" dalam pertanyaan, maka akan menjadi kata "your" dalam jawaban dan sebaliknya.

Jawaban Yes atau No tidak dapat digunakan untuk pertanyaan yang bersifat pilihan yang ditandai dengan kata "or"meskipun menggunakan kata kerja bantu sebagai kata awal. 

Untuk lebih jelasnya dari penjelasan di atas, berikut kita bahas lebih detail dan rinci dari setiap kata kerja bantu yang digunakan.

1. Am, Is, Are

 Question Long Answer Short answer 
 Am I pale? Yes, you are pale
 No, you are not pale
 Yes, you are
 No, you are not (aren't) 
 Is she a teacher? Yes, she is a teacher
 No, she is not a teacher
 Yes, she is
 No, she is not (isn't)
 Are they discussing? Yes, they are discussing
 No, they are not discussing 
 Yes, they are
 No, they are not (they aren't) 

2. Was, Were

 Question Long Answer Short answer 
 Was Fira absent yesterday? Yes, she was absent yesterday
 No, she was not absent yesterday
 Yes, she was
 No, she was not (wasn't)
 Were they here last night? Yes, they were here last night
 No, they were not here last night
 Yes, they were
 No, they were not (weren't)
 Were you sick yesterday? Yes, I was sick yesterday
 No, I was not sick yesterday 
 Yes, I was
 No, I wasn't

3. Do, Does

 Question Long Answer Short answer 
 Do you always wake up early? Yes, I always get up early
 No, I do not always get up early
 Yes, I do
 No, I don't
 Do they often play football? Yes, they often play football
 No, they do not often play football
 Yes, they do
 No, they don't
 Does she always sleep early? Yes, she always sleeps early
 No, she does not always sleep early 
 Yes, she does
 No, she doesn't

4. Did 

 Question Long Answer Short answer 
 Did you come here last night? Yes, I came here last night
 No, I did not come here last night
 Yes, I did
 No, I didn't
 Did she buy a novel yesterday? Yes, she bought a novel yesterday
 No, she did not buy a novel yesterday
 Yes, she did
 No, she didn't
 Did they go to Bali last month? Yes, they went to Bali last month
 No, they did not go to Bali last month 
 Yes, they did
 No, they didn't

5. Will, Shall

 Question Long Answer Short answer 
 Will she buy the house? Yes, she will buy the house
 No, she will not buy the house
 Yes, she will
 No, she won't
 Will he clean the room? Yes, he will clean the room
 No, he will not clean the room
 Yes, he will
 No, he won't
 Shall I buy that book? Yes, you will buy it
 No, you will not buy it 
 Yes, you will
 No, you won't

6. Have, Has

 Question Long Answer Short answer 
 Have you cleaned the room? Yes, I have cleaned the room
 No, I haven't cleaned the room
 Yes, I have
 No, I haven't
 Has she taken the test? Yes, she has taken the test
 No, she hasn't taken the test
 Yes, she has
 No, she hasn't
 Have they caught the explanation? Yes, they have caught the explanation
 No, they haven't caught the explanation
 Yes, they have
 No, they haven't

7. Had

 Question Long Answer Short answer 
 Had you sold your house before moving to other country? Yes, I had sold my house
 No, I hadn't sold my house
 Yes, I had
 No, I hadn't
 Had she waited his friend? Yes, she had waited
 No, she hadn't waited
 Yes, she has
 No, she hasn't
 Had you eaten when Fira came last night? Yes, I had eaten
 No, I hadn't eaten
 Yes, I had
 No,  I hadn't

8. Can, May, Must

 Question Long Answer Short answer 
 Can you help me? Yes, I can help you
 No, cannot help you
 Yes, I can
 No, I cannot
 May I open that window? Yes, you may open it
 No, may not open it
 Yes, you may
 No, you may not
 Must they  buy that book? Yes, they must buy it
 No, they must not buy it
 Yes, I they must
 No,  I mustn't (must not)

9. Should, Would

 Question Long Answer Short answer 
 Should I come tomorrow? Yes, you should come
 No, you shouldn't come tomorrow
 Yes, you should
 No, you shouldn't
 Would they like to help you? Yes, they would like to help me
 No, they wouldn't like to help me
 Yes, they would
 No, you they wouldn't
 Would he like to drink milk? Yes, he would  like to drink milk
 No, he wouldn't like to drink milk
 Yes, he would
 No,  he wouldn't

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