
Bagaimana Menanyakan Arah dan Lokasi dalam Bahasa Inggris? Yuk Ikuti Caranya

Dalam berbagai situasi sehari-hari, menanyakan arah dan lokasi merupakan hal penting dalam berkomunikasi baik saat berada di lingkungan yang baru atau dalam perjalanan. Kemampuan untuk memahami dan menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan terkait arah dan lokasi dalam bahasa Inggris dapat membantu kita dengan lancar bergerak dari satu tempat ke tempat lain tanpa kebingungan.

Ketika kita mencari tujuan tertentu, seperti tempat wisata, restoran, atau alamat yang tidak kita kenal sebelumnya, kemampuan untuk menanyakan arah dengan jelas dan efektif menjadi kunci. Begitu pula, saat kita memberikan atau menerima petunjuk arah, mengandalkan landmark atau tanda-tanda jalan, atau bahkan menjelaskan lokasi dari suatu tempat, menggunakan ungkapan yang tepat akan mempermudah interaksi dan meminimalkan potensi kesalahan.

source : pixabay

Dalam tulisan ini, kita akan belajar bagaimana mengenali berbagai ungkapan bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan menanyakan arah dan lokasi, serta memberikan panduan tentang bagaimana menggambarkan arah dan lokasi dengan tepat. 

Dengan pemahaman yang baik tentang ungkapan-ungkapan ini, kita akan merasa lebih percaya diri dan siap menghadapi situasi di mana kita perlu berbicara tentang arah dan lokasi dalam bahasa Inggris.

Berikut adalah beberapa ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan arah dan lokasi:

Asking for Directions:
  • Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to [place]?
  • Can you give me directions to [location]?
  • I'm a bit lost. Do you know how to get to [place]?
  • Which way is [place] from here?
  • I'm trying to find [location]. Is it nearby?

Giving Directions:
  • Go straight ahead.
  • Turn left/right at the [street name].
  • Take the first/second exit at the roundabout.
  • It's just around the corner.
  • Walk down [street name] until you see [landmark].
  • You'll pass [landmark] on your way there.
  • The [place] is on your left/right.

Describing Locations:
  • It's located in the heart of the city.
  • The park is situated near the river.
  • The museum is on the outskirts of town.
  • The café is right next to the bookstore.
  • The hotel is within walking distance of the train station.
  • The beach is a few kilometers away from here.
  • The store is opposite the gas station.

Talking about Distance:
  • It's just a short walk away.
  • The airport is quite far from here.
  • The grocery store is a stone's throw from our house.
  • The mall is a 15-minute drive from your location.
  • The bus stop is just around 200 meters down the road.

Using Landmarks:
  • Turn left after you pass the big red building.
  • The restaurant is beside the tall office building.
  • The theater is across from the park.
  • Keep going until you reach the church.
  • The cinema is in the same building as the shopping center.

Indicating Directions:
  • Go north/south/east/west on this street.
  • Head in the direction of the mountains.
  • Follow the signs for [place].
  • You'll reach your destination if you follow the riverbank.
  • The path will lead you to the main square.

Expressing Proximity:
  • It's nearby, just a short distance away.
  • You can't miss it; it's very close.
  • It's not too far from here, just a couple of blocks.
  • The restaurant is within a stone's throw.
  • The landmark is just around the corner.

Asking for Confirmation:
  • So, if I go this way, I'll reach [location], right?
  • Am I on the right track to get to [place]?
  • Did I understand correctly that it's near the train station?
  • Is [landmark] a good reference point to find [location]?
  • Can you confirm if I'm heading in the right direction to [place]?
Giving Additional Information:
  • If you pass the school, you're going the wrong way.
  • Keep in mind that the road can be a bit confusing.
  • Watch out for the fork in the road; take the right path.
  • You'll see a signpost indicating the way to [place].
  • If you reach the bridge, you've gone too far.

Untuk lebih memahami penggunaan ungkapan di atas, teman- teman dapat memperhatikan penerapan ungkapan - ungkapan tentang arah dan lokasi pada contoh percakapan berikut ini,

1. Percakapan Menanyakan Arah dan Lokasi

Alex: Excuse me, I'm looking for the nearest post office. Can you help me out?

Ella: Of course! You're in luck. Just go straight down this road for about two blocks, then turn left at the traffic lights. You'll see the post office on your right.

Alex: Thanks a lot! Is it far from here?

Ella: No, not at all. It's a short walk, maybe around five minutes.

Alex: Great, thanks again. Oh, and is there a bank around here too?

Ella: Absolutely. After you pass the post office, keep walking straight. You'll find a bank right next to the grocery store on your left.

Alex: Perfect, got it. Thanks for your help!

Ella: You're welcome! If you need anything else, feel free to ask.

2. Percakapan Memberikan Petunjuk Arah dan Lokasi

Sophia: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the museum?

Liam: Sure thing! Walk straight ahead until you reach the second intersection. Then, turn right onto Maple Street. The museum is on the corner of Maple Street and Oak Avenue.

Sophia: Thanks a bunch! Is it a long walk from here?

Liam: Not at all. It's just a ten-minute walk from where you are.

Sophia: That's great. By the way, is there a café nearby?

Liam: Absolutely. Once you reach the museum, keep walking down Oak Avenue. You'll find a cozy café on your left, just past the bookstore.

Sophia: Excellent, I appreciate it. Thanks for your help!

Liam: No problem! Enjoy your time at the museum and the café.

3. Percakapan Menunjukkan Arah Menggunakan Landmark

Emily: Hi, I'm trying to find the library. Can you help me out?

Jacob: Of course! Do you see that tall clock tower over there?

Emily: Yes, I do.

Jacob: Perfect. Walk toward the clock tower, and the library is right across the street from it.

Emily: Got it. Thank you so much!

Jacob: You're welcome! Enjoy your visit to the library.

Demikian ungkapan menanyakan arah dan lokasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga tulisan ini memudahkan teman- teman dalam belajar bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam menggunakan ungkapan- ungkapan yang berkaitan dengan arah dan lokasi. 

Semoga Bermanfaat.
Terima Kasih. 

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