Mengenal Bentuk Pertanyaan Reading Comprehension pada Tes Bahasa Inggris Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN - Ahzaa.Net

Mengenal Bentuk Pertanyaan Reading Comprehension pada Tes Bahasa Inggris Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN

Mengenal Bentuk Pertanyaan Reading Comprehension pada Tes Bahasa Inggris Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN
Hai sahabat Ahzaa, selamat datang kembali di AhzaaNet. Pada kesempatan ini kita akan sedikit membantu teman- teman dalam mempersiapkan Tes Bahasa Inggris Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN mendatang dalam mengenali dan menjawab pertanyaan Bahasa Inggris  bagian reading comprehension

Teman- teman, reading comprehension merupakan bagian dalam Tes Bahasa Inggris. Nah, ada beberapa tipe pertanyaan seputar reading comprehension yang dapat teman- teman kenali khususnya pada Tes Bahasa Inggris Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN. Berikut penjabarannya.

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1. Pertanyaan seputar topik atau tema
Topik utama merupakan subjek utama bacaan yang akan menjabarkan tentang apa bacaan tersebut. Topik atau tema dapat berupa inti dari bacaan, atau judul bacaan. Kalian dapat mengenali beberapa contoh pertanyaan seputar topik atau tema berikut ini,
  • What is the topic of this passage? (apakah topik utama bacaan ini?)
  • The text is mainly talking about? (bacaan ini terutama sedang membicarakan tentang apa?)
  • The passage is about .... ( Bacaan ini tentang ...)

Beberapa trik atau cara dapat teman- teman terapkan yaa bila menghadapi soal seperti di atas tersebut, yaitu
  1. Membaca kalimat pertama dan terakhir pada tiap- tiap paragraf bacaan
  2. Temukan key word (kata kunci) yang selalu diulang- ulang pada bagian awal, tengah, atau akhir khususnya pada bagian kesimpulan
  3. Kata kunci tersebut dapat ebrupa persamaan kata (sinonim)
  4. Apabila pertanyaan adalah tentang suatu topik, maka jawabannya dapat ebrupa satu kata atau frase (kelompok kata)
Untuk lebih jelasnya, teman- teman dapat melihat pada contoh soal berikut,

The government published a report yesterday saying that we need to eat more healthily - more fruits and vegetables, less fat and sugar. So, that means fewer burgers, chips and fried foods as well as cutting down on sweet things. We went into Central London yesterday at lunch time and asked people what they thought about it. “It’s got nothing to do with government what I eat,” said Paul Keel, a building worker, and Dorothi Mattews, a teacher as they ate beef burgers and chips washed down with strawberry milkshakes. Tim Kennnor, however, welcome the government’s advice. Then, we asked the Simpson’s restaurant’s manager about it. “I don’t think people believe all these reports anymore. What they say is good for you on June, then they say bad for you on July. People stopped taking notice. We serve what we’ve always served. Almost all of it is fattening.”

The topic of the text is ....
A. people’s reaction to suggestion on healthy eating habits
B. eating a healthy lunch in Central London
C. the government’s report on people unhealthy eating habits
D. fattening foods served at the Simpson’s restaurant
Jawaban A
Topik dari bacaan adalah tentang reaksi masyarakat terhadap anjuran pemerintah untuk membiasakan makanan sehat (the government’s report on people unhealthy eating habits)

2. Pertanyaan tentang gagasan utama (main idea)
Gagasan utama adalah pokok pikiran dari sebuah paragraf yang memuat tentang keterangan, penjelasan, uraian atau sudut pandang penulis akan pokok bahasan yang dibahas. Gagasan utama berupa penjelasan judul dari topik, maupun sudut pandang penulis. Berikut contoh pertanyaan yang menanyakan gagasan utama (main idea)

  • What is the main idea of the passage?
  • What is the text talking about?
  • The main idea of the passage is ....
  • What is the author's  main idea of paragraph 2?

Teman- teman dapat mencari gagasan utama dengan cara 
  1. Cari terlebih dahulu topik atau tema dari paragraf pertama
  2. Perhatikan kata- kata atau frase dalam mengembangkan topik
  3. Perhatikan kesimpulan dari paragraf tersebut yang akan mengungkap gagasan utama
  4. Gagasan utama dari sebuah bacaan biasanya terdapat pada dua kalimat pertama
  5. Jawaban dari pertanyaan gagasan utama adalah berupa kalimat lengkap (complete sentence) yang terdapat subjek dan predikat

Untuk lebih jelasnya, teman- teman dapat melihat pada contoh soal berikut,

One identifying characteristics of minerals is their relative hardness, which can be determined by scratching one mineral with another. In this type of test, a harder mineral can scratch a softer one, but a softer mineral is unable to scratch the harder one. The Moh's hardness scale is used to rank minerals according to hardness. Ten minerals are listed in this scale, ranging from talc with a hardness of 1 diamond with a hardness of 10.

The main idea of this passage is that ....
A. the hardness of a mineral can be determined by its ability to make a mark on other minerals
B. diamonds, with a hardness of 10 on the Moh's scale, can scratch all other minerals
C. a softer mineral cannot be scratched by a harder mineral
D. talc is the first mineral listed on the Moh's scale
Jawaban A
gagasan utama dari bacaan tersebut dapat ditemukan pada kalimat pertama yaitu the hardness of a mineral can be determined by its ability to make a mark on other minerals  (kekerasan suatu mineral dapat ditentukan dari kemampuannya memberi tanda pada mineral lain)

3. Pertanyaan tentang judul
Pertanyaan tentang judul adalah sebagai berikut,
  • What is the best title of the passage?
  • What will be the most suitable title of the passage?

Teman- teman dapat membaca paragraf satu atau beberapa paragraf di awal. Judul dapat berupa kata, frase atau kalimat yang sangat pendek

Lebih jelasnya, teman- teman dapat melihat pada contoh soal berikut,

People are often surprised to learn just how long some varieties of trees can live. If asked to estimate the age of the oldest living trees on Earth, they often come up with guesses in the neighborhood of two or perhaps three hundred years. The real answer is considerably larger than that, more than five thousand years.
The tree that wins the prize for its considerable maturity is the bristlecone pine of California. This venerable pine predates wonders of the ancient world such as the pyramids of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and the Colossus of Rhodes. It is not nearly as tall as the giant redwood that is also found in California, and in fact it is actually not very tall compared with many other trees, often little more than five meters in height. This relatively short height may be one of the factors that aid the bristlecone pine living to a ripe old age-high winds and inclement weather cannot easily reach the shorter trees and cause damage. An additional factor that contributes to the long life of the bristlecone pine is that this type of tree has a high percentage of resin, which prevents rot from developing in the tree trunk and branches.

 The best title for this passage would be
(A) The size of the bristlecone pine
(B) Three-hundred-year-old-forests
(C) The wonders of the ancient world
(D) An amazingly enduring tree
Jawaban D. 
An amazingly enduring tree
Teks diatas menceritakan tentang pohon yang bisa bertahan hidup ribuan tahun

4. Informasi tertentu (specific information)
Pertanyaan tentang informasi tertentu merupakan pertanyaan tentang informasi yang tertera jelas atau tertulis jelas dalam bacaan. Informasi tersebut dapat berupa informasi seperti nama orang, tempat, jumlah, warna, cara, waktu, hari, tanggal dan lainnya. Ciri- ciri pertanyaan ini adalah dengan menggunakan WH Question seperti What (apa/ apakah), who (siapa), where (dimana), when (kapan), what day (hari apa), whom (siapa), how (bagaimana), dan seterusnya.

Teman- teman dapat menyelesaikan pertanyaan dengan tips berikut,
Ambil salah satu kata penting atau yang sama artinya di dalam pertanyaan, lalu cari kata tersebut dalam bacaan dan temukan informasi terkait yang mungkin berada setelah atau sebelum kata penting tersebut. 

Berikut contoh dari soal informasi tertentu.

Because of construction work, Park street Station is closed. All passengers for Park Street Station will have to exit the train at Center station. Bus service is available at Center station to carry passengers to Park Street. After exiting the station, please line up the curb for a bus. Please avoid crowding. Buses will leave frequently, but there may be some delays because of street traffic. we are sorry for the inconvenience. The station is scheduled to reopen in three weeks. thank you for your cooperation.

Where would this announcement be posted?
A. In a railway station
B. In a restroom
C. In a bus station
D. In a park
Pertanyaan menggunakan kata tanya where (tempat) sehingga jawabannya adalah A, railway station. Dari teks tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengumuman tersebut di posting dari stasiun kereta

5. Informasi Rinci (detailed information)
Ialah informasi yang baru bisa diketahui setelah kita membaca suatu teks dengan ciri rinci atau seksama. Tipe soalnya adalah sebagai berikut .
  • Which sentence is correct based on the text above?
  • Which statement is incorrect about ... ?
  • Which is true according to the text?
  • Which of the following sentences is TRUE based on the text?
Tips untuk menjawab pertanyaan seputar informasi rinci adalah sebagai berikut,
  1. Cek satu persatu jawaban yang disediakan
  2. Periksa paraphrase yang ada dalam teks dan pilihan jawaban

Berikut contoh soal informasi rinci.

Three months ago, Mariza Castro left Honduras. Today, she is in the United States, and she has a job. Castro works behind the counter at McDonald’s. Speeds is an important part of the work life. Fast-food counter workers are expected to serve cutomers in less then a minute. At McDonald’s they say, “Work fast or you didn’t last”. 

Are McDonald’s workers lucky to have jobs? Or are they being exploited? They answer depends on who you talk to. 

McDonald’s does many good things. For example, no other company hires more young people than Mc. Donald’s. More than half of its workers are under 20 years old. McDonald’s also has good record of being minority workers. Thirteen percent of its workers are black. This better than any other U.S. Company. But the burger house has its critics as well. The pay bothered Edward Rodriguez. He worked for nearly a year at as Los Angeles McDonald’s. During that time he got only one 10-cent raise. ‘I used to joke that working for McDonald’s is the closest thing to slave labor in the U.S. today’, the says. Today, most McDonald’s pay about $5.00 an hour. They hire new workers constantly. The restaurant has no other choice because 70 percent of its workers quit or are fired every year.

But McDonald’s also gets its share of praise. Its best workers more up quickly. Just talk to 17-years-old Ameer Abdul Razaaq of Harlem, New York City. ‘They call me “Young Crew Chief around my block”, he says, ‘Where else can I go at my age and be ini charge of this many people?’ He sees the job as the first step in his career.

However, most McDonald’s crew member never make it to manager because the job pressure is so intense and the rewards so few. As one worker put it, ‘The expect a lot and they don’t pay you much’. 

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. Mc Donald's is the better than any other US company
B. It is difficult for workers to become Mc Donald's managers
C. Mc Donald's can be unfair to its workers
D. Most employees do not stay long working for Mc Donald'salary
E. McDonald's hire employees but does not rewards
Jawaban A
Pernyataan yang paling tidak tepat adalah pada pernyataan A, Mc Donald's is the better than any other US company atau McDonald's lebih baik daripada perusahaan manapun di Amerika. Hal ini kurang tepat karena pada paragraf keempat tersirat bahwa McDonald's tidak cukup baik pada kesejahteraan karyawannya

6. Informasi tersirat (not clearly stated information)
Pertanyaan seputar informasi tersirat merupakan suatu kesimpulan yang logis/ masuk akal yang terdapat dalam bacaan atau dengan menggunakan pengetahuan yang kita miliki atau keduanya. Ciri- ciri dari soal informasi tersirat adalah sebagai berikut .
  • From the text above, we know that ....
  • What can we conclude from the text?
  • From the text above we can conclude that .....
  • The following statements are true about ..., except ....
  • From the text above,it shows that ....

Adapun cara menjawabnya adalah,
  1. Periksa satu persatu pilihan jawaban yang disediakan
  2. Paraphrase.
Berikut contoh soal Informasi tersirat.

Three months ago, Mariza Castro left Honduras. Today, she is in the United States, and she has a job. Castro works behind the counter at McDonald’s. Speeds is an important part of the work life. Fast-food counter workers are expected to serve cutomers in less then a minute. At McDonald’s they say, “Work fast or you didn’t last”. 

Are McDonald’s workers lucky to have jobs? Or are they being exploited? They answer depends on who you talk to. 

McDonald’s does many good things. For example, no other company hires more young people than Mc. Donald’s. More than half of its workers are under 20 years old. McDonald’s also has good record of being minority workers. Thirteen percent of its workers are black. This better than any other U.S. Company. But the burger house has its critics as well. The pay bothered Edward Rodriguez. He worked for nearly a year at as Los Angeles McDonald’s. During that time he got only one 10-cent raise. ‘I used to joke that working for McDonald’s is the closest thing to slave labor in the U.S. today’, the says. Today, most McDonald’s pay about $5.00 an hour. They hire new workers constantly. The restaurant has no other choice because 70 percent of its workers quit or are fired every year.

But McDonald’s also gets its share of praise. Its best workers more up quickly. Just talk to 17-years-old Ameer Abdul Razaaq of Harlem, New York City. ‘They call me “Young Crew Chief around my block”, he says, ‘Where else can I go at my age and be ini charge of this many people?’ He sees the job as the first step in his career.

However, most McDonald’s crew member never make it to manager because the job pressure is so intense and the rewards so few. As one worker put it, ‘The expect a lot and they don’t pay you much’. 

We may conclude that the text ....
A. mainly critisizes employees working for McDonald'salary
B. is taken from a chapter of a book on marketing
C. examines the employment situation at Mc Donald'
D. serves as a promotions to attract employees
E. describes why McDonald's becomes so popular among youngsters
Jawaban C
dapat disimpulkan bahwa bacaan tersebut menjelaskan situasi kerja di McDonald's (the employment situation at McDonald's)

Itulah Berbagai bentuk pertanyaan reading comprehension pada Tes Bahasa Inggris Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN. Semoga bisa memberikan gambaran teman- teman yang saat ini sedang mempersiapkannya.

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