Halo sahabat Ahzaa, kembali lagi di AhzaaNet...Pada tulisan ini kita akan
lanjutkan belajar dalam menghadapi Sumatif Akhir Semester (SAS)/ Penilaian
Akhir Semester (PAS) atau Asesmen Akhir Semester melalui latihan soal
untuk mapel Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/ MI Semester Ganjil Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun
2022/ 2023.
Pada post sebelumnya, kita sudah belajar untuk latihan soal Sumatif Akhir Semester Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) atau Asesmen
Akhir Semester mapel PPKn, IPAS, Seni Rupa, Seni Musik dan Bahasa
Indonesia. Jika teman- teman ingin belajar juga materi tersebut, teman- teman bisa
membuka latihan soal tersebut melalui tautan berikut,
Baca Juga :
Latihan Soal Sumatif Akhir Semester (SAS)/ PAS/ Asesmen Akhir Semester
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI Semester Ganjil Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun
Pelajaran 2022/ 2023 terdiri dari 35 soal pilihan ganda lengkap dengan kunci jawaban
untuk memudahkan teman- teman dalam belajar.
Oya, jika teman- teman ingin mengunduh soal latihan, tuatan link saya
sediakan pada bagian akhir latihan soal.
Adapun materi soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD/ MI Kurikulum Merdeka disarikan dari materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD Kurikulum
Merdeka semester 1 (ganjil).
Latihan Soal Sumatif Akhir Semester (SAS)/ Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS)
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD/MI Semester Gasal Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun
Pelajaran 2022/ 2023
The text is for questions no 1 to 4
It is our dining room. There is a round table in the middle of it. There are
four chair’s on it. A refrigerator is in the corner of the room. It is near
the door. There are some plates, bowls, cups and glasses in the shelf.
1. X : Where is the round table?
Y : It is ___ of the room.
A. corner
B. in the middle
C. in front of
D. beside
2. A refrigerator is in the ____ of the
A. middle
B. under
C. corner
D. near
3. The fridge is ____ the door.
A. beside
B. near
C. in front of
D. under
4. There are some ____ on the
A. stove
B. pan
C. basket
D. bowls
The text is for questions no 5 to 6
Fill in the missing words !
Sasa is cooking noodle in the kitchen. She is ... (5) on the gas stove. It
just needs 5 minutes to cook the noodle. Sasa likes noodle very much. It is
... (6) food.
A. playing
B. talking
C. turning
D. putting
A. sweet
B. hot
C. bitter
D. delicious
7. Maria is a diligent student. She
always ____ early in the morning.
A. get up
B. gets up
C. getting up
D. got up
8. X : ____ they good football
Y : Yes, they are.
A. Are
B. Do
C. Does
D. Is
9. The children are singing the song while ____ their hands.
A. stepping
B. clapping
C. hooding
D. waving
10. 27
X : What number is it ?
Y : It is number ____ .
A. twenty five
B. twenty six
C. twenty seven
D. twenty eight
11. What is fifteen plus eight ?
It is ____ .
A. twenty two
B. twenty three
C. twenty four
D. twenty five
12. The ____ month is June.
A. fifth
B. sixth
C. seventh
D. eight
13. The month between August and
October is ____ .
A. June
B. July
C. September
D. November
The text is for questions no 14 to 16
My class are having picnic on the beach. It is sunny day. The sun is shining
brightly. The waves break on the sand. Some of my friends are swimming in the
shallow water. Some of them are playing volley ball on the sand. I am sitting
under the tree and enjoying ice tea.
14. X : Where are the student going to
have a picnic ?
Y : They are going to the ____ .
A. mountain
B. beach
C. zoo
D. museum
15. X : How is the weather ?
Y : It is ____ .
A. cold day
B. foggy
C. sunny day
D. cloudy
16. X : ____ .
Y : I am sitting under the tree.
A. What are you doing ?
B. What is he doing ?
C. What is she doing ?
D. What am I doing ?
17. X : What do you do in the morning after getting up ?
Y : I ____ in the bathroom.
A. have breakfast
B. take a bath
C. cook
D. sweep
18. Dea’s house is large but my house
is ____ .
A. ugly
B. big
C. wide
D. small
19. X
: Does your brother have a new
motorcycle ?
Y : ____ .
He has an old motorcycle.
A. No, he is not
B. Yes, he does
C. No, he does not
D. No, he is
The text is for questions no 20 to 21
Faras wants to ... (20) her money. So, she goes to the ... (21)
A. bring
B. sell
C. save
D. buy
A. school
B. bank
C. hospital
D. office
Lanjut ke nomor soal berikutnya yaa >>>>>>
Halaman 2
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