Halo sahabat Ahzaa, kembali lagi di AhzaaNet. Setelah pada posting sebelumnya
saya bagikan latihan soal sumatif/ penilaian harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD/
MI Kurikulum Merdeka Semester 1 untuk unit 1,2, 3 dan 4, kita lanjutkan lagi
yaa ke unit 5 I Have Four Books. Pada unit ini kita akan belajar
tentang bagaimana menyebutkan benda yang jumlahnya tunggal dan jamak
Oya, buat teman- teman yang ingin berlatih soal untuk unit sebelumnya, mungkin
bisa disimak pada artikel saya sebelumnya.
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Latihan soal terdiri atas 10 soal pilihan ganda. Latihan soal juga sudah saya
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Berikut latihan soalnya,
Selamat berlatih..
Latihan Sumatif Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD/MI Semester Gasal Kurikulum
Tahun Pelajaran 2022/ 2023
Kelas : 1 (satu)
Unit 5 I Have Four Books
Choose the correct answer below!
1. Joshua : How many books on the
Cici : … .
a. one book
b. two books
c. three books
The picture is for number 2 and 3
2. Made : Joshua, how many books
are there in the cupboard?
Joshua : ….
a. There are six books in the cupboard
b. There are seven books in the cupboard
c. There are eight books in the cupboard
3. Made : How many bags are there?
Joshua : ….
a. one bag
b. two bags
c. three bags
4. Cici : How many erasers do you
Aisyah : I have …
a. one eraser
b. two erasers
c. three erasers
5. one – there – ruler – is
The correct sentence is ….
a. Is there one ruler.
b. there is one ruler
c. there one is ruler
6. My mother buys …. pencil cases.
a. six
b. seven
c. eight
7. pencils – five – I – have
The correct sentence is ….
a. have I five pencils
b. I have five pencils
c. I five have pencils
8. There are … in the class
a. eight tables
b. nine tables
c. ten tables
9. Cici : How many sharpeners does
Aisyah have?
Made : She has … sharpeners.
a. two
b. three
c. four
10. Aisyah : How many pens does
Made have?
Cici : He has …
a. one pen
b. two pens
c. three pens
Demikian Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD/ MI Kurikulum Merdeka Semester 1 Unit 5 I Have Four Books. Semoga latihan ini dapat membantu teman- teman dalam belajar. Oya, buat teman- teman yang mau mengunduh soal di atas, teman- teman bisa mendapatkannya melalui tautan berikut ini,
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