Hai sahabat Ahzaa, selamat datang kembali di AhzaaNet. Pada kesempatan ini saya akan lanjutkan untuk post latihan soal PAT jenjang SMA/ SMK. Untuk latihan soal yang akan saya sajikan adalah Latihan Soal Plus Pembahasan PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/ SMK Semester 2 Tahun 2021/ 2022.
Latihan soal ini merupakan latihan soal dalam rangka menghadapi PAT yang akan berlangsung atau bahkan di beberapa satuan pendidikan sudah dimulai. Baik, adapun materi bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 adalah seputar teks recount, narrative, penggunaan bentuk past tense serta song (lagu).
Latihan soal terdiri dari 40 soal pilihan ganda lengkap dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasannya. Semoga dengan latihan soal ini bisa menambah bahan latihan teman- teman dalam menghadapi PAT mendatang.
Berikut latihan soalnya,,
Selamat berlatih....
Latihan Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/ SMK Semester 2 Tahun 2021/ 2022
This text is for questions 1 to 3.
Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like
it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not
say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was
The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand
why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say
Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.
At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry.
“You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the
word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he
tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry
and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The
bird kept not to say the word of Catano.
One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano,
the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot
and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next
dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” Said the man
angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the chicken for
my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”.
After that he left the chicken house.
The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and
was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house.
There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was
standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll
hit you”.
1. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The man was surprised as the parrot said Catano.
B. The parrot finally was able to say Catano.
C. The parrot had killed the three chickens.
D. The man came to the chicken house and was surprised.
E. The man was surprised as he saw the parrot kill the chickens.
Ide utama paragraf terakhir adalah Burung beo telah membunuh tiga ayam.
2. According to the text, the man did not ... teaching the bird to say Catano.
A. success
B. succeed
C. succeeded
D. successful
E. successfully
S + did not + V1 + O/C
Secara keseluruhan paragraf terakhir menyiratkan bahwa burung tersebut telah
membunuh tiga dari empat ayam yang ada di kandang.
3. Having read the text, as the reader, we ....
A. should not keep a stupid bird as a pet
B. should understand other living beings
C. should watch our language or would regret it
D. should watch our pet behavior or would regret it
E. should not keep a bird and chickens in the same cage
Nilai yang diusung dari bacaan tersebut adalah kita seharusnya menjaga
omongan kita atau akan menyesalinya nanti.
This text is for questions 4 to 7.
Mr. Richard’s family was on vacation. They were Mr. and Mrs. Richard with
two sons. They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their
tickets. They went to the British Embassy to get visas to enter Britain.
They had booked fourteen days tour. This includes travel and accommodation.
They also included tours around London
They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours. On
the plane the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them newspaper and
magazine to read. They gave them food and drink. There was a film for their
entertainment. They had a very pleasant flight. They slept part of the way.
On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration.
The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their
manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags
and went to London Welcome Desk. They arranged the transfer to a hotel.
The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the
park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for the
room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. On the third floor, there
was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food.
The two week in London went by fast. At the end of the 14-day, they were
quite tired but they felt very happy.
4. Why does the author write the text?
A. To relate a vacation experience of Mr. Richard and his family
B. To tell the readers about the author’s vacation in London
C. To give detailed information of Mr. Richard’s family
D. To teach the readers how to have vacation abroad
E. To describe the events experienced by the author
Teks tersebut merupakan Recount Text yang bertujuan untuk menceritakan
pengalaman penulis/orang lain.
5. Which of the following statements is irrelevant to the text?
A. Mr. Richard and his family were pleased with the cabin crews.
B. Mr. Richard had the travel agent arrange his vacation to London.
C. Mr. Richard and his family had a wonderful vacation in London.
D. Mr. Richard and his family had visited London at least twice.
E. Mr. Richard and his family spent 14 days in London.
Pernyataan jawaban D tidak pernah disebutkan dalam teks.
6. We can conclude from the text that ....
A. Mr. Richard went to British Embassy to get the visa to visit London
B. Mr. Richard and his family had to use key-card to enter the hotel’s room
C. Mr. Richard and his family preferred having European food to Asian cuisine
D. Mr. Richard stayed in four-star hotel during their 15-day vacation in
E. Richard’s family consisted of four members, they were Mr. and Mrs. Richard,
one daughter, and one son.
Jawaban B tersirat dalam kalimat ketiga paragraf keempat.
7. “The flight was nearly fourteen hours.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. likely
B. woolly
C. precisely
D. considerately
E. approximately
Nearly = approximately (hampir)
The following text is for questions 8 to 11.
Grasshopper and Toad appeared to be good friends. One day Toad said to
Grasshopper, “Dear friend, tomorrow come and dine at my house. My wife and I
will prepare a special meal. We will eat it together.”
The next day Grasshopper arrived at Toad's house. Before sitting down to
eat, Toad washed his forelegs, and invited Grasshopper to do the same.
Grasshopper did so, and it made a loud noise.
“Friend Grasshopper, can’t you leave your chirping behind. I cannot eat with
such a noise,” said Toad.
Grasshopper tried to eat without rubbing his forelegs together, but it was
impossible. Each time he gave a chirp, Toad complained and asked him to be
Grasshopper was angry and could not eat. Finally, he said to Toad, “I invite
you to my house for dinner, tomorrow.”
The next day, Toad arrived at Grasshopper's home. As soon as the meal was
ready, Grasshopper washed his forelegs, and invited Toad to do the same.
Toad did so, and then hopped toward the food.
“You had better go back and wash again,” said Grasshopper. “All that hopping
in the dirt has made your forelegs dirty again.”
Toad hopped back to the water jar, washed again, then hopped back to the
table, and was ready to reach out for some food from one of the platters
when Grasshopper stopped him: “Please don’t put your dirty paws into the
food. Go and wash them again.”
Toad was furious. “You just don't want me to eat with you!” he cried. “You
know very well that I must use my paws and forelegs in hopping about. I
cannot help it if they get a bit dirty between the water jar and the table.”
Grasshopper responded, “You are the one who started it yesterday. You know I
cannot rub my forelegs together without making a noise.”
From then on, they were no longer friends.
Adapted from www.worldoftales.com
8. The text tells about ....
A. the Grasshopper and the Toad
B. the revenge of the Grasshopper
C. the bad characters of Grasshopper and Toad
D. the quarrel between the Grasshopper and the Toad
E. the dinner invitation for the Grasshopper and the Toad
Ide pokok bacaan tersebut adalah perselisihan antara Grashopper dan Toad
9. What did the Grasshopper do when he could not enjoy the dinner the Toad
A. He complained about what he should do.
B. He invited the Toad to have dinner in his house.
C. He was furious but he did as what the Toad asked.
D. He explained how impossible to do like the Toad did.
E. He planned to have a revenge to the Toad treatment.
Jawaban B disebutkan dalam paragraph kelima
10. What happened after the Grasshopper invited Toad for dinner?
A. Toad was furious and went home angrily.
B. Toad enjoyed the meal served with his own way.
C. Grasshopper made Toad be happy and able to enjoy the meal.
D. Grasshopper and Toad had a quarrel and decided not to be friend.
E. Grasshopper was angry because of Toad’s habit in washing his feet.
Dijelaskan bahwa mereka berselisih dan tidak lagi berteman (ketiga
paragraph terakhir)
11. From the text we know that the Grasshopper liked everything ....
A. clean
B. clear
C. dirty
D. noisy
E. messy
Dijelaskan dalam paragraph kedelapan
The following text is for questions 12 to 14.
During the last school holidays, we spent one whole week in Penang. My
parents, two sisters and I left Kuala Lumpur by car.
It was a long journey and so we started off at 6.00 a.m. and drove along
quiet roads. It was still dark and chilly. On the way, we passed rubber
plantations and tin mines. I was interested in the scenery as we study about
these industries in our Geography lessons in school.
Finally, we crossed over to Penang by ferry and reached our seaside bungalow
at Batu Ferringhi. I loved the blue sea with its gentle waves sparkling in
the sun. The coconut palms swayed gracefully in the breeze as though to
welcome us. The sea was so inviting that, before long, we changed into our
swim-suits and jumped into the cool water. I enjoyed swimming with my
We spent the whole week swimming, playing on the sandy beach and picking
pretty shells to take home besides catching tiny crabs. We also drove around
the island and visited tourist spots like the Snake Temple, the Pagoda and
the Butterfly Farm. I enjoyed the cable train ride up Penang Hill which I
found most fascinating. After a week in Penang, we returned home.
12. What is the topic of the second paragraph?
A. The beautiful scenery during the trip to Penang
B. The long land trip before crossing to Penang
C. The condition of the road to the ferry port
D. The lesson the writer had in his/her class
E. The best time to start a trip to Penang
Ide pokok paragraph kedua tercantum dalam Jawaban B
13. When did the writer and the family reach the seaside bungalow?
A. After driving along quiet roads
B. After crossing over to Penang by ferry
C. Before they visited the Butterfly Farm
D. As soon as they passed rubber plantation
E. Before they passed the abandoned tin mines
Jawaban B tersurat dalam kalimat pertama paragraph ketiga
14. The writer and his family returned home after they ... a week in Penang.
A. spent
B. spend
C. spending
D. had spent
E. have spent
Tense yang tepat digunakan dalam kalimat tersebut adalah Past Perfect
The following text is for questions 15 to 17.
Abdullah was one of the richest men in town, but you could easily mistake
him for a beggar. It was his theory that since there were so many people out
to rob a rich man, it was safe to pretend to be poor. And so he did.
But he really didn’t have to pretend. Stingy to the core he found it very
easy to be poor. So what if people sniggered and children called out,
“Kanjoos! Kanjoos!” (miser, miser), whenever he passed by in his worn-out
clothes. Abdullah became more and more content with his growing pile of
money as the years went by.
One day, he bought a huge lump of gold with all the money he had amassed. He
dug a hole in the ground near an unused well and buried the gold there. He
was sure that no thief would be able to find that place. With this happy
thought, Abdullah checked on his treasure daily.
But can you really keep a hiding place hidden if you looked at it every day?
Before long, the town was whispering about Abdullah’s mysterious visits to
the unused well in the dead of the night. It wasn’t long before a curious
soul discovered the gold, let out a yell of joy and ran away with the
miser’s treasure.
Naturally, on his next visit, Abdullah found the hole empty. He began
howling with grief and soon a crowd had assembled. They watched him grieve
the way people mourn the loss of a dear one.
Finally, a neighbor came forward and asked him to stop it. “You want your
gold? Just pick up a heavy stone and drop it in the hole. Pretend it is the
gold you lost.”
“How can you make fun of me at a time like this,” wailed the stricken man.
“I’m not making fun of you, friend!” said the wise neighbor. “How did you
use the gold while it was here, except gaze at it every day? You could do
the same with a stone.”
Abdullah was silenced.
(adopted from www.pitara.com)
15. What can we learn from the story?
A. It is good not to show our wealth off.
B. Making fun of somebody is always irritating.
C. It is better to hide our treasure in different places to avoid robbery.
D. The wealth we have means nothing when we do not use it in a good way.
E. To be unnoticeable is not easy especially when you are famous or rich.
Secara tersirat dijelaskan dalam bagian akhir dari bacaan.
16. How did another person find the place where Abdullah hid his gold?
A. One of his neighbors told so.
B. Someone noticed that he always went to same place.
C. The person was lucky to find the Abdullah’s hidden place.
D. The unused well was found by crossing traveler.
E. Abdullah did not close the well on his last visit.
Dijelaskan dalam paragraph keempat.
17. Naturally, on his next visit, Abdullah found the hole empty. So, someone …
the hole.
A. might have found
B. could have found
C. should have found
D. would have found
E. must have found
Untuk menyimpulkan sebuah peristiwa menggunakan “must have been/V3”
The following text is for questions 18 to 20.
On a Caribbean cruise last winter, my wife and I were delighted to learn of
daily ballroom dancing with live music. Although we are not great dancers,
we have been taking lessons for years and thoroughly enjoy the physical
exercise, the music, and the people we meet.
I’ll have to admit there are times when I get a little frustrated at my lack
of agility and skills and I don’t always have a smile on my face.
I was given a new perspective one night when we were sitting and waiting for
the pianist to play the next song. I saw an elderly gentleman pushing a lady
(I assume it was his wife) in a wheelchair. I thought they were just passing
through. But this was not the case. He moved to a table where he could fit
the wheelchair and sat down. The song began and my wife and I got up to
dance. A few seconds later this couple was on the dance floor and they were
dancing! She was in her wheelchair, smiling, and he was guiding her in the
dance steps. Amazingly, they were able to dance in a recognizable manner. I
could not resist stopping and staring. We all began applauding.
After that experience, I learned that physical skills are a matter of
perspective. In the future I plan to have a more positive view of my
(adapted from www.sboyd.com)
18. The writer’s intention is to …
A. describe the way he/she learns dancing with live music
B. persuade the readers that dancing is good for health
C. give information about the cruise in last winter
D. explain that physical appearance is important
E. relate his/her experience in the past
Tujuan/fungsi Recount text adalah menceritakan pengalaman masa lampau.
19. Why did the writer get discourage when learning dancing?
A. Because he did not like cruising.
B. Because he never danced before.
C. Because he lacked of skills and agility.
D. Because he did not smile during training.
E. Because he got jealous to another couple.
Jawaban C tersurat dalam paragraph kedua.
20. Why does the writer state that physical skills are a matter of
A. You need to learn something as long as you can breathe.
B. It is not the physical limitation that burdens from learning but your goal
setting does.
C. Sometimes elder people are able to do better because of their experience.
D. No matter how perfect is your appearance, you will get nothing when giving
up learning.
E. Your limitations make you resist to learn something new in your life.
Jawaban D tersirat dalam paragraph ketiga.
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