Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Ujian Seleksi Kompetensi Bidang (SKB) PTB STMKG Mapel Bahasa Inggris - Ahzaa.Net

Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Ujian Seleksi Kompetensi Bidang (SKB) PTB STMKG Mapel Bahasa Inggris

Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Ujian Seleksi Kompetensi Bidang (SKB) PTB STMKG Mapel Bahasa Inggris
Salam. Halo sahabat Ahzaa, selamat datang kembali di AhzaaNet. Pada post ini saya sudah menyiapkan untuk latihan soal teman- teman yang mau mendaftar ke sekolah tinggi kedinasan khususnya Sekolah Tinggi Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (STMKG). STMKG merupakan salah satu sekolah kedinasan yang saat ini banyak diminati. Untuk bisa masuk menjadi taruna STMKG, teman- teman harus melalui beberapa tahapan tes terlebih dahulu. Lengkapnya bisa teman- teman lihat pada buku panduan PTB STMKG yang terbaru yaa... Nah, salah satu seleksi ujian masuk adalah seleksi kompetensi bidang (SKB). Pada tahapan ini teman- teman harus sudah lolos untuk seleksi administrasi dan seleksi kompetensi dasar (SKD). SKB terdiri atas tiga tes yaitu Matematika, Fisika, dan Bahasa Inggris. 
Pada tulisan ini saya khususkan untuk membahas soal sebagai latihan untuk uji mapel bahasa Inggris. Soal- soal saya kompile dari soal- soal PTB STMKG tahun- tahun sebelumnya agar teman - teman mengetahui sistem soal yang digunakan baik tipe reading teks nya maupun tipe soal yang digunakan. 

Latihan soal sudah saya lengkapi dengan kunci jawaban sekaligus pembahasan per soal agar memudahkan dalam belajar teman- teman. Kedepannya latihan soal akan saya buat beberapa part atau bagian untuk memperkaya latihan soal.

Baik, langsung saja yaa, berikut latihan soalnya, Semoga bermanfaat. jangan lupa untuk share ke teman- teman lainnya. Semoga sukses.

Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Ujian Seleksi Kompetensi Bidang (SKB) PTB STMKG Mapel Bahasa Inggris

Questions 1-5
(Sipencatar AMG 2007/2008)
Regional Association V for the South-West Pacific is one of six Regional Association of the Word Meteorological Organization (WMO).  It is one of the largest Regions in area,  crossing both the dateline and the equator. Cook Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Niue, Tonga and Samoa became Members of WMO over the last few years, increasing the Membership of the Association from 16 t0 21.

Most of the countries of the Region are subject,  among others, to tropical cyclones and the strong influence of the EI Nino/Southern  Oscillation (ENSO) phenomena. Many of them are small  islands that are also highly vulnerable to the potential effects of climate change, especially sea-level rise. In this regards, the strengthening of the capacity of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and the promotion of their core activities are needed for the safety of citizens, for the protection of the environment and for the efficiency and economy of a wide range of weather-sensitive activities.

The Regional Association plays an important coordinating role for activities within the Regional Programme of the Organization,  and makes recommendations on regional components of the major WMO Programmes, which focus on priority areas such as severe weather warnings, climate change and related environmental issues.
The Association is making great efforts to promote the development of the NMHSs so that they could effectively respond to their national and regional concerns. In this regard, the Association considers priority national and regional activities,  and provides a forum for bringing important issues to the attention of national policy-makers and relevant regional organizations.

1. The number "16 to 21" in line 5 refers to ....
A. Association
C. programs
D. countries
E. Regional Association

Berdasarkan kalimat pada bacaan, angka 16 to 21 pada baris kelima merujuk pada negara

2. The world "vulnerable" in line 6  is closest in meaning to ....
A. liable to be better
B. liable to be damaged
C. easily
D. difficult
E. as soon as possible

Berdasarkan konteks kalimat, kata vulnerable berarti rentan, atau arti yang paling sesuai adalah liable to be damaged

3. The author mentions that strong influence of El-Nino/ Southern  Oscillation as an example of which of the following?
A. How natural phenomena influences the Region
B. How people work together in the Region
C. How wide the Region is
D. How far the distance of the Region is
E. How long the influence of EI Nino/Southern could be

Pengarang menekankan pengaruh kuat dari El NIno/ Southern Oscillation (ENSO) sebagai contoh karena ingin menjelaskan bagaimana fenomena alam tersbeut mempengauhi suatu daerah 

4. The word "core" in line 10 is closest in meaning to ....
A. region
B. main
C. phenomena
D. program
E. weather

Berdasarkan konteks, kata "core" pada baris 10 memiliki makna yang mirip dengan kata "program"

5. The word "weather-sensitive" in line 12 is closest in meaning to ....
A. sensitive from weather
B. sensitive by weather
C. sensitive of weather
D. sensitive to weather
E. sensitive off weather

Berdasarkan konteks, kata "weather-sensitive" pada baris 10 memiliki makna yang hampir sama dengan kata "sensitive by weather"

Questions 6-15
(Sipencatar STMKG 2012/2013)
The 2011 earthquake of the pacific coast of Tohuku also known as the 2011 Tohuku earthquake, or the great east Japan Earthquake, was a magnitude 9.0 (Mw) undersea megathrust Earthquake off coast Japan that occured at 14:46 JST (05:46 UTC) on Friday, 11 March 2011, with the epicenter approximately 70 kilometers east of the Oshika Peninsula of Tohuku and the hypocenter at an underwater depth of approximately 32 km. It was the most powerful known Earthquake ever to have hit Japan, and oe of the five most powerful Earthquake in the world since modern  record- keeping began in 1900. The earthquake triggered powerful Tsunami waves that reached height of up to 40.5 meters (133 ft) in MIyako in Tohuku Iwate Prefecture, and which, in Sendai area, travelled up to 10 km inland. The Earthquake moved Honshu 2.4 m(8ft) east and shifted the earth on its axis by estimates of between 10 cm (4 in) and 25 cm(10 in)

6. Tohuku is located at ....
A. Eastern Japan
B. East Japan
C. Japanese
D. Japan Country
E. Japan East

Tohuku terletak di Jepang bagian timur. Jawaban tersurat pada kalimat pertama "The 2011 earthquake of the pacific coast of Tohuku also known as the 2011 Tohuku earthquake, or the great east Japan Earthquake,..."

7. The word " magnitude" is closest in meaning to ....
A. strength
B. weakness
C. Earthquake
D. Tsunami
E. size

Berdasarkan konteksnya, makna kata magnitude adalah besarnya kekuatan (biasanya dalam gempa). Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah strength.
arti weakness = kelemahan
earthquake = gempa bumi
Tsunami = Tsunami
size = ukuran

8. The word"epicenter" is closest in meaning to pint at which an Earthquake reaches the earth's ....
A. layer
B. magnitude
C. core
D. surface
E. center

Epicenter adalah titik di permukaan bumi yang berada tepat di atas atau di bawah kejadian lokal yang memengaruhi permukaan bumi
Hipocenter adalah titik di dalam bumi yang menjadi pusat gempa bumi, dinyatakan dalam lintang, bujur dan kedalaman
Jawaban yang tepat berkaitan dengan epicenter adalah surface (permukaan)
layer = lapisan
magnitude = kekuatan
core = inti
center = pusat

9. The word "trigger" in the Earthquake triggered powerful Tsunami wave is closest in meaning to ....
A. be the cause of
B. be the reason of
C. be the result of
D. be the immediate cause of
E. be the process of

Berdasarkan konteksnya, kata trigger dimaknai penyebab. Maka, jawaban yang sesuai adalah be cause of

10. The word "powerful" is closest in meaning to ....
A. having no power
B. having small power
C. having less power
D. having great power
E. having low power

Berdasarkan konteksnya, kata "powerful" dimaknai sebagai bertenaga atau memiliki kekuatan yang besar. Jawaban yang sesuai adalah having great power

11. The word "prefecture" in Tohuku Iwate Prefecture is closest in meaning to ....
A. Earthquake area
B. Japanese area
C. Tsunami area
D. administrative area
E. Tohuku area

Kata prefecture berati perfektur yang merupakan daerah yurisdiksi di Jepang sebagai nama lain dari provinsi (Indonesia)
Jawaban yang sesuai adalah administration area

12. The word "shifted" is closest in meaning to ....
A. changed earthquake
B. changed position or direction
C. changed Tsunami
D. changed waves
E. changed Tohuku

Berdasarkan konteks kalimat, kata shifted berati bergerak atau berpindah. Jawaban yang sesuai dengan kata tersebut adalah changed position or direction

13. It could be infered fom the passage that Tsunami is a kind of ....
A. Japanese
B. Earthquake
C. Long wave
D. Sea wave
E. Short wave

Dalam bacaan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Tsunami merupakan gelombang panjang (long wave). Jawaban dapat ditemukan dalam kalimat "The earthquake triggered powerful Tsunami waves that reached height of up to 40.5 meters (133 ft) in MIyako in Tohuku Iwate Prefecture, and which, in Sendai area, travelled up to 10 km inland." (-Gempa tersebut memicu gelombang Tsunami kuat yang mencapai ketinggian hingga 40,5 meter (133 kaki) di Miyako Prefektur Tohuku Iwate, dan di daerah Sendai, dengan pergerakan hingga 10 km ke daratan.-)

14. It could be inferred from the passage that ....
A. Tsunami waves travelled inland
B. Tsunami waves smashed inland
C. Tsunami waves went toward inland
D. Tsunami waves waved inland
E. Tsunami waves left inland

Dari bacaan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa gelombang Tsunami menghantam daratan. Jawaban yang sesuai adalah B 

15. 40.5 metres .... to 133 ft
A. equals
B. are equals
C. is equals to
D. are equals to
E. is equals

Jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah A, equal--->> verb  

Questions 16-19
(Sipencatar STMKG 2010/2011)
Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a future time and a given location. Human beings have attempted to predict the weather informally for millenia, and formally since  at least the nineteent century. Weather forecasts are made by collecting  quantitative data about the current state of the atmosphere and using scientific understanding of atmospheric processes to project how the atmosphere will evolve.

16. What is the main point of the passage?
A. wether forecasts
B. wether forecasting
C. weather forecasts
D. weather forecasting
E. atmospheric forecasts

Poin utama yang dibahas dalam bacaan diatas adalah tentang weather forecasting

17. The word "to predict" in line 1 is closest in meaning to ....
A. to tell on advance
B. to tell of advance
C. to tell in advance
D. to tell if advance
E. to tell at advance 

Kata to predict dalam kalimat berarti to tell in advance

18. It is known that the atmosphere is ....
A. mixture of gas surrounding the earth
B. mixture of gases surrounding the earth
C. mixture of gas surrounding the Earth
D. mixture of gases surrounding the Earth
E. mixture of gases surrounding the sun

Atmosphere merupakan Campuran gas yang mengelilingi Bumi. Dalam jawaban terdapat beberapa frase yang sama pada opsi jawaban, namun dibedakan oleh penggunaan bentuk jamak dan huruf kapital pada beberapa opsi jawaban. KIta analisis satu persatu,
1. Kata gas yang tepat digunakan adalah bentuk jamak, atau gases, karena merujuk pada campuran beberapa gas yang mengelilingi bumi sehingga terdapat lebih dari satu gas.
2. Penggunaan kapitalisasi huruf. Kata bumi (the Earth) yang mengacu pada planet kita (jika Bumi digunakan sebagai kata benda yang tepat/ proper noun), maka itu dikapitalisasi. Jika digunakan sebagai kata benda umum, maka kata bumi adalah huruf kecil(the earth). 
Sehingga dalam konteks kalimat tersebut, bahwa bumi digunakan dalam proper noun, sehingga harus dikapitalisasi. 

sumber :

19. The word "century" in line four is the synonym of ....
A. 1 year
B. 10 years
C. 100 years
D. 1000 years
E. 10.000 years

Kata century berarti abad (100 tahun). Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah C

Questions 20 - 24
(Sipencatar AMKG 2009/2010)
Earthquakes are among the most dreadful geological phenomena faced by human kind because of their devastating effects and their usually unpredictable occurence. South-East Asia is one of the most seismically active areas in the world. With a very high population density, burgeoning economy and the rapid development taking place more people and properties are exposed to seismic hazards in this region than anywhere else in the world. The threat earthquakes must be taken seriously. Many NMHSs in the Region have the responsibility for monitoring seismic activities; these include Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore. (Source: WMO-No. 888 p.19)

20. What is the main topic the passage?
A. earthquake occurence
B. seismological services
C. people and earthquake
D. natural disaster
E. active areas

Topik dari teks adalah tentang peristiwa gempa bumi (earthquake occurence)

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