Halo sahabat Ahzaa, selamat datang lagi di blog AhzaaNet. Hari ini kita akan belajar untuk menghadapi Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 9 SMP/ MTs. Latihan soal ini merupakan seri latihan soal untuk kelas 9 SMP/ MTs dalam menghadapi Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) Tahun Ajaran 2021/ 2022.
Materi soal untuk latihan PAT ini disarikan dari materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/ MTs semester satu dan dua. Latihan soal terdiri dari 40 butir soal pilihan ganda lengkap dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan setiap soal.
Baik, berikut latihan soalnya, Semoga Bermanfaat
Latihan Soal Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/ MTs
Tahun Ajaran 2021/ 2022
The following text is for questions 1 to 3.
Dear Andin,
On behalf of the school board, I would like to acknowledge your winning in
Annual Academic Writing Competition held by Diponegoro University. We hope
that you do not give up in writing and keep inspiring other students.
1. What is the writer's intention to write the text?
A. to support someone to be successful
B. to congratulate on someone’s achievement
C. to express happiness on someone’s success
D. to describe someone’s achievement
Dijelaskan dalam kalimat pertama.
2. We know from the text that the writer expects to Andin ....
A. to be a successful writer in the future
B. to be an inspirational student to others
C. to keep her achievement for the next competition
D. to keep her academic record to be accepted in Diponegoro University
Dijelaskan dalam kalimat terakhir
3. “…, I would like to acknowledge your winning …”
The word "acknowledge" has similar meaning to ....
A. claim
B. salute
C. profess
D. correct
Persamaan kata “acknowledge” secara kontekstual adalah “salute”
The following text is for questions 4 and 5.
Remember, you have promised me to send the design of seasonal greeting
e-card this Thursday. I need to email it to our partners and clients on the
end of this week.
4. The main idea of the passage is ....
A. Fina has designed the e-card.
B. Nada is appointed to design the e-card.
C. Nada reminds Fina to send the e-card.
D. Fina will send the e-card by email this weekend.
Dijelaskan dalam kalimat pertama.
5. What will Nada probably do after receiving the e-card design?
A. She will forward it to partners and
clients right away.
B. She will help Fina revise the e-card
design if needed.
C. She will check the e-card design and
revise if needed.
D. She will ask Fina to make copies
before sending it.
Secara tersirat bahwa penulis akan menerima di hari Kamis dan melakukan
pengecekan sebelum mengirimkannya di hari Sabtu
The following text is for questions 6 to 8.
Our school will have some competitions that will be held from 20th to 21st
of April 2022 to commemorate Kartini's Day. There are English Speech
Contest, Murotal Competition, and Poetry Competition.
Registration will be held on 1st to 10th of April at OSIS room. The
technical support meeting will be on April 11th at classrooms.
Free registration and full of prize!
Contact your class chairperson to have the details.
6. What is the writer’s intention in writing the passage?
A. To invite students to take part in the competitions
B. To tell the students how to participate in the Poetry Competition
C. To announce the competitions to celebrate the Kartini's Day
D. To explain the dates of registration
and technical support meeting
Tujuan penulis adalah untuk mengumumkan peringatan Hari Kartini
7. Why do students need to communicate with the class chairperson?
A. To have further information about the programs announced
B. To register themselves to join one of the competitions held by OSIS
C. To prepare either the team or the person taking part in the competitions
D. To choose class representatives who will participate in the
Dijelaskan dalam kalimat terakhir bacaan
8. “Contact your class chairperson to have the details.”
The word "contact" has similar meaning to ....
A. associate with
B. deal with
C. bring up
D. talk to
Persamaan kata “contact” secara kontekstual adalah “talk to”
The following text is for questions 9 to 11.
9. Based on the text we know that the text is addressed to ....
A. crews of a train
B. passengers who are on board
C. ticket counter officers
D. people who are at railway station
Bacaan tersebut ditujukan kepada para penumpang yang berada di dalam
10. “… the train is standing in the station.”
The underlined word means …
A. having upright position
B. remaining motionless
C. being on one’s feet
D. taking a side
Makna kata “standing” secara kontekstual adalah “remaining motionless”
11. If an on-board passenger wants to use the toilet, he/she has to ....
A. find another toilet
B. go to the railway station toilet
C. wait until the train is moving
D. wait for another passenger who is using it
Ditegaskan bahwa dilarang menggunakan toilet pada saat kereta berhenti di
The following text is for questions 12 to 14.
12. What is the text mainly about?
A. mentioning the nutrition in a product
B. describing where the product produced
C. stating ingredients contained in a product
D. giving detailed information of a product
Bacaan tersebut memberikan informasi terperinci dari sebuah produk obat
13. It can be concluded from the text that the user use the product by using
A. measuring spoon
B. drop pipette
C. its cap
D. syringe
Tertulis “INJECTION” (SUNTIK) >>> Syringe
14. Why is it stated “PROTECT FROM LIGHT”? Because ....
A. the light can increase the temperature.
B. the light can give bad effect to the medicine.
C. the light can evaporate the medicine.
D. the light can change the color of it.
Secara umum obat-obatan perlu dihindarkan dari cahaya matahari secara
langsung karena berdampak buruk dan akan mempengaruhi kualitas obat
The following text is for questions 15 to 17.
Dear Mrs. Shita,
On behalf of the Student Council, I would like to let you know that the
opening ceremony will be rescheduled on Monday at 10 am. It’s because the
Principal has just told me the time availability.
Best regards,
Chandra Naya
15. The writer’s intention is to …
A. delay an event
B. confirm the exact schedule
C. ensure that Shita is able to open an event
D. ask the Principal to come the opening ceremony
Dijelaskan bahwa ada penundaan sebuah acara ditandai dengan adanya
penggantian jadwal
16. It can be concluded from the text that ....
A. The principal will not arrive on time in the event
B. Shita and the principal will come to the event
C. Chandra Naya will officially open
the events
D. Mrs. Shita has met the principal
prior to the event
Disimpulkan dari kalimat pertama dan kedua bacaan tersebut.
17. “…, I would like to let you know that …”
The underlined word refers to …
A. Chandra Naya
B. The Principal
C. Mrs. Shita
D. Mrs. Shitan and Chandra Naya
Kata “you” merujuk pada kata Mrs. Shita
The following text is for questions 18 to 20.
18. Who will be interested in the advertisement?
A. People who have either laptop or desktop
B. People who want to know more about computers
C. People who need new computers for their work
D. People who have problem with their computer
Iklan ini ditujukan kepada orang-orang yang memiliki masalah dengan
komputer mereka
19. People who need … can visit Don’s PC Repair Center in Nevada.
A. to fix their laptop screen
B. additional antivirus system
C. to install video editing program
D. new peripherals for their desktop
Tersurat pada bagian layanan yang diberikan dalam iklan tersebut
20. “We help to fix all problem!”
The underlined word has similar meaning to …
A. provide
B. assist
C. serve
D. prevent
Persamaan kata “help” adalah “assist” (membantu)
The following text is for questions 21 to 23.
Dieng temples is the group of 7th and/or 8th century Hindu candi or temple
compounds located in Dieng Plateau, near Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia.
These edifices originate from the Kalingga Kingdom. The plateau is home of
eight small Hindu temples that are among the oldest surviving religious
structures ever built in Java, and the earliest Hindu temples in Indonesia.
The temples show many features of Indian Hindu temple architecture.
The Dieng temples was rediscovered in 1814 by a visiting British soldier
that spotted temples ruin lies in the middle of a lake. At that time the
plain surrounding Arjuna cluster was flooded with water and forming small
lake. In 1856, Isidore van Kinsbergen led an effort to drain the lake in
order to reveal the temples. The Dutch East Indies Government continued the
reconstruction project in 1864, followed by further study and photographs
taken by Van Kinsbergen. The temples are now believed to have been named
after the heroes of the Hindu epic Mahabharata. The temples are clustered
around three groups; Arjuna, Dwarawati and Gatotkaca clusters, while Bima
temple was constructed as a separate single temple.
21. What is the topic of the text?
A. The explanation of Dieng Temples discovery
B. The information of the location of Dieng Temples
C. The description of Dieng Temples in Central Java
D. The brief story of the origin of Dieng Temples
Topik bacaan diatas adalah tentang deskripsi dari candi- candi Dieng di
Jawa Tengah
22. The Dieng Temples are considered as Hindust temples because …
A. their name is taken from Mahabharata epic
B. they have similarities to Prambanan Temple
C. they feature Indian Hindu temple architecture Plateau
D. they are located in highland of Dieng
Dijelaskan dalam dua kalimat terakhir paragraph pertama
23. From the last paragraph, we know that …
A. the temples are buried underwater
B. the temples are named after heroes of Mahabharata
C. a soldier succeeded in drying the lake by himself
D. it needs eight years to complete the temples reconstruction
Dijelaskan bahwa nama-nama Candi Dieng diambil dari nama tokok-tokoh
pahlawan dalam cerita Mahabharata
Yuk lanjut ke nomor soal berikutnya yaa >>>>> Halaman 2
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