Hai sahabat Ahzaa, selamat datang kembali di AhzaaNet. Kita lanjutkan lagi
untuk posting seri soal masuk bintara TNI dan POLRI tahun 2023. Latihan ini
untuk mempersiapkan dalam menghadapi ujian masuk TNI dan POLRI yang
diselenggarakan setiap tahunnya. Biasanya pendaftaran dibuka pada semester
awal tiap tahunnya seperti pada saat tulisan ini dibuat. Dalam seleksi ujian
masuk, para peserta harus melalui beberapa tes atau ujian untuk lolos ke
tahapan yang ada. Nah, salah satu tes yang harus dijalani oleh peserta adalah
tes akademik, yang terdiri dari tes bahasa Inggris, bahasa Indonesia dan
pengetahuan umum dengan sistem CAT (Computer Assisted Test).
Format soal untuk ujian bahasa Inggris adalah full soal format reading comprehension. Soal reading comprehension yang diujikan dibuat sepadan dengan tingkat kesulitan pada soal-
soal tingkat SMA dengan berbagai topik teks dan jenis pertanyaan. Nah,
untuk melengkapi belajar adik- adik menghadapi ujian akademik bintara
polri, berikut saya susun soal berdasarkan beberapa topik yang relevan dan
sesuai dengan tingkatan kemampuan siswa SMA plus pembahasannya.
soal latihan memberikan referensi baru bagi adik- adik yang sedang
belajar giat menghadapi ujian seleksi ini.
Nah,, langsung saja, berikut latihan soal- soalnya, Semoga Bermanfaat dan jangan lupa share ke taman- teman lainnya.
Latihan Soal Tes Akademik Bintara TNI dan POLRI Tahun 2023 Materi Tes
Bahasa Inggris
The following text is for questions number 1 to 3
Born in Purbalingga, Dutch East Indies, Sudirman moved to Cilacap in
1916 and was raised by his uncle. A diligent student at a
Muhammadiyah-run school, he became respected within the community for
his devotion to Islam. After dropping out of teacher's college, in 1936
he began working as a teacher, and later headmaster, at a
Muhammadiyah-run elementary school. After the Japanese occupied the
Indies in 1942, Sudirman continued to teach, before joining the
Japanese-sponsored Defenders of the Homeland as a battalion commander in
Banyumas in 1944.
After Indonesia proclaimed its independence on 17 August 1945, Sudirman
led a break-out then went to Jakarta to meet President Sukarno. Tasked
with overseeing the surrender of Japanese soldiers in Banyumas, he
established a division of the People's Safety Body there. On 12 November
1945, at an election to decide the military's commander-in-chief in
Yogyakarta, Sudirman was chosen over Oerip Soemohardjo in a close vote.
While waiting to be confirmed, Sudirman ordered an assault on British
and Dutch forces in Ambarawa. The ensuing battle and British withdrawal
strengthened Sudirman's popular support, and he was ultimately confirmed
on 18 December.
He was later diagnosed with tuberculosis, which led to his right lung
being collapsed in November 1948. On 19 December 1948, several days
after Sudirman's release from the hospital, the Dutch launched an
assault on the capital. Making a headquarters at Sobo, near Mount Lawu,
Sudirman commanded military activities throughout Java, including a show
of force in Yogyakarta on 1 March 1949. When the Dutch began
withdrawing, in July 1949 Sudirman was recalled to Yogyakarta and
forbidden to fight further. In late 1949 Sudirman's tuberculosis
relapsed, and he retired to Magelang, where he died slightly more than a
month after the Dutch recognised Indonesia's independence. He is buried
at Semaki Heroes' Cemetery in Yogyakarta.
1. The text tells us about ....
A. The battles against led by General Soedirman
B. The military forces commanded by General Soedirman
C. A spirit of General Soedirman for the Indonesian Armed For
D. A biography of General Soedirman
E. An inspirational story of Indonesian hero
2. From the text we find that Sudirman established a division of People’s
Safety Body to ....
A. be the military’s commander-in-chief
B. lead a break-out against the Dutch colonial government
C. show to the world that Indonesia had had an army forces
D. watch over the surrender of Japanese soldiers in Banyumas
E. realize the independence of Republik Indonesia
3. It can be inferred from the text that ....
A. Sudirman was confirmed as a military’s commander-in-chief on November
12, 1945.
B. Sudirman had graduated from teacher’s college before being a
C. Sudirman was shot and died in the military war.
D. Sudirman died when he was relatively young.
E. Sudirman died on March 1, 1949.
The following text is for questions number 4 to 6
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world. It was
built by a Muslim Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his dear wife at
Taj Mahal is a Mausoleum that houses the grave of Queen Mumtaz Mahal.
The mausoleum is a part of a vast complex comprising of a main gateway,
an elaborate garden, a mosque (to the left), a guest house (to the
right), and several other palatial buildings. The Taj is at the farthest
end of this complex, with the river Jamuna behind it.
The Taj stands on a raised, square platform (186 x 186 feet) with its
four corners truncated, forming an unequal octagon. The architectural
design uses the interlocking arabesque concept, in which each element
stands on its own and perfectly integrates with the main structure. It
uses the principles of self-replicating geometry and a symmetry of
architectural elements.
Its central dome is fifty-eight feet in diameter and rises to a height
of 213 feet. It is flanked by four subsidiary domed chambers. The four
graceful, slender minarets are 162.5 feet each. The central domed
chamber and four adjoining chambers include many walls and panels of
Islamic decoration.
Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble. Its stunning architectural
beauty is beyond adequate description, particularly at dawn and sunset.
The Taj seems to glow in the light of the full moon. On a foggy morning,
the visitors experience the Taj as if suspended when viewed from across
the Jamuna River.
4. Why was the Taj Mahal built?
A. to show the greatness of a
Muslim Emperor Shah Jahan
B. to show the beauty of Islamic
C. for the grave of queen Mumtaz
D. To memorize the queen Mumtaz
E. to attract visitors
5. The paragraph 3 mainly describes about ....
A. The size and elements of Taj
B. The decoration and relief of Taj
C. The form and designs of Taj
D. The height and area of Taj Mahal
E. The process of building Taj
6. Taj Mahal is a Mausoleum that houses the grave of Queen Mumtaz Mahal.
The word houses has similar meaning to ....
A. homes
B. keeps
C. builds
D. stands
E. designs
The following text is for questions number 7 to 9
A flood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land. In
the sense of “flowing water”, the world may also be applied to inflow of
the tide. Flooding may result from the volume of water within a body of
water, such as a river or lake, which overflows or break levees, with
the result that some of the water escapes its unusual boundaries.
While the size of a lake or other body of water will vary seasonal
changes in precipitation and show melt, it is not a significant flood
unless such escapes of water endanger land areas used by man like a
village, city, or other inhabited area.
Floods can also occur in rivers, when flow exceeds the capacity of the
river channel, particularly at bends or meanders. Flood often cause
damage to homes and businesses if they are placed in natural flood
plains of rivers. While flood damage can be virtually eliminated by
moving away from rivers and other bodies of water, since time out of
mind, people have lived and worked by the water to seek the sustenance
and capitalize on the gains of cheap and easy travel and commerce by
being near water. That humans continue to inhabit areas threatened by
flood damage is evidence that the perceived value of living near the
water exceeds the cost of repeated periodic flooding.
7. To avoid the loss of their business caused by the flood, people should
A. live and work by the body of
B. place in natural flood plains of
C. inhabit the areas threatened by
flood damage.
D. move away from rivers and other
bodies of water.
E. seek substance and benefit from
cheap and easy travel and commerce.
8. The main idea of the third paragraph is ....
A. People do not live by the river
for some reasons.
B. Flood can be found at every bend
and meander of a river.
C. It is wise for people to leave
the flood areas for the safety reason.
D. Floods happen when rivers flow
over their capacity of waterway.
E. People prefer abandon the areas
near the river because of the threat of floods.
9. “…,it is not a significant flood unless such escapes of water endanger
land areas used by man …” (Paragraph 2)
The word significant has closest in meaning to …
A. ordinary
B. intensive
C. sufficient
D. important
E. expensive
The following text is for questions 10 to 12
Indonesia has embarked on the task of counting its islands in order to
better protect its territory and marine resources. It hopes to locate
and name an additional 1,700 islands in time for the UN Conference on
the Standardization of Geographical Names in August. Indonesia wants to
claim sovereignty and fishing rights in the waters surrounding the
islands, many of which its neighbours also claim.
The Indonesian government says illegal fishing in its waters is costing
billions of dollars in lost revenue each year. A fisheries spokeswoman
told the BBC: “Sixty per cent of islands in Indonesia don't have a name
or officially have legal status, so they can easily be taken or claimed
by another country.”
Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago. At the last UN conference
on geographical names in 2012, Indonesia registered 13,466 islands. A
law in 1996 estimated that the number of islands was 17,508. The UN
Convention on the Law of the Sea defines an island as, “a naturally
formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is still exposed at high
A spokesman from Indonesia’s Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
explained the scale of the task the counting team had. He said: “We have
to visit every one of these islands, and then we note the coordinates,
the name, the meaning of the name, and the history of the land and
describe the landscape and its geographical history, all that in great
10. The text is about ....
A. Illegal fishing occurred in
B. The greatness of Indonesia
C. Indonesia claim toward its
sovereignty and fishing rights
D. An action of Indonesia
government to protect its territory
E. Indonesia’s Ministry of Marine
Affairs and Fisheries action
11. It can be concluded from the text that …
A. Indonesia loses billions of
dollar due to illegal fishing
B. an island is an area of land
which is still exposed at high tide
C. many islands in Indonesia have
been claimed by another country
D. sixty percent of Indonesian
islands which either has name or legal status
E. the UN Convention on the Law of
the Sea stated that there are 17,508 islands in Indonesia
12. The main idea of the third paragraph is ....
A. Indonesia is the world’s largest
B. The UN states definition of what
an island is.
C. Indonesia has only registered
13,466 islands.
D. It is estimated that Indonesia
has 17,508 islands.
E. The UN regulation deals with the
Law of the Sea.
The following text is for questions 13 to 16
Fainting occurs when the blood supply to your brain is momentarily
inadequate, causing you to lose consciousness. This loss of
consciousness is usually brief.
When someone faints, do the following steps to help him/her.
1. Make the person safe. Lay the
person flat on his/her back in a safe place.
2. If the person is breathing,
restore blood flow to the brain by raising the person's legs above heart
level — about 12 inches (30 centimeters) — if possible. Check the
person's airway to be sure it's clear.
3. Shake the person vigorously
or tap briskly. If the person doesn’t respond, call for medical help
13. Why is the text written?
A. To inform the readers the
methods to help fainted person
B. To report the procedural steps
in helping fainted person
C. To illustrate the preventive
methods of being fainted
D. To provide instant help for
fainted person
E. To describe the vigorous methods
of helping fainted person
14. The text is mostly useful in a condition …
A. when the fainted person is
caused by severe accident
B. when the fainted person has no
C. when the fainted person is still
breathing normally
D. when the fainted person has
awaked immediately
E. when the fainted person does not
respond the shaking
15. In case of fainting, if the fainted person’s airway is blocked, …
A. lift his/her legs above the
heart level
B. loosen his/her tight clothing
C. shake his/her body strongly
D. call medical help immediately
E. clear the obstruction of the
16. “Shake the person vigorously or tap briskly.”
The word briskly has closest in meaning to …
A. strongly
B. toughly
C. rapidly
D. hardly
E. directly
The following text is for questions 17 to 20
If you get up early in the morning you will see an unusual sight. In
city parks and city streets, lot of boys and girls and men and women are
already up and busy. But they are not working or going anywhere. They
are exercising. Some are playing football or badminton and some others
are jogging. What is jogging?
Jogging is a gentle running. Why is jogging so popular today? Why do
people jog? People jog to relax themselves, to keep themselves fit, or
simply to enjoy themselves. Our world today is a world where life is
comfortable and easy for many city people. Fast buses, cars, or
motorcycles take us to work or to school. Lifts carry us quickly from
one floor to another in large buildings. So many people get very little
What do you need to start jogging? You only need a pair of running
shoes, an old pair of jeans or shorts, a sweater, and a little courage.
Don’t be embarrassed if you meet your neighbour as you return home, hot
and tired. When you begin jogging, start by running some of the way and
then walking. Don’t jog too far too begin with and jog slowly. Once you
develop a regular jogging programme, you will feel fit and well, and you
will be ready to start a busy day feeling fresh and awake.
Next time you are at the swimming pool, look at the people around you,
especially those who are over thirty. How many of them who have a fat
stomach? Now you understand why more people today go jogging or do some
other sort of exercises.
17. What will the reader probably feel after having a regular jogging
A. Weak and depressed
B. Strong and fat
C. stressed and clumsy
D. Well and fit
E. Tired and exhausted
18. It can be concluded from the text that ....
A. jogging is not popular today
B. jogging can be done everywhere and everytime
C. people jog to relax themselves and to keep themselves healthy
D. people should jog once a week to make themselves happy
E. people should wear a pair of expensive running shoes to go jogging
19. “… you will see an unusual sight.” (Paragraph 1)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Traditional
B. Common
C. Popular
D. Regular
E. Scarce
20. A person jogs regularly for …, keeping him/herself fit, and enjoying
the time him/herself.
A. to relaxing him/herself
B. relaxing him/herself
C. to relax him/herself
D. relaxes him/herself
E. relax him/herself
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