Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/ SMK Semester 1 (ganjil) Tahun 2021/ 2022 - Ahzaa.Net

Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/ SMK Semester 1 (ganjil) Tahun 2021/ 2022

Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/ SMK Semester 1 (ganjil)  Tahun 2021/ 2022
Hai Sahabat Ahzaa, selamat datang kembali di AhzaaNet. pada post kali ini akan saya bagikan soal latihan mapel Bahasa Inggris untuk menghadapi UAS/ PAS SMA/ SMK semester Ganjil. Adapun lingkup materi untuk mapel bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester ganjil ini mencakup materi expression dan reading yaitu suggestionasking and giving opinion, invitation letter, personal letter, analytical exposition, passive voice, dll. 

Untuk soal latihan sendiri terdiri dari 30 butir soal dengan komposisi soal yang mencakup materi materi diatas. Setiap soal juga sudah saya lengkapi dengan kunci jawaban sebagai bahan latihan menghadapi PAS ganjil.  

Baik, langsung saja berikut latihan soal- soalnya,

Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/ SMK Semester 1 Tahun 2021/ 2022


1. Gea: You look so tired, Ann.
Ann : Yes, I am still very tired after a long flight from Seoul.
Gea : You’d better take a rest.

It can be concluded from the dialogue that ....
A. Gea was so tired after a long flight from Seoul.
B. Gea suggests Ann go by plane.
C. Ann asked Gea to go by plane.
D. Gea suggests Ann take a rest.
E. Ann flew to Seoul.

2. Sarah :  ____ it’s going to rain?
Fira :  I don't think so. There is no cloud on the sky.

A. Do you think
B. What do you think
C. I don't think so 
D. What I think
E. Thinking is good

3. Evan :  Mom, I want to stay at home. I have a sore throat, and I can’t go to school.
   Mom :  ____ .
A. Are you?
B. You should go this way
C. You should see a doctor
D. Yes, it has been so long
E. Yes, you have a headache

4. Okta : What do you think will happen if we don’t stop global warming?
Falcao : ____ sooner or later the world will be destroyed.
A. I don’t think
B. I think
C. I will believe
D. It must be
E. I don’t know

5. Jenny : ___ unplug electronic devices when they are not being used?
Faza : In my opinion, that does make sense.
A. Do you think
B. Do you should 
C. Do you think I should
D. What do you think I
E. Do you feel like to

6. Fahmi : How do you see about the program on  the tree planting action?
Erika : ___ it is a brilliant idea and we all should do it.
A. Sorry, I don’t know
B. I don’t think
C. I should think
D. It seems to me that
E. Let me think

7. Frida : We will have a picnic to Dieng this weekend. What do you think?
Sandy : I disagree. It is too far. What about going to Gedong Songo?
Frida : Okay. I don't have any objections.

Where will they go this weekend?
A. go to Dieng
B. stay at home
C. go nowhere
D. have a picnic
E. go to Gedong Songo 

8. Noza : You know what? Fafa has lost his mobile phone.
Mila : … .

A. What a great moment.
B. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
C. How are you.
D. How dare you.
E. That’s great.

9. Mira : Why do you look so sad?
Alika : I got a bad score in English test
Mira : You should take a course

We know from the dialogue that ....
A. Mira will take a course
B. Alika suggests Mira to take a course
C. Mira suggests Alika to take a course
D. Alika felt happy
E. Alika thinks that she can solve her problem

10. Taza : I would like to invite you to my birthday party Saturday night
Siska : Yes, with pleasure

What does Siska mean?
A. She asks Taza to come to her birthday
B. She needs a help from Taza
C. She would come to Taza's birthday
D. She wouldn't come to Taza's birthday
E. She cannot come to Taza's birthday

The text is for questions number 11 to 12
Mika Radika
Nadia Rahma

Together with their families invite you
To take apart in their wedding
Festivities on Sunday the seventh of November
Two thousand twenty one, at nine 
in the morning

Merbabu Room
Marina Hotel
Kenanga Street No.12 

Reception immediately following ceremony

11. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
A. To inform  readers about a ceremony
B. To invite readers to the ceremony
C. To ask readers to come with their family
D. To get readers' attention
E. To remind readers to book immediately

12. Who is Mika and Nadia?
A. Event organizer
B. Groom and bridegroom
C. Husband and wife
D. Married couple
E. Father and son

The text is for questions number 13 to 15
With money we can buy the things that we need every day. And there are many things that money can do.
Money is first of all a means of exchange. If you want to exchange some books that you do not need for a shirt, you may try to find someone who needs your books and who has the shirt that you want. But it is often hard to organize an exchange. It is easier to sell the books and then buy the shirt that you like.
Money is also a means of measuring the value of other things. It is easier to say how many rupiah a cow costs than to say that it has the same value as five goats. We can also store value with money.  It does not spoil as fish or fruits or vegetables do when they are sold. The cost things, of course, may change as time goes on and money that you have today may be less in the future. If it loses a lot of its value, money will be a bad means of storing value. Then it will spoil as farmer’s production spoil.
Finally, money is a means for making payments. You may buy a bicycle now and pay for it in five months, and make a payment of one-fifth on the cost every month. This is better than buying one-fifth of a bicycle at a time and not riding it until you have bought all parts. That is, if you have to always make your payment on time.

13. Which of the following is NOT TRUE based on the text?
A. money makes us easier to get thing we need.
B. we know the value of other things by using money.
C. it is difficult to do a barter now.
D. money loses its value easily.
E. money does not spoil as farmer’s production.

14. It can be concluded from paragraph four that … .
A. payment should be done on time
B. money is not practical to buy bicycle
C. we must have enough money to buy bicycle
D. bicycle can be ridden when we have paid it completely
E. money is also a means of measuring the value of other things

15. Why is farmers’ production not good as a means of payment?
A. It is hard to hold.
B. It is easily damaged.
C. It is difficult to find.
D. It does not have much value.
E. It takes so much space.

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