Latihan Soal Online Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 (Ganjil) Kelas 9 SMP/ MTs Tahun 2021/ 2022 - Ahzaa.Net

Latihan Soal Online Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 (Ganjil) Kelas 9 SMP/ MTs Tahun 2021/ 2022

Latihan Soal Online Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 (Ganjil) Kelas 9 SMP/ MTs Tahun 2021/ 2022
Hai sahabat Ahzaa, selamat datang kembali di AhzaaNet, pada post kali ini saya akan berbagi latihan soal bahasa Inggris kelas IX SMP/ MTs untuk menghadapi penilaian tengah semester (PTS) ganjil tahun 2021- 2022. Adapun materi pada latihan soal berkutat pada materi kelas IX SMP/ MTs yaitu Expressing hope, expression of congratulation, agreement and disagreement, dan label.

Jumlah soal sebanyak 25 butir soal pilihan ganda dalam bentuk latihan online dengan sistem penskoran setelah mengerjakan latihan soal.

Baik, langsung saja yaa, berikut latihan soalnya, 


1. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.1

Noza : I heard that Covid-19 will never completely go away. What do you think?
Mila : _____ .
Noza : Yeah. That's great point of view, Mila.

A. I hope so
B. I hope we have the same obstacle to solve this problem
C. Hopefully it will completely wipe out but if it won't, Accepting that the coronavirus disease will become endemic may be the only realistic endgame strategy for all countries
D. I hope the government apply some strategies for the economic impacts because of Covid-19

2. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.2

Andy : What if we go camping on Sunday?
Bagus : That's a good idea. ____

A. I hope that the weather will be fine
B. I wish you have a good luck
C. I hope you can reach the highest achievement
D. I hope you have a good time

3. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.3
Nayla : Mr. Rudi informed me that I will have an interview next Tuesday.
Maya : _____ .

A. I hope you won't be successful in your interview
B. I hope so
C. Let's hope so
D. Good luck. I hope you get the job you've been dreaming of

4. Read the following dialogue to answer the questions no.4

Chandra : I won the school speech contest, Maria.
Maria : That's very great, Chandra. Congratulation on your accomplishment. _____ .
Chandra : Thank you Maria, I hope so.

A. Let's hope not
B. I do not hope you reach your achievement
C. I hope you won't do so
D. I hope you will be successful in the next level competition

5. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.5

Sinta : I heard that Greysia Polii and Apriyani Rahayu won Indonesia’s first ever Olympic gold in badminton women’s doubles
Sukma : Yes. You are right. They worked hard for it.
Sinta : I believe you. This victory is a gift to Indonesia’s anniversary of the independence day
Sukma : _____.

A. That's what I think. But I'm not satisfied
B. I agree with you. Congratulations and thank you Greysia/Apriyani
C. I'm glad you like it
D. I don't care about it

6. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.6
Sarah : The party was great. _____.
Isyana : Thank you, Sarah. I am happy you could come.

A. It's better you invite all of our friends
B. I'm not satisfied. I went home early
C. I really like the menu
D. I did not enjoy it at all

7. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.7
Anna : ____ . You are promoted to be a manager.
Shaza : Thank you.

A. That's right
B. Good for you
C. Congratulations
D. Amazing!

8. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.8

Nesya : The government plans to reopen school in some cities as the daily count of ne Covid-19 cases continues to decline. What do you think?
Alvin : _____ but the government should have guidelines when schools restart such as prohibition of chatting in class, wearing facemasks all times and slashing class capacity by 50%

A. I totally disagree
B. I don't have any plan
C. I'm on your side'
D. I don't agree with you

9. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.9
Vanya : The government will give students free internet data for distance learning next month.
Cindy : Oh, that sounds good. ____ as it will lighten the burden of parents in buying internet data for their children's learning.

A. I am pessimistic about this
B. I strongly agree
C. Let's wait and see
D. It's not the best solution

10. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.10
Rhena : The distance learning is the best method applied in this pandemic situation. What is your opinion?
Mila : ____but it is not good solution for us especially for long-term. It is not effective when applied for students in remote area.

A. I don't agree
B. I totally disagree
C. I'm on the opinion
D. I don't have any idea

The following text is for questions number 11 to 13


What a news! Finally, you are accepted in International Relation Department of UNDIP through SBMPTN. May your initial success fulfill your dream to be a reputable public accountant.


11. What does the text mainly talk about?
A. admiring someone's success
B. explaining someone's achievement
C. giving support to reach someone's dream
D. supporting someone's struggle in entrance test

12. From the text we know that the writer expects ....
A. Zoya will be a well-known public accountant
B. Zeta will be a partner for Wulan in the future
C. Zeta will complete her study in International Relation Department
D. Zoya will realize her dream after completing the study

13. “May your initial success fulfill your dream to be a reputable public accountant.”

The word "fulfill" has similar meaning to ....
A. submit
B. subscribe
C. realize
D. collect

The following text is for questions number 14 to 16

Dear Sarah,

On behalf of the school board, I would like to acknowledge your winning in The Students English Debating Competition held by UNNES. We hope that you do not give up in writing and keep inspiring other students.


14. The text is aimed to ....
A. describe someone's achievement
B. express happiness on someone's success
C. support someone to be successful
D. congratulate on someone achievement

15. “... I would like to acknowledge your winning ...”
The closest meaning of the word " acknowledge" is ....

A. Salute
B. Admit
C. Accept
D. Reply

16. It can be assumed from the text that the principal expects Sarah to ....
A. be a successful person in the future
B. be an inspirational student to others
C. keep her academic record to be accepted in UNNES
D. keep her achievement for the next competition

The following text is for questions number 17 to 19

Congratulate for the soft opening of your second store in Pemalang. Your success on building the fashion business from scratch are always be my inspiration. Keep fighting Sis!


17. What is the writer's purpose to write the text?
A. to express her sympathy
B. to appreciate her friend’s success
C. to support her friend’s business
D. to cheer up her friend’s situation

18. From the text, Maria expects that Putri ....
A. is always be her inspiration
B. fights to open the next stores
C. never gives up on her business
D. is able to help her build the business

19. “Your success on building the fashion business from scratch are always be my inspiration.”
The closest meaning of the bold word is ....
A. briefly
B. usually
C. temporarily
D. continuously

The following text is for questions number 20 to 22

20. The text mainly gives us information about ....
A. mentioning the nutrition in a product
B. describing where the product produced
C. giving detailed information of a product
D. stating ingredients contained in a product

21. According to the label, this food is ....
A. low in fat
B. rich in cholesterol
C. rich in iron
D. low in sodium

22. The words "No preservatives" means ....
A. the product contains artificial colors, flavors, and chemical sulvent
B. the food product is made from original material
C. the product uses additive to protect against decay, discoloration or spoilage
D. nothing various chemical material added in the food product

The following text is for questions number 23 to 25

23. From the label above we know that ....
A. this medicine can be used for lactating dairy animals
B. this medicine is in the form of syrup
C. this medicine is for mature horses andd cattle
D. the user must consult the doctor before taking this medicine

24. It is suggested to store this product ....
A. in a refrigerator
B. in a dry place
C. in a warmer place more than 30 C
D. in a freezer

25. "Keep lid tightly closed and ...."
The word "tightly" has similar meaning to ....

A. movably
B. weakly
C. securely
D. changeably

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