
Latihan Soal Online Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 (Ganjil) Kelas 8 SMP/ MTs Tahun 2021/ 2022

Hai sahabat Ahzaa, Selamat datang kembali di Blog Ahzaa, pada post kali ini saya akan berbagi latihan soal bahasa Inggris kelas VIII SMP/ MTs untuk menghadapi penilaian tengah semester (PTS) ganjil tahun 2021- 2022. Adapun materi pada latihan soal berkutat pada materi kelas VIII SMP/ MTs yaitu asking and giving attention, checking the understanding, showing appreciation/ compliments, opinion, capability, willingness, asking and giving suggestion, serta stating obligation

Pada latihan soal ini, jumlah soal sebanyak 25 butir soal pilihan ganda dalam bentuk latihan soal online sehingga skor langsung akan muncul saat selesai mengerjakan soal. Nah, tanpa panjang lebar lagi yaa...langsung saja berikut latihan soal- soalnya,


Read the following dialogue to answer the questions no.1 to 3

Lucy : Can you speak Italian, Anna?
Anna : Yes, I can. I can speak Italian and French.
Lucy : Oh good. We've got a new paper shredder from Italy and there's a letter with it, but it's in Italian. Here it is. Can you translate it?
Anna : Er... No, I can't I'm sorry.
Lucy : Why not?
Anna : I can't read it. I haven't got my glasses.
Anna : Er... No, I can't I'm sorry.
Lucy : Why not?
Anna : I can't read it. I haven't got my glasses.

1. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. in an office
B. in a market
C. in a bank
D. in a park

2. We know from the text that ....
A. Anna is able to communicate in Italian but not in French
B. The paper shredder is from French
C. Anna cannot read Italian letter attached by a new paper shredder
D. Anna has no time so she refuses to translate Italian letter

3. Here it is. Can you translate it?

The word "translate" has similar meaning to ....
A. remove
B. take
C. convert
D. obscure

Read the following dialogue to answer the questions no.4 to 7

Cindy : I was sorry to hear about your grandmother.
Ann : Thank you, Cindy
Cindy : You must feel very sad
Ann : Yes, I do. I'm going to miss her
Cindy : Are you going to go home in Jakarta for the funeral?
Ann : Yes, I am. My flight's this evening. I'm going to be away for a couple of weeks
Cindy : Well I hope everything goes OK

4. We know from the dialogue that Ann is going back to go home because ....
A. she wants to meet her grandmother
B. she will hold her grandmother's funeral
C. Ann is longing for her grandmother
D. her grandmother calls her

5. How long is Cindy going to be away?
A. a week
B. a couple of weeks
C. a month
D. a couple of months

6. It can be concluded from the dialogue that ....
A. Ann lives far away with her grandmother
B. Cindy feels very sad about her grandmother's death
C. Ann cannot go home for her grandmother's funeral
D. Cindy will come to the funeral

7. The word "funeral" in the dialogue can be replaced with ....
A. service
B. wedding
C. burial
D. school

Read the following dialogue to answer the questions no.8 to 10

Mita : Hello, Dini. You look very smart.
Dini : Oh hello, Mita. Thank you. well. I'm in a HR Division now, you know.
Mita : Oh,yes. Are you enjoying your new job?
Dini : Yes, It's fine. Thanks
Mita : I'm glad to hear that

8. What is the dialogue actually about?
A. Mita and Dini's meeting
B. Dini's explanation of her new job
C. Dini's story about her new office
D. Mita's compliment to Dini

9. "Hello, Dini. You look very smart."
The bold words belong to ....
A. asking for a help
B. giving a compliment
C. asking for attention
D. giving an opinion

10. What is TRUE about the dialogue?
A. Mita and Dini are co-worker
B. Dini enjoys her new job position
C. Mita doesn't like with Dini's achievement
D. Mita and Dini were in the same division

11. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.11
Alya : Hello
Diba : Hi, Alya. It's Diba. Can you play badminton on Saturday?
Alya : ______ . I have to go to work.
Diba : What? On saturday?
Alya : Yes, sorry.

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....
A. No, sorry, I can't
B. with my pleasure
C. Yes, I can
D. Sure

12. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.12
Chemist : Hello, can I help you?
Customer : Yes. have you got anything for a cough?
Chemist : Is it for yourself?
Customer : No, it isn't. It's is for my daughter. She's seven years old.
Chemist : Well, this medicine is very good. She needs to _______
Customer : Thank you.
The suitable words to complete the sentence is ....
A. take a rest
B. use them occasionally
C. take it three times a day
D. sleep regularly

13. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.13

Linda : Hello. My name is Linda Ayudya.
Man : Sorry. can you repeat your last name, again, please?
Linda : It's Ayudya
Man : ______
Linda : It's is A-Y-U-D-Y-A
Man : Oh yes thank you. Here is your badge.
Linda : Thank you.

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....
A. How do you spell that, please?
B. Can you tell me your surname, please?
C. How do you say that?
D. What's your first name?

14. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.14

Rere : What do you suggest for preventing the spread of COVID-19 in public places?
Dewi : _______
Rere : Well, It's a good suggestion, Dewi.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....

A. I think you should frequently clean your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub
B. I think you have to stay home all day
C. I think you should apply social distancing at home with our family
D. I think you must consult to the doctor about it

15. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.15

Nanda : I think it is going to rain.
Mika : _______ Look at the sky! It’s so clear. No clouds there.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....

A. I agree with you
B. I am on your side
C. I don’t think so
D. You don’t know it

16. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.16

Vita : Amazing! _____ !
Yoshi : Thanks. Do you like it?
Vita : Yes, I do
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....
A. What a nice house you have designed
B. What does your house design look likek
C. How beautiful you are
D. What is your house design for

17. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.17

Rafif : Wow, what a cool watch you have! Is that a present on your birthday?
Tama : Thanks. Yes, it’s a birthday present from my brother. She bought it in Jakarta.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....

The bold sentence means that Rafif … to Tama’s watch.
A. asks for information
B. makes an invitation
C. gives compliment
D. denies something

18. Read the following dialogue to answer the question no.18

Father : Reyfan’s Dad is talking on the phone. Turn down your music!
Fina : ______ .
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....

A. Sure
B. I think so
C. Why ?
D. What’s up

Number 19 to 21 are based on the following conversation

Mirna : Excuse me, but I was just admiring your bag. It’s really nice.
Safa : Oh, thank you.
Mirna : Could you tell me where you buy it? I have been looking for one like that for a long time.
Safa : It’s from the Ganish Store at Semarang Modern Plaza .
Mirna : Oh, thank you very much

19. From the dialogue we know that ....
A. Mirna admires Safa's bag
B. Safa wants to know the price of the bag
C. Mirna asks opinion where to buy a good bag
D. Safa wants to borrow the bag

20. Where did Safa buy his bag? She bought it from ....
A. Semarang
B. Modern Plaza
C. The Ganish Store
D. Store

21. “Could you tell me where you buy it?” This expression is used to ....
A. agree with someone’s opinion
B. give compliment
C. ask for information
D. ask for opinion

Look at the notice below to answer number 22 to 25
22. It can be concluded from the notice that ....
A. It gives us information on what we should do after we have received our Covid-19 vaccine
B. Scanning QR Code is a must after getting vaccination
C. Scanning WR Code is not compulsory for us
D. Getting infomation after vaccination can be only done by scanning QR Code

23. We possibly find the notice at ....
A. home
B. a bank
C. lavatory
D. vaccination centre

24. "Watch a short NHS video with very important information ...."
The word "important" has similar meaning to ....
A. meaningless
B. insignificant
C. crucial
D. optional

25. "... what you should do after ...." .
The word “you” refers to ….

A. vaccinators
B. patients
C. visitors
D. officers

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