Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Melengkapi Percakapan atau Dialog Singkat (Short Dialogues) - Ahzaa.Net

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Melengkapi Percakapan atau Dialog Singkat (Short Dialogues)

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Melengkapi Percakapan atau Dialog Singkat (Short Dialogues)
Hai sahabat Ahzaa,, selamat datang kembali di AhzaaNet. Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan belajar bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam berlatih soal yang ada kaitannya dengan percakapan. Biasanya soal bentuk percakapan itu akan ditemukan dalam soal- soal listening, seperti dalam bentuk short talks dimana pendengar harus dapat menebak respon yang tepat dalam soal yang diperdengarkan. Nah, dalam post ini, sobat Ahzaa akan belajar tentang bagaimana menjawab soal- soal bentuk percakapan pendek dengan melengkapi ekspresi yang tepat untuk menjawab atau merespon berbagai konteks percakapan yang muncul.

Latihan soal berjumlah 15 soal yang dapat dikerjakan secara online. Pada bagian akhir soal akan muncul skor pencapaian dari latihan yang sudah dibuat. baik, langsung saja yaa, berikut latihan soalnya,

Selamat berlatih dan semoga bermanfaat.


1. Egy : Would you accompany me to the bookstore?
Sasha : ....
Egy : Thanks. I really appreciate it.

I'm disappointed
I'm not sure
Not at all
I don't know

2. Alexa : How was your visit to the museum?
Lila : It was closed when I got there. ... about it.
Alexa : I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm very pleased
I'm really disappointed
I'm very displeased
I'm very unsatisfied
I'm very happy

3. Kinara : What do you think of the effective way to reduce the spread of Covid-19?
Maya : ... cleaning our hands, wearing a mask to cover our nose and mouth, and avoiding close contact are effective ways to reduce it.
I don't know
How do you see
In my opinion
Are you certain that
I'm not sure

4. Ilham : How was your trip to Bromo?
Indra : ... with it. I want to go there again next holiday.
I'm very pleased
I'm really disappointed
I'm not happy
I'm very unsatisfied
I'm very displeased

5. Ady : Look! the weather is getting better.
Rijal : .... I Thought we can go now.
What a relief
I'm very disappointed
Oh, this is bad
That's all right
This is so disappointing

6. Man 1 : Ouch! You step on my foot.
Man 2 : I'm sorry, I don't mean to hit you.
What does the Man 1 express?

7. Manda : What do you think of the movie?
Enda : .... I really love it.
It's displeasing
It's terrific
It's disappointing
It's very unsatisfying
It's horrible

8. Shinta : Why do you look so upset?
Alya : It pointed hard day to day. It was raining when I went to school. It was difficult to get school bus. I had to wait for twenty minutes before the bus came.
Shinta : ...
That's good for you
That's really nice
I'm terribly sorry to hear that
It's a good news
It must be fun

9. Isyana : We went to Yogya yesterday. We spent our time shopping.
Rere : So, what do you think about Yogya?
Isyana : ....
As long as you like it
Yogya is a good place for shopping
Yogya is not far from here
Yogya is located near Semarang
It is a famous city in Java

10. Chandra : It seems you need something.
Wafa : My laptop doesn't work well. May I use yours?
Chandra : ....
My laptop is at home
I don't have a laptop
Sorry, I haven't finished typing my work by using it.
It's an expensive laptop
My laptop is not for rent

11. Hadi : The air pollution caused by cars and factories creates greenhouse effect and destroys the ozone layers.
Wira : ....
It is good for our health
everything is fine. Thank you.
Yes, It is a very bad situation
It would be delighted
It is none of our business

12. Zaky : Why hasn't Mr. Andy come yet? His class is scheduled to begin now.
Mirza : Don't worry, he will be here soon.
Zaky : .....
I will call him
I think he is fine
It's impossible
We hope he will come soon
I don't think he is

13. Man : Do you have any problems with our service in this restaurant, Mom?
Woman : ....
Thank you very much
No, I'm satisfied with it
Yes, please finish it
Sorry, I cannot do it
Yes, please

14. Mirna : Where are we going to stay?
Sasha : At Top Hotel near the beach.
Mirna : Why there ?
Sasha : .....
I stay there
It has the most satisfactory service
It's on the beach
We should try it
There's the hotel there

15. Rada : What's the matter, Nana. you look so sad today.
Nana : My father is very ill and he has been hospitalized since yesterday.
Rada : ....
I think you should take a rest
I'm glad to hear that
I suggest you cheer up
I hope he would get better soon
It's good for you

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