Halo sahabat Ahzaa, pada post kali ini saya akan membagikan soal latihan PAS bahasa Inggris semester satu kelas 3 (tiga) SD/ MI. Materi pada soal latihan mencakup aktifitas atau kegiatan sehari- hari, deskripsi tentang suatu objek, pengenalan bagian- bagian tubuh dan deskripsi hewan.
Semoga latihan soal ini dapat menjadi tambahan referensi untuk belajar bahasa
Inggris khususnya dalam menghadapi penilaian akhir semester (PAS) bahasa
Inggris kelas 3 (tiga) SD/ MI.
Nah, langsung saja, berikut latihan soal- soalnya,
Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Semester Satu Kelas 3 (Tiga) SD/ MI
1. X : May I ____ your pen?
Y : Okay, here you are.
X : Thank you
Y : You are welcome
A. borrow
B. borrows
C. borrowing
D. borrowed
2. X : What do you do before having
breakfast in the morning ?
Y : I ____ in the bathroom.
A. get up
B. take a bath
C. cook
D. sweep
3. Linda has a big house but Sofia has a ... house.
A. bad
B. big
C. wide
D. small
4. X : Does he live at Jalan
Y : ____ . He lives at Jalan Rambutan
A. No, he is not
B. Yes, he does
C. No, he does not
D. No, he is
No. 5 to 6 fill in the missing words !
We can ____ (5) delicious cake with our __ (6) .
A. taste
B. smell
C. see
D. say
A. mouth
B. ears
C. tongue
D. eyes
7. Liza says “No” while shaking her
___ .
A. mouth
B. feet
C. body
D. head
8. The boy catches the ball with his
____ .
A. hands
B. eyes
C. feet
D. elbow
The text is for questions no 9 to 11!
My class are having picnic on the beach. It is sunny day. The sun is shining
brightly. The waves break on the sand. Some of my friends are swimming in
the shallow water. Some of them are playing volley ball on the sand. I am
sitting under the tree and enjoying ice tea.
9. X : Where are the student going to
have a picnic ?
Y : They are going to the ____ .
A. mountain
B. beach
C. zoo
D. museum
10. X : How is the weather ?
Y : It is ____ .
A. cold day
B. foggy
C. sunny day
D. cloudy
11. X : ____ .
Y : I am sitting under the tree.
A. What are you doing ?
B. What is he doing ?
C. What is she doing ?
D. What am I doing ?
12. Anna wants to have medical check
up so she goes to the ____
A. school
B. hospital
C. bank
D. post office
13. Nina goes to the ____ to save her money.
A. post office
B. bank
C. police station
D. market
14. The girls are ____ traditional
costumes to celebrate Kartini day.
A. wore
B. wear
C. wears
D. wearing
15. Indra gets toothache. He needs to
___ the dentist.
A. go
B. see
C. watch
D. do
16. Merry : Did you see ____ in the zoo?
Anna : Yes, I did. its body is very big and it has a long trunk.
A. elephant
B. giraffe
C. lion
D. tiger
17. Vina : What pet do you have?
Alfa : I have a ____
Vina : What is it like?
Alfa : Its name is Perry. It is very cute. Its colour is black. It can imitate someone's voice.
It likes to eat grains.
A. pigeon
B. parrot
C. chicken
D. dove
18. A : This animal eats grass, has a big body and can produces milk. What
animal is it?
B : It is ____
A. rabbit
B. cat
C. cow
D. snake
19. X : Where are the students?
Y : They are in the ____ . They want to search some books for Mr. Hari's
A. library
B. canteen
C. laboratory
D. school yard
20. X : When does Mita have breakfast?
Y : She has breakfast in the ____
A. morning
B. night
C. afternoon
D. evening
Demikian Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Semester Satu Kelas 3 (Tiga)
SD/ MI. Bagi teman- teman yang membutuhkan soal diatas, bisa mengunduhnya
melalui tautan link berikut ini,
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