Latihan Soal Teks Advertisement Bahasa Inggris SMP - Ahzaa.Net

Latihan Soal Teks Advertisement Bahasa Inggris SMP

Latihan Soal Teks Advertisement Bahasa Inggris SMP
Teks advertisement adalah sebuah teks untuk mempromosikan sebuah produk ataupun jasa. Teks advertisement atau biasa disebut ads biasanya kita lihat pada berbagai media seperti media cetak atau media online. Kita membedakan dua contoh teks advertisement yaitu teks advertisement yang menawarkan suatu produk dan teks advertisement akan lowongan pekerjaan.

Pertanyaan seputar teks advertisement pun sama seperti tipe soal- soal teks pendek lainnya yang berkutat pada pertanyaan gambaran umum, menentukan tujuan teks, menentukan informasi rinci baik tersirat atau tersurat

Teks advertisement terdiri dari

  • Nama dari suattu produk
  • Poin apa yang dijual dari produk tersebut
  • Bagaimana mendapatkan produk


Text 1

gambar di design melalui

1.  What is being advertise in the ads above?
A.  beverage
B.  fast food
C.  bread
D.  bakery

2.  The following items are available in the bakery, EXCEPT ....
A.  Alphine
B.  Whole Wheat
C.  Baquette
D.  Brioche

3.  How long does the discount of all items offer last?
A.  one day
B.  three days
C.  one week
D.  one month

4.  What is the purpose of the text?
A.  to let the readers know about the discount
B.  to persuade the readers to come to the bakery and buy the items
C.  to make the customers happy
D.  to introduce the customers about the new menu items sold in the store

5.  It can be concluded from the text that ....
A.  The bakery is only open on weekdays
B.  There are more than five kinds of bread sold in the bakery
C.  The bakery is only open for three hours
D.  The customers can get discount 25 % for all items for three days

Text 2
gambar di design melalui

6.  The  purpose of the text is  ...
A.   to let the readers to know about the hotel
B.   to persuade the readers to come and stay at the hotel
C.   to describe the readers about the facilities offered by the hotel
D.   to show the readers about the discount of the hotel

7.   What can Galaxy Hotel offer to the guests?
A. terrible rooms
B. an awful location
C. an unpleasantly guest rooms
D. free luxurious continental breakfast

8. The text tells us that ….
A. the offer is available with any other discount
B. all guests will get 25% discount at anytime
C. Galaxy Hotel is located in Semarang
D. free breakfast is given to the guests

9.  If we want to stay at the hotel we may reserve the hotel  ....
A.   by an email
B.   by phone
C.   by coming directly
D.   by website

10.  The word "outstanding" in the text above means ....
A.  prominent
B.  famous
C.  noticeable
D.  important

Text 3

11.  The following items  is available in the pet shop, EXCEPT ....
A.   bird food
B.   cat food
C.   cattle food
D.   reptilian food

12.  How long does the shop open daily?
A.   10 hours
B.   11 hours
C.   12 hours
D.   13 hours

13.  Come here and get the reasonable price of the best pets. The underlined word means ....
A.   very cheap
B.   very expensive
C.   fair, not too high
D.   logical

Text 4

14. What is the advertisement  about ?
A. Building in business district
B. Available to get unique opportunities
C. Hotels and restaurant in the downtown
D. Leasing office space

15. The following place is close to the building, EXCEPT ....
A. Hotels
B. Restaurant
C. Parks
D. Shopping centers

16. ... square feet are available for ....
    The underlined word means ....
 A.  obtainable
 B.  preferable
 C. durable
 D. inaccessible

Text 5

17. To applied the job, the applicant must have …
A. been graduated from reputable university
B. an experience in the same field for two years
C. a leadership skill and been at least 25 years old
D. an ability to communicate in oral and written English

18. The applicant should include ...  in his/her email.
A. Curriculum Vitae, copy of computer course certificate, and copy of ID card
B. Application letter, copy of transcripts, and recent photograph
C. Application letter, resume, and the newest photograph
D. Resume Copy of transcripts, and copy of ID card

19. “Please send your application …”
    The underlined word refers to …
A. the readers who have just graduated from senior high
B. the readers who wants to fill the offered vacancy
C. the readers who have ability to work in a team
D. the readers who are able to lead a team

Text 6

20. What should an applicant have to apply the vacant position?
 A. He/she is able and willing to work in a team.
 B. He/she has to have good communication skill.
 C. He/she can work in limited time and under pressure.
 D. He/she has a knowledge in Photoshop, Illustrator, and Corel Draw.

21.  It can be concluded from the text that ....
A.   the applicants must have min. 2 years working experience as graphic designer
B.   it is allowed to the applicants who have age more than 35 years.
C.   the applicants may send their resume only by phone
D.   the applicants should master some graphic design applications

Text 7

Indonesia’s leading company is looking for the right person to fill in the following position:
Executive Secretary (ES)
- 4 years experience as Executive Secretary.
- Female with maximum 30 years old.
- Min. D3 secretary.
- Excellent in operating computer software.
- Excellent in English both oral and written.

Interest candidate should sent application letter and CV within 10 days to:

22. What position is needed in the vacancy above?
A. Executive secretary.
B. Computer programmer.
C. Experienced executive.
D. Indonesia’s leading company.

23. The followings are the requirements needed, EXCEPT …
A. Four years experience.
B. Able to operate computer.
C. Able to speak English fluently.
D. having skill to type computer letters in 10 fingers

24. Where can you usually find the text?
A. In a diary.
B. In newspaper.
C. In one’s wallet.
D. In a photo album.

25. The company will receive the application ....
A. After ten days.
B. Before ten days.
C. As long as ten days.
D. More than ten days

Semoga Bermanfaat


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