Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 1 Chapter I Materi Apologizing - Ahzaa.Net

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 1 Chapter I Materi Apologizing

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 1 Chapter I Materi Apologizing
Halo sahabat Ahzaa, selamat datang kembali..Pada posting kali ini, kita akan membahas akan materi kelas 7 SMP semester satu bab I tentang apologizing. Expressing apologizing merupakan sebuah ungkapan untuk permintaan maaf.Ada beberapa cara untuk mengungkapkan ekspresi ini, diantaranya yang sering kita gunakan adalah kata "sorry".

Sebelum masuk ke dalam latihan soal, berikut beberapa ungkapan apologizing yang bisa kita gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari- hari,

I am sorry
I am terribly sorry
I am extremely sorry
Forgive me, please
Please accept my apologies
It's my fault
I really must apologize
I do apologize for ...

That's OK
It's OK
Never Mind
No problem
Don't worry about it
It doesn't matter
That's all right
No big deal
Don't mention it

CHAPTER 1 : Apologizing
Choose the correct answer!
1. Dinda : I have two tickets to the cinema for tonight. Could you accompany me?
Marisa : … . I have to take my mother to my grandma’s house tonight.
Dinda : Okay.
a. Yes, I could
b. I am sorry I can’t
c. What time you will pick me up?
d. No problem

2. Aliya : Mom, I’m sorry  I’ve spilled some milk on the table.
Mom : … honey, you may clean it with wet cloth immediately.
a. Thank you
b. No problem
c. I am sorry
d. You should be worried

3. Student : … Ma’am. I come late. I’ve got flat tire.
Teacher : It’s OK this time. Be punctual next time.
a. Thanks
b. Please help me
c. I am extremely sorry
d. That’s alright

4. Tia : I’m sorry I broke your laptop.
Nanda : …
Tia : I’ll pay it.
a. You are careless user
b. Why don’t you stop using it
c. It’s OK. We can bring it to the workshop
d. It doesn’t matter

5. Fida : …  mom, I broke the glass.
Mom : Just all right. Clean the pieces of glass and be careful next time.
Fida : Okay mom
a. Thanks
b. That’s alright
c. It doesn’t matter
d. Forgive me

6. Teacher : Edo, I’ll check your work book.
Edo : … I don’t bring it.
a. Okay, sir
b. I apologize for
c. I’m sorry, sir
d. It doesn’t matter

7. Zika : Don, … I’ve broken your glasses. Let me buy new one for you.
Donny : No problem
a. I don’t like it
b. I apologize you
c. It is all your mistakes
d. I am sorry

8. Dad : I’m sorry, Nindi. I overslept. I forget to fetch you at school.
Nindi : …, dad. Mirna took me at home  this afternoon.
a. Never mind
b. You always do that
c. Forgive me
d. I never forgive you

9. Rafif : This meat is very hard. I can’t eat it
Waiter : …
Rafif : thank you. It’s kind of you
a. It’s okay. You may bite it again
b. You have no good teeth, sir
c. Sorry sir. That is the last meat we have
d. I’m sorry sir. I’ll change it with another

10. Chandra : … for breaking your smartphone.
Dedi : It’s okay.
a. Don’t worry about it
b. Sorry
c. You should replace the new one
d. That’s all right

11. Zaky : Ouch.. You step on my toes.
Deni : …
a. Never mind
b. I’m so extremely sorry
c. It’s alright
d. Don’t worry about it

12. Gita : Mom, I’m sorry for coming home late. I missed the bus from school.
Mom : … dear. You should send me a message if you come late next time.
a. You always do that
b. Don’t be a liar
c. It doesn’t matter
d. Why do you come back?

13. Dini : I’ll have a graduation party next week. Could you come?
Rani : … . I have to go to my grandma’s house next week with my family. 
a. Yes, I could
b. I wish I could
c. I am sorry I couldn’t
d. Never mind

14. Hendra : Don, I’m terribly sorry. I’ve broken your glasses by accident. Let me buy new ones for you.
Doni : …
a. I don’t like it
b. I apologize, too
c. No problem
d. It’s very kind of you

15. Bimo : I’m sorry, I broke your car.
Chandra : …
Bimo : I’ll find it the nearest one.
a. You are careless
b. Okay, we can bring it to the workshop
c. I don’t think so
d. Why don’t you stop driving?

Untuk teman- teman yang membutuhkan soal diatas sebagai latihan ofline, bisa mengunduh soal melalui link tautan berikut ini,

Semoga Bermanfaat


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