
Latihan Soal Grammar Bahasa Inggris Bentuk To Be (Is/ Am/ Are) Simple Present Tense

Halo sahabat Ahzaa, pada post kali ini, kita akan belajar bahasa Inggris khususnya tentang bentuk To Be (Is/ Am/ Are) Simple Present Tense. Bentuk To Be merupakan kata kerja bantu yang berfungsi menghubungkan antara subyek dan predikat.  

Bentuk To Be dalam Simple Present Tense ada tiga yaitu Is/ Am/ Are atau sering disingkat dengan SMA (iSaMAre). Penerapan dalam Simple Present Tense terdapat dalam kalimat nominal yang predikatnya berupa complement (kata benda/ kata sifat/ kata keterangan). Nah, Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut penerapan To Be (Is/ Am/ Are) dalam sebuah teks pendek di bawah ini,

Hi, My name is Ayunara Bahar.
I'm Indonesian. I'm from Semarang.
I'm a freelancer and content writer
I'm married.
My favorite food is fried rice.
My favorite sports are jogging and swimming.
I'm interested in learning technology.

Dalam kalimat yang terdapat dalam teks, bentuk To Be seperti is, am, are dipakai sebagai kata kerja biasa yang berfungsi sebagai linking verb antara subyek dan predikat.

Form :

Contoh kalimat 
  • It's hot here. Can you open the window?
  • I'm 29 years old. My husband is 33.
  • My sister is a nurse. She is an energetic woman.
  • Winda likes watching horror movie. She is not afraid of ghost in the movie.
  • It's eleven o'clock. It's time to go bed.
  • Shinta and I are good friends. I met her at the college ten years ago.
Untuk kalimat tanya dengan jawaban ya atau tidak (yes/ no questions) berikut aturannya,

Contoh Kalimat

  • Is he your uncle?
  • Are your shoes new?
  • Is it cold at Dieng plateu?

Sedangkan kalimat tanya dengan W-H, berikut form nya,

Contoh kalimat 
  • What is the time?
  • Where is Shinta?
  • Who is that man?

Latihan Soal
Put in is/ am/ are

1. I have worked for ten hours today but I .... not tired.

2. This bag ...  heavy. I cannot carry it.

3. The weather ...  nice today. Let's go to the beach.

4. Look! there ...  Shinta.

5. My brother and I ...  twins.

6. My brother ...  at home and my parents ...  at grandma's house.

7. These cars ...  unique.

8. Your shoes ...  dirty.

9. My keys ...  in my drawer.

10. You ....  not tall enough to get on roller coaster.

11. I ...  hungry. Let's have a meal.

12. I ...  afraid of dogs.

13. The shops ...  not open today.

14. This house ...  very big.

15. I ...  a teacher and my wife ...  a nurse.

16. I ...  interested in playing tennis.

17. ...  you mother at home? --- Yes, she is.

18. ...  I late?  --- Yes, you are .

19.  How ...  your parents? ---- they are very well.

20. Why ...  you late? ---- I've got traffic jam.

21. How much ...  these books? ---- fifty thousand rupiahs

22. Indonesia ...  a very big country.

23. My brother ...  a teacher.

24. ...  these your keys?

25. ...  it safe to restart the computer now?

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