Latihan Soal Reported Speech ; Reported Questions (Kalimat Tanya) - Ahzaa.Net

Latihan Soal Reported Speech ; Reported Questions (Kalimat Tanya)

Latihan Soal Reported Speech ; Reported Questions (Kalimat Tanya)
Dalam membuat kalimat tidak langsung untuk kalimat tanya, ada satu hal yang mesti kita perhatikan, yaitu bentuk kalimat tanya apakah kalimat tanya dengan jawaban yes/no (yes/no questions) atau kalimat tanya dengan pemakaian bentuk wh (wh questions). Keduanya memiliki aturan yang berbeda antara lain sebagai berikut,
  • Bentuk if/whether digunakan untuk bentuk kalimat tanya dengan jawaban yes/no (yes/no questions). Contoh : "Are you tired?" she asked >>> She asked if I was tired
  • Seperti aturan sebelumnya, akan ada perubahan tenses dan kata ganti (tergantung pada introductoty verb yang digunakan)
  • Bentuk kalimat tanya dengan pemakaian wh (wh questions)  terjadi perubahan susunan kata pada kalimat. Contoh : She asked, "What is the time?" >>> She asked what the time was.** 

**Perhatikan pada susunan kalimat diatas, bahwa terjadi perubahan susunan kalimat.
    She asked, "What is the time?" >>> She asked what  was the time.
    She asked, "What is the time?" >>> She asked what the time was.

Nah, untuk lebih memahami penjelasan singkat mengenai topik ini, berikut beberapa soal yang bisa dikerjakan sebagai bahan latihan. Semoga bermanfaat.

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Latihan Soal Reported Speech ; Reported Questions
1. She asked, " Are you hungry?"
She said I was hungry
She said if I was hungry

2. 'Have you met Manda before?' he asked. "
He asked whether I had met Manda
He asked that I had met Manda

3. We asked,'What time does the plane arrive?'
We asked what time the plane arrived
We asked what time did the plane arrive

4. The teacher asked,'Why are you so late?"
The teacher demanded to know why was I so late
The teacher demanded to know why I was so late

5. "My father asked,'Why didn't you telephone?'
My father wanted to know why I didn't telephone him
My father wanted to know why I hadn't telephoned

6. She asked,"Are you a foreigner?"
She asked that I was a foreigner
She asked if I was a foreigner

7. He asked,'Do you live here?'
He asked if I lived there
He asked that I lived there

8. He asked 'did you borrow my dictionary?'
He asked if I borrowed his dictionary
He asked if I had borrowed his dictionary

9. "Do you know who broke the window?" she asked
She asked me whether I knew who had broken the window
She asked me whether I knew who broke the window

10. My father asked,"have you finished your exams?"
My father asked me if I have finished my exams
My father asked me if I had finished my exams

11. he asked," Are you enjoying yourself?"
He asked whether I was enjoying myself
He asked that I was enjoying myself

12. He asked,"Did the WHO announce the Covid-19 as a pandemic?"
He asked if the WHO had announced the Covid-19 as a pandemic
He asked if the WHO announced the covid-19 as a pandemic

13. He asked, "Why wasn't Juna at the party?"
He asked why hadn't Juna been at the party
He asked why Juna hadn't been at the party

14. She asked,"How did you get to school?"
She asked how had I got to school
She asked how I had got to school

15. The officer asked me, "How old are you?"
The officer asked me how old I am
The officer asked me how old I was
Score =
Correct answers:


  1. terimakasih aku sangat suka belajar bahasa inggris

  2. 87%
    Kuberharap ada penjelasan dari setiap jawaban
    Kak bikin soal ttg beda penggunaan kata Will/going to, beda either/neither, beda must/have to Masih bingung ka

    1. tentang materi diatas seperti will/go, neither/ either, must/have to sudah ada yaa.. silahkan search di kolom pencarian.


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