Question Tags adalah ungkapan yang digunakan seseorang untuk memberikan pernyataan dengan memberikan penegasan untuk meyakinkan penyataannya tersebut di akhir dari kalimatnya.
Untuk membuat Question Tag, ada beberapa aturan antara lain adalah sebagai berikut,
Aturan Dalam Membuat Question Tags
Bila pernyataan Positif, maka Question Tag-nya negatif. Hal ini berarti menyangkal dari penyataan yang dikemukakan tadi.
Contoh :
- The Covid-19 is dangerous, isn't it?
- She can play piano, can't she?
- Jovan comes late, doesn't she?
- My sister is watching television, isn't she?
Aturan 2
Bila pernyataan negatif, maka Question Tag-nya positif.
- Aurel cannot speak Javanese, can he?
- She will not go to Jakarta, will she?
- The students don't come late, Do they?
- We are not happy, are we?
- Ann didn't like reading, did she?
Aturan 3
Dalam kalimat verbal bentuk simple present dan past tense, maka do, does atau did ditambahkan dalam pembuatan Question Tags-nya.
Contoh :
- The man waits his nephew in the station, doesn't he?
- He likes fishing, doesn't he?
- They visited Zoo last week, didn't they?
- They always start their lesson at 7 a.m, don't they?
Aturan 4
Apabila kalimat menggunakan modal dan auxiliary, maka Question Tags-nya menggunakan modal dan auxiliary yang terletak paling depan.
Contoh :
- He has never been in Bali, hasn't he?
- She will go to Jakarta tomorrow, won't she?
- They will be an engineer next year, won't they?
Aturan 5
Kata- kata yang digunakan dalam Question Tags adalah I, You, He, She, It, They, dan There.
Penggunaan It merujuk pada kata- kata berikut ini
- everything
- nothing
- this ...
- that ...
- his ...
- your ...
- everyone
- someone
- somebody
- no one
- nobody
- Everything is ready, isn't it?
- There are many people in the fair, aren't there?
- That is your car, isn't it?
- Nobody was here, were they?
- This movie is not interesting, is it?
Aturan 6
Penggunaan subjek I dalam kalimat nominal positif, maka Question tags-nya adalah Aren't I bukan menggunakan Am not I. Sedangkan dalam kalimat yang negatif, maka Question Tags-nya bisa menggunakan Am I.
Contoh :- I am a teacher, aren't I?
- I am ill, aren't I?
- I am not a student, Am I?
Aturan 7
Kata- kata yang mengandung arti negatif atau setengah negatif, maka Question Tags-nya selalu positif. Berikut merupakan kata- kata yang mengandung makna negatif atau setengah negatif;
- never
- seldom
- hardly ever
- barely
- scarcely
- by no mean
- none
- She never goes to Bali, does she?
- Indra seldom does his homework, does he?
- He's never been in Jakarta, has he?
Aturan 8
Pada kalimat majemuk, Question Tags-nya dibuat berdasarkan kalimat utamanya.
Contoh :
- I wish she understood about the problem, didn't she?
- You'd rather I didn't say anything, would you?
- I suppose he should have known that, shouldn't he?
Aturan 9
Pada bentuk kalimat perintah dan ajakan, maka ada aturan khusus yang harus digunakan yaitu sebagai berikut ;
- Kalimat Perintah (Imperative sentence)
Pada kalimat perintah, baik bentuk positif maupun negatif, maka Question Tags-nya adalah will you.
Contoh ;
- Don't close the door, will you?
- Wear your helmet, will you?
- Take my bag, will you?
Pada bentuk kalimat ajakan yang didahului dengan Let's, maka Question Tags-nya adalah shall we?
Contoh :
- Let's go for a walk, shall we?
- Let's visit Ryan tomorrow, shall we?
Berikut latihan soal tentang Question tag yang bisa dikerjakan. Silahkan pilih bentuk question tag yang sesuai dengan pernyataan kalimat.
It helps me a lot. Tq
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ReplyDeletegood games
ReplyDeleteI love it
ReplyDeletereally fun, it's educational, and simple just the way I like it