Untuk menyatakan persamaan dan perbedaan (similarities and differences) dalam bahasa Inggris, kita dapat menggunakan bentuk sebagai berikut ini,
Contoh ;
He speaks Japanese and she speaks Japanese too.
=== He speaks the same language as she.
Bella takes English course and Andy takes English course too.
=== Bella takes the same courses as Andy.
This ruler is the same length as yours.
***Berikut berbagai perubahan bentuk adjective menjadi noun
Contoh :
Their uniform is different from ours.
My opinion is different from hers.
Indonesian climate is different from Japan.
Semoga Bermanfaat
Contoh ;
He speaks Japanese and she speaks Japanese too.
=== He speaks the same language as she.
Bella takes English course and Andy takes English course too.
=== Bella takes the same courses as Andy.
This ruler is the same length as yours.
***Berikut berbagai perubahan bentuk adjective menjadi noun
Adjective Noun
heavy - light weight
wide - narrow width
deep - shallow depth
long- short length
big - small size
heavy - light weight
wide - narrow width
deep - shallow depth
long- short length
big - small size
Contoh :
Their uniform is different from ours.
My opinion is different from hers.
Indonesian climate is different from Japan.
Semoga Bermanfaat
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