Seri Latihan Soal Incomplete Dialogue Reading Ujian Bahasa Inggris SMK; Asking and Giving Direction - Ahzaa.Net

Seri Latihan Soal Incomplete Dialogue Reading Ujian Bahasa Inggris SMK; Asking and Giving Direction

Seri Latihan Soal Incomplete Dialogue Reading Ujian Bahasa Inggris SMK; Asking and Giving Direction
Saat berada di suatu tempat yang asing dan tidak tahu arah tempat tujuan kita, tentu kita akan menanyakan ke orang- orang terdekat kita berada arah tempat tersebut, misalnya saja menanyakan arah ke bank, kantor pos, kantor polisi atau masjid terdekat. Beberapa ekspresi digunakan dalam menyampaikan pertanyaan kita. 
soal latihan incomplete dialog

Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, ada beberapa ungkapan yang digunakan aik menanyakan arah atau lokasi atau memberikan jawaban tentang arah tersebut. Biasanya saat menanyakan arah, kita dahului dengan frase " excuse me" untuk memberi kesan sopan  atau halus terhadap orang yang kita ajak bicara. 

Berikut ungkapan yang sering digunakan 
Menanyakan Arah
  • “Excuse me. How do I get to the post office please?”
  • “Excuse me. Where’s the nearest public hospital please?”
  • “Excuse me. I’m looking for the Trans Semarang bus stop.”
  • Can you show me where ... ?
  • Where Can I find ....?
  • Could you drive me to ...?
  • Do you know where ...?
  • Just follow this street
  • It's a five minutes walk
  • It's in that corner
  • It's near the post office
  • Go ahead
Untuk lebih memahami konteks penerapan dalam soal tentang ungkapan ini, berikut latihan soal model incomplete dialog yang bisa dikerjakan secara online.

Dialogue no. 1
Stranger : Excuse me, ____ the way to the post office, please?
Nayla : Sure. Just follow this road until the traffic lights. Then turn left. Take a walk about 60 meters. It is on your right side.

Will you come to
Can I tell you
Can you walk to
Can you tell me

Dialogue no. 2
Tiara : Excuseme, where can I get a dress here in this store?
Shopkeeper : Just go up to the second floor. You'll find ____ women's clothing at the lady's department.

a lot of

Dialogue no. 3
Stranger : Excuse me,, but could you tell me the way to the nearest ATM around here? I am a stranger.
Gerry : Of course. Go straight on until the crossroads. Then turn left. There is a ATM on ____ in front of the minimarket.

to right
for left
the left

Dialogue no. 4
Stranger : Excuse me, ____ where the nearest police station is?.
Shasha : Follow this way until the second traffic light, then turn right. It is on your left beside National bank. You can't miss it.
Stranger : Thank you.

Can I help you find
Could I tell you the way
Could you come with me
Could you show me

Dialogue no. 5
Mirna : Bima, _____ where the nearest supermarket is? I want to buy some food there.
Bima : Just follow the way until the third intersection, and then turn right. The supermarket is on your left beside the Grahamedia book store. You can't miss it..

Could you show me
Could you come with me
Can I help you
Can I tell you the way

Dialogue no. 6
Bagus : ____
Jimmy : Drive past the park and turn right. There is a bank in the corner.

Can I drive past the bank?
What's the best way to the bank?
I don't know where you should go
Where is the bank by the corner?

Dialogue no. 7
Tourist : Excuse me. an you show me the place to buy souvenirs?
Alexa : Well, the gift shop is over there at the corner of the street ____ You'll see it in front of the school.

It's closed now
I'm sorry. I don't know.
Just walk along this street for three blocks
There are two gift shops around here

Dialogue no. 8
Rijal : Which bus should I take to get to the Lawang Sewu?
Pedestrian : ____ It stops in front of the HP mall which is just a block from the building.

You should go to the main street
Take the Trans Semarang bus from the station
The bus runs every 30 minutes
You may ask the police officer

Dialogue no. 9
Una : I have a flat tire. _____
Ita : Sure. It's not far from here.

Do you know the nearest service station?
Would you mind staying with me?
Will you help me?
Can you give me a lift?

Dialogue no. 10
A passer-by : Excuse me, but could you tell me where ____?
Shinta : Follow the way and turn left. The mosque is beside the post office.

is the nearest mosque
the mosque is nearest
the nearest mosque is
is the mosque nearest

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