Dua materi yang saling berkaitan dalam soal bentuk incomplete dialogue reading ujian bahasa Inggris SMK adalah tentang materi conditional sentence dan materi subjunctive. Keduanya memiliki tipikal yang berbeda dalam rumus tetapi penerapan keduanya hampir sama dalam konteks situasi.
Nah, untuk menjawab kedua topik tersebut dalam soal incomplete dialogue memang mesti paham terlebih dahulu penerapan rumus dan konteks situasinya. Oke, langsung saja penjelasan singkat tentang materi tersebut.
Conditional Sentences
Conditional Sentences disebut dengan kalimat bersyarat atau pengandaian. Ada tiga jenis kalimat pengandaian yaitu tipe pertama, tipe kedua dan tipe ketiga.
Nah, untuk menjawab kedua topik tersebut dalam soal incomplete dialogue memang mesti paham terlebih dahulu penerapan rumus dan konteks situasinya. Oke, langsung saja penjelasan singkat tentang materi tersebut.
Conditional Sentences
Conditional Sentences disebut dengan kalimat bersyarat atau pengandaian. Ada tiga jenis kalimat pengandaian yaitu tipe pertama, tipe kedua dan tipe ketiga.
If Clause
Type 1
- If I have lots money, I will go around the world ( Present tense - future)
- If it rains, I drive (present tense - present)
- If the man comes, go ( present tense - imperative sentence)
Type 2
- If he didn't agree, I wouldn't go
- You wouldn't leave if he were here*
*Dalam penggunaan If clause type 2, penggunaan subjek I, He, She , It, menggunakan bentuk "Were"
Type 3
- We could have gone out if the weather hadn't been so bad
- If it had not rained yesterday, I would have bought some books
Dalam kalimat, Ada beberapa bentuk kalimat subjunctive seperti
Wish ingin
If only jika
Would rather lebih suka
As if atau as though seolah- olah
Penggunaan Subjunctive adalah sebagai berikut
Menunjukkan Present atau Future tense, maka past tense digunakan dalam klausa.
Pattern : Subject + wish .... + Subject + would / could
Contoh :
It is going to be a good party tomorrow. I wish Indra could come.
(Fact : Indra may come to the party or may not come)
She wishes he were going to be here tomorrow.
(Fact : He isn't going to be here tomorrow)
Menunjukkan Present Tense
Pattern : Subject + Wish .... + subject + past verb ....
Contoh :
I wish I knew how to do it. ( Fact : I don't know ...)
If only I lived in Bali. ( Fact I don't live in Bali)
If only it were not cold. (Fact it is cold)
Penggunaan as if dan as though dengan bentuk Past subjunctive
Pattern : Subject + Present / Past (verb) + as if/ as though + Subject + past verb
Contoh :
He behaves as if he were the owner of the company.
(Fact : He is not the owner)
She stares at me as though she knew me.
( Fact : She doesn't know me)
Bentuk Subjunctive sesudah would rather untuk menyatakan pilihan lebih suka
Menunjukkan Present Tense
Pattern : Subject + would rather that + subject + past Tense
Contoh :
I would rather you told me the news.
( Fact : You don't tell me the news)
Menunjukkan past Tense
Pattern : Subject + would rather that + subject + past perfect Tense
Contoh :
Bambang would rather that it had not been cold last night.
( Fact : It was cold last night)
Berikut ini merupakan bentuk soal dan pembahasan mengenai Subjunctive.
Soal No. 1
"Let's go swimming."
"I wish I _____ we have a test tomorrow and I still have to study.
A. am able
B. could be
C. could
D. will be able
E. be able to
Pembahasan : Pada soal diatas menunjukkan subjunctive menunjukkan present atau future dengan pattern sebagai berikut:
Subject + wish .... + Subject + would / could
Sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah could
Jawaban : C
Soal No. 2
I wish ____ now at the party.
A. He is here
B. He will be here
C. He has been here
D. He were here
E. He be here
Pembahasan : Penggunaan penanda waktu "now" menunjukkan bahwa subjunctive menunjukkan present tense, sehingga pattern yang digunakan
Subject + Wish .... + subject + past verb ....
Maka jawaban yang benar adalah He were here
Jawaban : D
Soal No. 3
I am sorry I don't know the answer, but I really wish I _____
A. know
B. knew
C. have known
D. will know
e. had known
Pembahasan : Fakta dari pernyataan di atas adalah "I am sorry I don't know the answer". Jadi pengandaiannya menggunakan Present Tense
Subject + Wish .... + subject + past verb ....
Maka jawaban yang benar adalah knew
Jawaban : B
Berikut ini latihan soal Incomplete Dialogue Reading Ujian Bahasa Inggris SMK Materi If Clause dan Subjunctive
Demikian latihan soal incomplete dialogue materi If Clause dan Subjunctive.
Semoga Bermanfaat.
No. 4