Soal tipe Short Talks merupakan soal berdasarkan pembicaraan atau percakapan pendek yang diikuti dengan pertanyaan dan pilihan jawaban. Selain pembicaraan atau percakapan pendek, biasanya akan diperdengarkan instruksi, berita, rekaman ataupun pengumuman pendek. Pada bagian ini harus memilih jawaban yang paling tepat berdasarkan isi pembicaraan tersebut. Jumlah soal bervariasi bisa bberjumlah dua atau tiga soal per percakapannya.
Adapun cara untuk mengerjakan soal dengan tipe ini adalah sebagai berikut:
- Dengarkan dengan cermat pernyataan pengantarnya
- Tulislah segala informasi dalam pembicaraan
- Pahamilah pilihan jawabannya
- Pastikan anda menjawab pertanyaan setelah mendengar jawabannya
- Lihatlah soal berikutnya setelah soal sebelumnya diperdengarkan
- Pahamilah tipe pertanyaan dalam tipe soal ini. Adapun beberapa tipe soal- soalnya seperti berikut:
Untuk melengkapi uraian diatas, seperti biasa akan saya sajikan latihan listening berdasarkan soal tipe tersebut.
Oke, langsung saja berikut latihan soalnya, Klik embed audio dibawah untuk mendengarkan file listeningnya.
Oke, langsung saja berikut latihan soalnya, Klik embed audio dibawah untuk mendengarkan file listeningnya.
Untuk memudahkan belajar, berikut saya tambahkan transkrip listening diatas,
Thank you for calling the City Museum. We are open to the public from ten until six Monday through Saturday, and from one until five on Sundays. Information about special exhibits, classes, and lectures can be obtained by calling our education Office at 548-6251.
When on Sundays is the museum open?
A. in the morning
B. In the evening
C. In the afternoon
D. all day
If you would like information about lectures, what should you do?
A. Go to the museum
B. write a letter
C. Call another number
D. Stay on the line
Our holiday sale offers you great saving on new office furniture. All desks, chairs, tables, and filling cabinets are on sale. we also have special prices on office accessories like lamp and bookcases. Now is the time to give your office a great new look at a low, low price.
Which items does the ad mention?
A. Decorations
B. Carpeting
C. Wallpaper
D. Furniture
What does the advertisement encourage you to do?
A. Take a holiday
B. Look at your office again
C. Save some money
D. Redecorate your office
Here's today weather report. temperatures will be in sixty five degrees with breezes of ten to fifteen miles per hour. The sun will shine all day with no clouds expected. It's a great day to spend some time outdoors.
What is approximate temperature for today?
A. About 15 degrees
B. About 60 degrees
C. about 65 degrees
D. About 90 degrees
What does the weather forecaster suggest that people do?
A. stay inside
B. Go outdoors
C. Take sunglasses
D. wear a sweater
There was an underground explosion today at the corner of Main Street and Central avenue. Authorities do not yet know the cause but they suspect a leaking gas pipe. Streets in the area were closed, and workers were evacuated from near office buildings. In spite of the force of the explosion, no injuries were reported.
What happened at Central and Main?
A. An explosion
B. An infection
C. An exception
D. An irritation
What was probably the cause of the problem?
A. An electric wire
B. a water pipe
C. A hole in the street
D. A gas leak
What happened to nearby office workers?
A. They were injured
B. They were removed
C. They were reported
D. They were suspected
The telephone number you have called is not in service. Please check the number in your telephone directory. Or, stay on the line and a customer service representative will be with you shortly.
What is wrong with the number that was dialed?
A. It is the wrong number
B. It is not working
C. It has an answering machine
D. It has a busy signal
Who will help you if you stay stay on the line?
A. A repair person
B. An operator
C. A customer service representative
D. A telephone executive
It's very easy to greet a visitor at the reception desk. fist, say hello. Then ask his name, and the name of the person he is here to see. Have him sign the guest book and take a seat in the lobby. Then, call the person he is visiting.
What is the first thing the receptionist should do for a visitor?
A. Say hello
B. Ask his name
C. Have him sign the book
D. Call the person he is visiting.
Where should the visitor wait while you are calling?
A. On the desk
B. outside
C. In the office
D. In the lobby
Insert your ticket. Please pay eight dollars and fifty cents for two hours and twelve minutes. remove your ticket. You will need it to exit the garage. Take your change.
Where can this instruction be heard?
A. At the movie theater
B. In a parking area
C. at an amusing park ride
D. In an airport
Why should you keep your ticket?
A. To gain entrance
B. To see if you win
C. To leave
D. to identify your possessions
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