Latihan Soal Online Materi Reported Speech Bahasa Inggris - Ahzaa.Net

Latihan Soal Online Materi Reported Speech Bahasa Inggris

Latihan Soal Online Materi Reported Speech Bahasa Inggris
Bentuk Reported Speech dalam bahasa Inggris disebut juga dengan bentuk indirect speech. Bentuk ini digunakan ketika kita ingin memberi tahu seseorang apa yang dikatakan oleh seseorang lainnya. Beberapa kata kerja yang digunakan misalnya kata "say, tell, ask, dan sebagainya."

Dalam soal, bentuk reported speech biasanya diinstruksikan dengan merubah bentuk direct speech menjadi reported speech atau indirect speech. Pada post kali ini tidak akan saya bahas lebih lanjut mengenai pembahasan bentuk reported speech karena sudah pernah saya bahas materinya akan tetapi lebih berfokus pada bahan latihan lanjutan dari pembelajaran materi ini.
Baca Juga : Pembahasan Materi Direct Speech dan Indiect Speech Bahasa Inggris
Nah, langsung saja, seperti biasa latihan reported speech bisa dikerjakan secara online baik melalui PC maupun smartphone. Jumlah soal dua puluh butir dan pada akhir pengerjaan soal akan terlihat skor persentase kebenaran pengerjaan soal.

Soal Latihan Reported Speech.


1. She said," Don't make noise children." In other word we say ____.
she said the children didn't make noise
she told the children don't make noise
she told the children not to make noise
she didn't say the children to make noise

2. I've been writing letters, John said. We can also say ____ .
John said that he had been writing letters
John said that he has been writing letters
John said that he had been writing letters
John said that he wrote letters

3. The library asked me ____.
whether I had returned my book
when did I returned my book
that I returned my book
where was the book I had returned

4. I forgot to ask ____.
why the boys were absent
if the boys are absent
that the boys were absent
were the boys absent?

5. " Did she leave a message for me?"
"Yes, she said ____ tonight."
she called you
she would call you
you called her
I would call you

6. The tourist asked me ____.
the nearest bank
where is the nearest bank
that is the nearest bank
where the nearest bank is

7. My parents advised my sister ____ too much mone on clothes.
do not spend
not spending
not to spend
not spend

8. The girl begged the robber ____.
don't take my money
not taking her money
not to take her money
he didn't take her money

9. Mita asked ____.
where Susi lived
where did Susi live
Susi lived where
Susi lived where

10. I asked Bimbi ____ .
where did he come from
from which he came
where he came from
from where he is

11. He asked me whether he ____ my car to go to the party.
might borrow
can borrow
may borrow
will borrow

12. Mother warned her ____ the newly painted wall.
not touching
not touch
do not touch
not to touch

13. I told him ____.
take the first turning to the left
to take the first turning to the left
taking the first turning to the left
You take the first turning to the left

14. "Shinta : Bill, are you going to let me go without you?"
" It means : ____.
Shinta asked whether Bill is going to let her go without her
Shinta told Bill that he was going to let her go without him
Shinta asked Bill if he was going to let her go without him
Shinta asked if she was going to let Bill go without her

15. The teacher asked the lazy student ____ the English classes".
when he had attended
hadn't he attended
why he hadn't attended
how often he had attended

16. John said to me, " Why do they go abroad so often?".
" John asked me ____ ."
if they went abroad so often
why they went abroad so often
why did they go abroad so often
did they go abroad so often

17. " He drove his car very fast."
They said that he drove his car very fast
They said that he has driven his car very fast
They said that he had driven his car very fast
They said that he has been driving his car very fast

18. "What did the cashier of the bookstore tell you?".
"____ with credit card."
not pay
let's not pay
not to pay
did not pay

19. "Is John coming to the party tonight?".
"Yes, he asked me ____ ."
can he go with us
he went with us
if he could go with us
whether he goes with us

20. "Arel told, " I've been working here for ten years"
"It means ____ ."
Arel told that he had been working there for ten years
Arel told that he had been working here for ten years
Arel told that he had worked there for ten years
Arel told that he had worked here for ten years
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