Pertanyaan dalam bentuk soal Questions and Responses UNBK bahasa Inggris, kita hanya akan melihat sebuah instruksi dalam soal tanpa melihat bentuk transkrip yang diperdengarkan. anda akan mendengarkan pertanyaan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawaban (responses) yang akan diperdengarkan pula.
Cara menjawab pertanyaan Questions dan Responses adalah dengan memahami bentuk ekspresi seperti greeting, suggestion and advice, preference, invitation, asking about location and direction, daily conversation dan lain sebagainya plus kemampuan mengenali bentuk pertanyaan dalam soal.
Sebelum beranjak ke dalam latihan soal, berikut contoh transkrip soal bertipe Questions- Response UNBK Bahasa Inggris SMK. Anda bisa berlatih mendengarkan berdasarkan transkrip yang dimunculkan dalam soal.
Number 1
I am going to the supermarket. Do you need something?
A. Two kilos of sugar, please.
B. That's at all.
C. That's good idea.
D. Not Yet.
Number 2
We are going to the concert tonight. Would you like to go with us?
A. Yes. That's nice concert
B. We enjoyed the concert last night
C. I bought two ticket for us
D. That's good idea. What time will you pick me up?
Number 3
I didn't hear you. Could you repeat the question?
A. I don't know the answer
B. I'll go after this.
C. Thanks a lot
D. OK, I'll repeat once more.
Number 4
You look so tired. Why don't you take a rest?
A. I'm afraid I can't. I have a lot of work to do.
B. I enjoy my activity.
C. I'll go away
C. Yes, I'll try to finish my project.
Number 5
Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?
A. I'd love to. Thanks.
B. Yes, The show is over.
C. I'll be late
D. We will enjoy cooking.
Nah, pada soal berikut tidak diperlihatkan transkrip listening dalam soal. Anda bisa langsung berlatih soal dengan memilih jawaban yang benar dan skor nilai akan dimunculkan pada bagian bawah setelah anda selesai mengerjakan.
OK, check this out...
Audio latihan Soal Questions- Responses Listening Bahasa Inggris SMK
=========================================================================================Audio latihan Soal Questions- Responses Listening Bahasa Inggris SMK
Jangan lupa tulis skor di kolom komentar ya...
Untuk melengkapi latihan, berikut skript latihan listening diatas,
Is your father home?
A. Yes, just a minute, please
B. No, he can't
C. In the car
D. I'm busy right now
How are you doing?
A. great, and you?
B. I'm working now
C. Thanks for asking
D. She's studying now
Can you help me with this project?
A. I don't need any help, please
B. Not right now. I'm very busy
C. I'll be out of the office
D. I'm sorry you can't
How much are the pencils?
A. Rp. 2500 each
B. At the bookstore
C. We don't carry notebooks
D. To buy a pencil
Where did you go this afternoon?
A. I'll be back this evening
B. You may go to the bookstore
C. Can you come too?
D. To play tennis
When did you get our new telephone?
A. It wasn't so expensive
B. Just yesterday
C. In the electronic store
D. tomorrow night
Are there any room available?
A. They are upstairs
B. Yes, How many guests will be staying?
C. There isn't any room
D. Thank you.
Where can I make a phone call?
A. It's on the bus
B. Meet me at the library
C. You can call me after meeting
D. There's a pay phone around the corner
Which color do you prefer?
A. It's on my computer
B. No, not yet
C. Can we do it again?
D. The orange one is nice
Have you met the secretary?
A. No, not yet
B. She is in the office today
C. Her name is Alice
D. Nice to meet you
How many times a week do you play badminton?
A. at least three times
B. It's my favorite sport, too
C. At the club
D. I don't like it
Could I get you something else to eat?
A. No, thanks. I'm full
B. Let's go to the restaurant
C. I'm having hamburger
D. the hamburger is delicious
How much does the book weigh?
A. $60
B. Math
C. About two pounds
D.It's very heavy
Which movie would you like to watch?
A. It begins at p.m
B. I think it costs about $5.00
C. The new one with Brad Pitt
D. I'm in the cinema
Have you checked your email today?
A. I can give you a check
B. No, I'll check it later
C. Yes, it is a slow connection
D. The email is suspended
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