Selamat datang kembali di Blog Media Belajar Ahzaa Media. Pada posting berikut ini kami akan mengulas mengenai soal dan pembahasan Error Recognition UN Bahasa Inggris SMK. Penyelesaian soal- soal dengan tipe Error Recognition memang membutuhkan kemampuan dalam penguasaan grammar dan juga ketelitian dalam membaca kalimat yang mengandung satu unsur kata atau frase yang salah.
Aturan dalam mengerjakan soal Error Recognition adalah peserta diminta memilih kata atau frase yang digarisbawahi dengan pilihan jawaban A,B, C, atau D. Berikut ini adalah beberapa soal dan pembahasan UN Bahasa Inggris SMK tahun 2013/ 2014 dan UN Bahasa Inggris tahun 2014/ 2015.
Rila : Look (A) at my new Ring. Isn't (B) it cool?
Boyke : Yeah, I absolutely agrees (C )with you. It perfectly
(D) matches with your finger.
Jawaban : C
Seharusnya "agree" ( Materi Simple Present Tense)
Soal No. 2 (SOAL UN BING
There are two big black Japanese motorcycles (A) in the parking
area. Mine (B) is the one who
(C) has a sticker on the tank.It's easy
to identify (D).
Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya "which" ( Materi Adjective Clause)
Soal No. 3 (SOAL UN BING
A plumber fix (A) your plumbs and kitchen sinks (B) while
a janitor cleans school, offices (C),
stores, and other business places (D).
Jawaban : A
Pembahasan ;
Seharusnya "fixes" (
Materi Simple Present Tense)
Soal No. 4 (SOAL UN BING
Zacky : Have you got (A)
a plan to do this weekend (B)?
Manda : I'm not sure. I should
(C) just be at (D) home to finish
some deadlines
Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya ""I'd rather"
Soal No. 5 (SOAL UN BING
Manager : How (A) would you like to work for this project, with your previous team or (B) a new team?
Idhay : I’d rather to
keep (C)my old team. We are a solid (D) team.
Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya “keep”
Soal No. 6 (SOAL UN BING SMK-2013/2014)
Anna : Why was
(A)Katie angry with you?
Mary : Oh I think she was jealous. She always feels threatening
(B) everytime her boyfriend talks (C) to another girl.
Liza : That sounds ridiculous
Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya “threatened” ( Materi participle)
Soal No. 7 (SOAL UN BING SMK-2013/2014)
Anto : has Tono finished
(A) his research on time?
Bela : No, If he made (
B) better use of his time, he would have been (C ) more likely
(D) to finish his research.
Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya had made ( materi if clause)
Soal No. 8 (SOAL UN BING
Harry : Can you describe
(A) Naomi?
Jockie : She’s high (B), dark (C) and (D) beautiful.
Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya : high-dark and beautiful.
Soal No. 9 (SOAL UN BING
My handbag is a black rectangular leather bag (A) with a long
tubular strap (B) of the same material. The bag is about 18” X 12 “ in
size(C) with three compartments. The compartment which (D) a zip in
is the centre one.
Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya “a rectangular black leather bag” ( materi Noun Phrase)
Soal No. 10 (SOAL UN BING
Even though (A) my aunt lost (B) the beauty contest, she is (C) still the prettier (D) of all the
other contestants.
Jawaban : D
Pembahasan :
Seharusnya “the prettiest” (materi degree of
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Demikian latihan soal dan pembahasan error recognition UN Bahasa Inggris SMK pada kesempatan ini. Semoga bisa membantu anda yang sedang mempersiapkan UN Bahasa Inggris SMK. Terima Kasih dan semoga bermanfaat.
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