Penggunaan bentuk Conditional memang sering sekali kita temui dalam kehidupan sehari- hari. Conditional bermakna pengandaian yang bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan ungkapan mengandaikan akan sesuatu. Dalam bahasa Inggris, Penggunaan Conditional sentence dibagi menjadi tiga tipe yaitu Type I, II, dan III dengan penjelasan yang sudah saya utarakan dalam posting saya sebelumnya.
Baca juga tulisan tentang Conditional Sentence :
Pengertian, Bentuk dan Contoh Conditional Sentence
Mengenal Bentuk dan Contoh kalimat Conditional Sentence tanpa IF
Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh soal dan pembahasan bentuk conditional sentence dalam bahasa Inggris. Dengan latihan soal ini diharapkan anda tidak hanya memahami tentang teori dalam bentuk conditional sentence saja tetapi juga beberapa soal terkait dengan bentuk conditional sentence juga. Nah, silahkan dicermati contoh soal dari kami.
Soal No. 1
If the player scores another goal, the result ____ a draw.
A. is to be
B. will have been
C. will be
D. would be
E. would have been
Jawaban : C
Bentuk Conditional Type I dengan pattern : Subject + Present Tense + Subject + Future Tense
sehingga, If the player scores another goal, the result will be a draw
Soal No. 2
If you ___ I shall be very angry.
A. weren't going
B. don't go
C. hadn't been going
D. haven't been going
E. didn't go
Jawaban : B
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan shall, menunjukkan pada bentuk conditional sentence dengan Type I dengan pattern :
Subject + Present Tense + Subject + Future Tense
Sehingga, If you don't go, I shall be very angry
Soal No. 3
_____, I might borrow it from him.
A. Were the novel his
B. The novel were his
C. If his the novel
D. If the novel him
E. If his the novel
Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan might, menunjukkan pada bentuk conditional sentence dengan Type II dengan pattern :
Subject + Past Tense + Subject + might/ would/ could
Seharusnya : If the novel were his, I might borrow it from him
Penggunaan Inversi/ Pembalikan digunakan dalam kalimat tersebut,,
sehingga, Were the novel his, I might borrow it from him
Soal No. 4
"What would you do if you were a millionaire?
"_____ a trip around the world."
A. I will take
B. I would have taken
C. I would take
D. Me took
E. I took
Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan bentuk conditional sentence dengan Type II dengan pattern :
Subject + Past Tense + Subject + might/ would/ could
Sehingga, If I were a millionaire, I would take a trip around the world
Soal No. 5
"It would have been failure if _____."
A. The way-out was being found in time.
B. The way-out hasn't been found in time
C. the way-out would be found in time
D. the way -out hadn't been found in time
E. the way-out was found in time.
Jawaban :D
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan Conditional Sentence type III, ditunjukkan dengan It would have been failure
Sehingga, kalimat lengkapnya adalah It would have been failure, the way -out hadn't been found in time
Soal No. 6
If we go to the top, we will have a nice view of Jakarta.
This sentence means _____
A. we have already seen Jakarta from the top
B. we are now looking and having a nice of Jakarta
C. we saw Jakarta last month
D. there is a possibility of seeing Jakarta from the top
E. there isn't any possibility of seeing Jakarta from top
Jawaban :D
Pembahasan :
Pada kalimat diatas, menggunakan bentuk Conditional Sentence Type I, dengan fakta yang mungkin terjadi di masa akan datang, dan faktanya adalah "possibility" di masa datang.
kalimat tersebut berarti "there is a possibility of seeing Jakarta from the top"
Soal No. 7
"If I had come to music festival, I would have met Raisya there."
This sentence means ____ .
A. I didn't come to the music festival but Raisya there
B. I had come to music festival in order to meet Raisya there
C. I didn't come to music festival so I didn't meet Raisya there
D. I come to music festival but I didn't meet Raisya there
E. I didn't come to music festival and Raisya was there.
Jawaban : C
Pada kalimat diatas, menggunakan bentuk Conditional Sentence Type III, dengan fakta "unreal condition in the past", sehingga,
Faktanya adalah "I didn't come to music festival so I didn't meet Raisya there"
Soal No. 8
He was at lost because he was not well informed.
It means : He wouldn't have been at lost _____
A. If he has well informed
B. If he were well informed
C. If he was not well informed
D. If he had been well informed
E. If he would not be well informed
Jawaban : B
Pada kalimat diatas, menggunakan bentuk Conditional Sentence Type III, dengan fakta "unreal condition in the past", dengan rumus If + Subject + had + past participle, Subject + would +have + past participle sehingga, "He wouldn't have been at lost If he had been well informed"
Soal No. 9
I am not a mechanic, so I can't fix it.
The sentence means _____ .
A. If I could be a mechanic, I had fixed it
B. If I have been a mechanic, I would have fixed it
C. If I were a mechanic, I could fix it
D. If I am a mechanic, I could fix it.
E. If I could have been a mechanic, I had fixed it.
Jawaban : D
Pembahasan :
Pada kalimat diatas, menggunakan bentuk Conditional Sentence Type I, dengan fakta yang mungkin terjadi di masa akan datang, dan faktanya adalah "possibility" di masa datang.
Sehingga, kalimat tersebut bermakna "If I am a mechanic, I could fix it"
Soal No. 10
When the little boy saw the dog, he ran away and was bitten.
From the statement we can conclude that ______
A. If he hadn't run away, he wouldn't have been bitten
B. If he doesn't run away, he won't be bitten
C. If he hasn't run away, he wouldn't be bitten
D. If he hasn't run away, he wouldn't be bitten
E. Unless he run away, he wouldn't be bitten
Jawaban : A
Pembahasan :
Pada kalimat diatas, menggunakan bentuk Conditional Sentence Type III, dengan fakta "unreal condition in the past", dengan rumus If + Subject + had + past participle, Subject + would +have + past participle sehingga, "If he hadn't run away, he wouldn't have been bitten"
Demikian Pembahasan kami mengenai contoh soal dan pembahasan bentuk Conditional Sentence dalam bahasa Inggris, dan sebagai tambahan, berikut latihan soal Conditional Sentence; Latihan Soal Conditional Sentence
Semoga bermanfaat.
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