Pada pembahasan
kali ini yang ingin saya bahas adalah teks narrative ( narrative text). Teks
narrative mempunyai tujuan komunikatif to entertain/ amuse the readers and to deal
with actual or variuous experience (menghibur pembaca dengan pengalaman
nyata atau khayal). Ciri- ciri dalam teks narrative adalah adanya unsur konflik
( masalah) dan penyelesaian ( resolusi). Jumlah permasalahan bisa saja satu
atau lebih dari satu.
Dalam teks narrative, mempunyai
struktur teks sebagai berikut:
- Orientation ( Latar; Tokoh, waktu, dan tempat)
- Evaluation ( sifatnya opsional)
- Complication ( pengembangan konflik)
- Resolution ( penyelesaian konflik)
- Reorientation ( sifatnya opsional)
Ciri- ciri kebahasaan dalam teks
narrative adalah sebagai berikut;
- Focus on spesific participants
- Use of past tense
- Use of temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances
- Use of material ( or action) process
- Use of relational and mental process.
- Nouns tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang, misalnya housework, stepsisters
- Adjectives yang membentuk noun phrase, misalnya: two red apples, old wood house
- Time connectives and conjunctions untuk mengurutkan kejadian misalnya then, before that, dsb.
- Adverbs and adverbial phrases untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian atau peristiwa, misalnya here, in the wood, happily ever after, dsb.
- Action verbs dalam past tense, misalnya lived, stayed, left, dsb.
- Saying verbs yang menandai ucapan seperti said
Ada beberapa tipe dalam narrative
teks, biasanya teks tersebut bersifat
fiksi, fakta , atau gabungan antara keduanya. Cerita dalam narrative teks bisa berbentuk cerita peri ( fairy stories),
misteri ( mysteries), fiksi ilmiah ( science fiction), roman, cerita
horor, cerita petualangan, fabel, mitos
dan legenda, sejarah, balad, penggalan
kisah hidup seseorang, ataupun pengalaman pribadi.
Berikut ini adalah contoh dari teks narrative.
A jealous wife was continually quarreling with her husband over his
One day the husband said, “ woman, you are driving me mad. I’d rather
die than do battle with you again. “ having said that, he locked himself in
his room and went without food for few days. At the end of it the wife felt
sorry, so she said, “ enough is enough! I’ll never show any jealously over
you mistress again.”
After accepting a written statement of total obedience from his wife,
he got out and ate heartily. And sure
enough, she became as obedient as pet cat ever since.
A friend of the man also had a mistress and he too had got no peace
from his wife. When he heard of the trick, he decided to try it on her. So when
he came home, he locked himself up and refused to eat. Five days passed and
fearing that he would die, he began to
cry for food. Right then, his wife was in the next room preparing meat soup
and barbequed beef. The pleasant smell floated over to his room, tempting the
hungry man.
Unable to control himself any longer, he opened the door and begged his wife,” listen! I promise that I’ll
never see the other woman again if you will give me some meat to eat..”
“Only if you swear,” she demanded. Following that, she gave him the
meat and ate it like a hungry wolf.
Then the next day, when he told his friend what had happened, the
friend laughed and said, “ Nobody can live five or six days without food and
water. As for me, I hid a bag of shelled chestnuts in my sleeve, so that I could
eat them in secret. That is the trick!”
Demikian pembahasan teks narrative beserta contohnya. Semoga bisa membantu anda yang membutuhkan. Bila ada pertanyaan seputar pembahasan kali ini. Silahkan isi kotak komentar di bawah ini. Terima kasih.
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