Masih berkaitan dengan tulisan yang lalu membahas mengenai pengenalan, bentuk dan contoh conditional sentence, pada pembahasan kali ini kami ingin membahas mengenai mengenal bentuk conditional sentence tanpa menggunakan bentuk IF. Berikut pembahasannya.
A. If Clause dengan menggunakan bentuk Inversi
Contoh :
Pada type III, letakkan "had" di awal kalimat
Contoh :
Dalam pola
Letakkanlah "were" di awal kalimat
Contoh :
Were I to have found the wallet, I would have given it to you. ( If I had found the wallet, ...)
B. Conditional Sentence dengan beberapa kata tertentu.
a. Unless (If not= jika tidak)
Contoh :
Contoh ;
Contoh :
Contoh ;
Contoh :
Contoh :
Contoh :
Kadang bentuk If clause tidak dinyatakan secara eksplisit, tetapi disembunyikan, namun result clause tampak jelas dalam kalimat tersebut.
Contoh :
A. If Clause dengan menggunakan bentuk Inversi
If clause pada kalimat pengandaian tidak harus dimulai dengan bentuk kata IF, bentuk IF juga bisa dihilangkan dengan menggunakan bentuk inversi atau pembalikan. Bentuk inversi hanya bisa digunakan pada kalimat pengandaian type II yang memiliki bentuk "were" dan pengandaian type III.
Pada type II, letakkan were atau should di awal kalimat.Contoh :
- Were not I busy, I would accompany her. ( If I were not busy, ...)
- Were she at home, they would visit her. ( If she were at home, ...)
- Were she sick, she couldn't do the homework. ( If she were sick, ...)
- Should we ask her, she would marry him soon. ( If we ask her, ...)
- Were I to find the book, I would give it to you. ( If I found the book, ...)
- Were he to ask her, she would marry him soon. ( If he asked her, ...)
Pada type III, letakkan "had" di awal kalimat
Contoh :
- Had we had enough time, we should have gone together. ( If we had had enough time, ...)
- Had it not rained, he would have arrived. ( If it had not rained, ...)
- Had he studied hard, he would have passed the exam. ( If he had studied hard, ...)
- Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. ( If I had not seen it with my own eyes, ...)
Dalam pola
Letakkanlah "were" di awal kalimat
Contoh :
Were I to have found the wallet, I would have given it to you. ( If I had found the wallet, ...)
B. Conditional Sentence dengan beberapa kata tertentu.
a. Unless (If not= jika tidak)
Contoh :
- She shall not go unless we have enough time.
- She will complain unless she agrees. atau Unless she agrees, she will complain.
- Unless you start at once you'll be late. ( If you don't start at once you'll be late)
- I would have come unless it had rained.
Kata unless bermakna negatif, maka pasangannya harus dalam bentuk kalimat positif.b. Whether
Contoh ;
- You must go to school soon whether you are ready or not.
- I am going to go camping tomorrow whether it is cold or not.
Contoh :
- You must move to other country even if you are not ready.
- Even if the weather is cold, I am going to go camping
Contoh ;
- You should bring a raincoat in case it rains.
- Take this money in case you need something to buy.
Contoh :
- But for the storm we would have come earlier. ( If it hadn't been for the storm, ...)
- But for her, I would have passed the exam. ( If it hadn't been her, ...)
Contoh :
- I'll come provided you won't call on me to dance.
- You can go provided you finish your work.
Contoh :
- Suppose You have scholarsip, what would you do?
- Supposing you hadn't done your homework.
Kadang bentuk If clause tidak dinyatakan secara eksplisit, tetapi disembunyikan, namun result clause tampak jelas dalam kalimat tersebut.
Contoh :
- I would have watched the movie, but I had to study. ( ... , If I hadn't had to study)
- He never would have got the scholarship without studying hard. ( ... If he hadn't studied hard.)
Demikian pembahasan kami tentang bagaimana mengenal bentuk dan contoh kalimat conditional sentence tanpa tanpa if pada pembahasan bahasa Inggris kali ini. Terima kasih.
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