Penggunaan dependent clause terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu Adjective Clause, Adverb Clause, dan Noun Clause. Pada pembahasan ini akan saya bahas satu persatu penggunaannya dan untuk lebih memantapkan lagi, akan saya berikan contoh dan juga soal latihan secara online.
Adjective Clause
Adjective clause merupakan suatu klausa yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat dalam kalimat majemuk. Klausa adjective akan memberikan atau menambah keterangan pada kata ganti, kata benda atau kelompok kata benda. Ada beberapa macam penggunaan dalam adjective clause
Non Defining Adjective Clause
Contoh : Andy has been promoted to be a manager
He is twenty-five years old.
Andy, who is twenty-five years old, has been promoted to be a manager.
Contoh : Prof. Richard is the youngest professor in this university.
I met him in the seminar yesterday.
Prof. Richard, whom I met at the seminar yesterday, is the youngest professor in this university.
Contoh : Mr. Rudy teaches chemistry. His son won the spelling contest.
Mr. Rudy, whose son won the spelling contest, teaches chemistry.
Contoh : Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. It has population over ten million.
Jakarta, which has population over ten million, is the capital of Indonesia.
Contoh : Mr. Anwar gave me a piece of paper. I put it on the table.
Mr. Anwar gave me a piece of paper, which I put on the table.
Contoh : The dictionary is mine. Its cover is red
The dictionary, whose cover is red, is mine.
Defining Adjective Clause
Contoh :
The boy is a new student; He is sitting next to me.
The boy who is sitting next to me is a new student.
The boy that is sitting next to me is a new student.
Contoh : The man was Mr. Jones. I saw him
The man whom I saw was Mr. Jones
The man that I saw was Mr. Jones
The man [ ] I saw was Mr. Jones
Contoh : I saw the movie last night. It wasn't very good.
I saw the movie which wasn't very good last night.
I saw the movie that wasn't very good last night.
Contoh : The dictionary belongs to Cindy. I showed it to Rindu yesterday.
The dictionary which I showed to Rindu yesterday belongs to Cindy.
The dictionary that I showed to Rindu yesterday belongs to Cindy.
The dictionary [ ] I showed to Rindu yesterday belongs to Cindy.
Noun Clause
Dalam kalimat, posisi noun clause adalah sebagai berikut
Contoh :
What he said was interesting
Where she went is not certain
Whether she comes or not is unimportant for me.
I don't know what should I do
Please tell me how i can get to the bus station
Jim told us where we could find it.
This is where I work
Adverb Clause
Adverb clause adalah klausa yang terikat dan berfungsi sebagai adverb atau keterangan dalam kalimat majemuk. Berikut ini beberapa bentuk adverb yaitu sebagai berikut;
Contoh ;
She used to live in the rural area before she moved to Jakarta.
Andrew lives where he spent his childhood.
Since he had been retired from his work, he tried to start his own business.
John had studied hard so he got scholarship from university.
Although it was raining, they went to the beach.
Adjective Clause
Adjective clause merupakan suatu klausa yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat dalam kalimat majemuk. Klausa adjective akan memberikan atau menambah keterangan pada kata ganti, kata benda atau kelompok kata benda. Ada beberapa macam penggunaan dalam adjective clause
Non Defining Adjective Clause
- Who, digunakan untuk menggantikan subjek orang
Contoh : Andy has been promoted to be a manager
He is twenty-five years old.
Andy, who is twenty-five years old, has been promoted to be a manager.
- Whom, digunakan untuk menggantikan objek orang
Contoh : Prof. Richard is the youngest professor in this university.
I met him in the seminar yesterday.
Prof. Richard, whom I met at the seminar yesterday, is the youngest professor in this university.
- Whose, digunakan untuk menggantikan possesive adjective orang
Contoh : Mr. Rudy teaches chemistry. His son won the spelling contest.
Mr. Rudy, whose son won the spelling contest, teaches chemistry.
- Which, menggantikan subjek benda/ binatang
Contoh : Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. It has population over ten million.
Jakarta, which has population over ten million, is the capital of Indonesia.
- Which, menggantikan objek benda atau binatang
Contoh : Mr. Anwar gave me a piece of paper. I put it on the table.
Mr. Anwar gave me a piece of paper, which I put on the table.
- Whose, menggantikan possesive adjective untuk benda/ binatang
Contoh : The dictionary is mine. Its cover is red
The dictionary, whose cover is red, is mine.
Defining Adjective Clause
- Who, that; menggantikan subjek orang
Contoh :
The boy is a new student; He is sitting next to me.
The boy who is sitting next to me is a new student.
The boy that is sitting next to me is a new student.
- Whom, that, [ ]; menggantikan objek orang
Contoh : The man was Mr. Jones. I saw him
The man whom I saw was Mr. Jones
The man that I saw was Mr. Jones
The man [ ] I saw was Mr. Jones
- Which, that; menggantikan subjek kata benda atau binatang
Contoh : I saw the movie last night. It wasn't very good.
I saw the movie which wasn't very good last night.
I saw the movie that wasn't very good last night.
- Which, that, [ ]; menggantikan objek kata benda/ binatang.
Contoh : The dictionary belongs to Cindy. I showed it to Rindu yesterday.
The dictionary which I showed to Rindu yesterday belongs to Cindy.
The dictionary that I showed to Rindu yesterday belongs to Cindy.
The dictionary [ ] I showed to Rindu yesterday belongs to Cindy.
Noun Clause
Dalam kalimat, posisi noun clause adalah sebagai berikut
- Sebagai subjek
Contoh :
What he said was interesting
Where she went is not certain
Whether she comes or not is unimportant for me.
- Sebagai objek
I don't know what should I do
Please tell me how i can get to the bus station
Jim told us where we could find it.
- Sebagai Complement
This is where I work
Adverb Clause
Adverb clause adalah klausa yang terikat dan berfungsi sebagai adverb atau keterangan dalam kalimat majemuk. Berikut ini beberapa bentuk adverb yaitu sebagai berikut;
- Adverbial clause of time, biasanya diawali dengan konjungsi after, before, when, as, as soon as, until, while, etc.
Contoh ;
She used to live in the rural area before she moved to Jakarta.
- Adverbial clause of place, biasanya diawali dengan konjungsi where atau wherever
Andrew lives where he spent his childhood.
- Adverbial clause of reason, biasanya diawali dengan konjungsi because, since, as, atau for
Since he had been retired from his work, he tried to start his own business.
- Adverbial clause of purpose, biasanya diawali dengan konjungsi so, so that, in order that
John had studied hard so he got scholarship from university.
- Adverbial clause of consession, biasanya diawali dengan konjungsi though, although, eventhough, while, whereas.
Although it was raining, they went to the beach.
Berikut ini beberapa contoh soal dan pembahasan yang berkaitan dengan Dependent and Independent Clause.
Contoh soal dan pembahasan
Soal No. 1
The businessman ____ we met at the party last night is the general manager of a big company.
A. whom
B. who
C. which
D. whose
Pada soal diatas, The businessman ____ we ..., we adalah sebagai subjek. kita ingat bahwa who + verb, dan whom + subjek. maka jawaban yang benar adalah whom.
Jawaban : A
Soal No. 2
I met the girl ____ is ini our class.
A. the brother of us
B. Who's brother
C. whose brother
D. her brother
Pada pilihan jawaban soal diatas, menggunakan adjective clause using whose ( possesive pronoun) maka yang paling tepat adalah whose brother.
Jawaban : C
Soal No. 3
This is the place ____ the dutch imprisoned Pangeran Diponegoro.
A. on which
B. what
C. where
D. that
Pada soal diatas menggunakan bentuk noun clause. dikarenakan yang ingin dijelaskan adalah tempat ( the place) maka jawaban yang tepat adalah where.
Jawaban : C
Soal No. 4
____ is a long holiday after passing your exam.
A. You need
B. Why you need
C. What you need
D. Whether you need
Pembahasan :
Noun clause yang difungsikan sebagai subjek digunakan dalam soal tersebut, maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah what you need.
Jawaban : C
Soal No. 5
It is known ____ solar energy can be used to generate electricity.
A. whether
B. that
C. in case
D. what
Dari pilihan jawaban soal diatas, maka yang paling tepat adalah penggunaan "that" untuk menghubungkan direct speech yang menggunakan impersonal it.
Jawaban : B.
Dan berikut ini adalah soal latihan yang bisa dikerjakan sehubungan dnegan materi Dependent and Independent Clause. Soal latihan ini berbasis Flash Player, jadi, pastikan bahwa browser anda sudah terinstal atau terintegrasi dengan Flash Player. Anda bisa menggunakan Google Chrome sebagai browser untuk mengerjakan soal latihan ini karena sudah terintegrasi dengan Flash Player.
Demikian Soal dan Pembahasan tentang materi Dependent and Independent Clause. Semoga bisa menambah pengetahuan anda dalam menguasai grammar Bahasa Inggris. Dalam menguasai grammar bahasa Inggris, latihan yang terus menerus merupakan hal yang utama. Bila ada pertanyaan seputar tulisan saya diatas, silahkan isikan pertanyaan anda melalui kotak komentar di bawah. Semoga bermanfaat dan terima kasih.
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