Kalimat langsung adalah kata- kata (kalimat ) yang diucapkan langsung oleh pembicara. Kalimat langsung diceritakan kembali dengan cara yang lain tanpa merubah arti dan tidak mengulangi lagi apa yang pembicara katakan tetapi menceritakan kembali apa yang dikatakan oleh pembicara.
Ada beberapa perubahan yang terjadi apabila kita ingin mengubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tak langsung. Perubahan tersebut meliputi perubahan pronoun, tense, adverb dan susunan kalimat. Perubahan lainnya adalah mengenai perubahan tanda baca. Berikut ini adalah beberapa perubahan yang terjadi pada perubahan kalimat langsung menjadi tidak langsung.
Perubahan Pronoun
(DS) Hendra said, “I am ill.”
(RS) Hendra said that he was ill.
(DS) Ana says,” I am a student.”
(RS) Ana says that she is a student
(DS) The students say,” we are waiting for their teacher.”
(RS) The students say that they are waiting for their teacher.
Perubahan Tenses
(DS) He said, “ I am very sad.”
(RS) He said that he was very sad.
(DS) He explained,” I repair the motorcycle in the garage.”
(RS) He explained that he repaired the motorcycle in the garage.
Berikut ini contoh dari perubahan tersebut.
Contoh 1.
"She is very busy at home.”
He says (that) she is very busy at home.
He will say (that) she is very busy at home.
He has just say (that) she is very busy at home.
He had just said( that) she was very busy at home.
He said ( that) she was very busy at home.
Contoh 2.
“They are studying in the class.”
He tells me that they are studying in the class.
He told me that they were studying in the class.
Contoh 3.
“ The family will go to Bali.”
She explains that the family will go to Bali.
She explained that the family would go to Bali.
Kalimat langsung
Berikut ini ada beberapa pengecualian yang tidak mengalami perubahan tersebut,
(DS) He said,” If I were older, I would go to Medan.”
(RS) He said if he were older, he would go to Medan.
(DS) She said,” I wish I knew him.”
(RS) She said that she wished she knew him.
(DS) My teacher said, The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
(RS) My teacher said that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
(DS) My Mom said, “ Boiling water is hot.”
(RS) My Mom said that boiling water is hot.
(DS) He said,” they had better go at night.”
(RS) He said that they had better go at night.
(DS) He said,” I might be there.”
(RS) He said that he might me there.
(DS) He said,” The students must respect their teachers.”
(RS) He said that the students must respect their teachers.
(DS) He said,” we mustn’t drive against the red light.”
(RS) He said that they mustn’t drive against the red light.
(DS) He said,” I must be at school by six.”
(RS) He said that he had to be at school by six.
(DS) She told me, “ You must stay here until nine.”
(RS) She told me that I had to stay there until nine.
Perubahan Adverb
Perubahan untuk keterangan waktu dan tempat akan berubah menjadi berikut:
Kalimat Langsung Kalimat Tak Langsung
Now………………………. Menjadi …………………… then
Today menjadi that day
Yesterday menjadi the day before
The day before yesterday menjadi two days before
Tomorrow menjadi the next day
The day after tomorrow menjadi in two days ‘ time
Next week/ year menjadi the following week/ year
Next month menjadi the following month
Ago menjadi before/ the previous
Here ……………………….menjadi…………………….. there
This menjadi that
These menjadi those
Can menjadi could
Will menjadi would
Shall menjadi should
May menjadi might
Perubahan Susunan Kalimat
Perubahan susunan kalimat hanya terjadi apabila kalimat langsung yang diubah menjadi kalimat tak langsung merupakan bentuk kalimat tanya. Kalimat tanya bentuk tak langsung susunannya berubah menjadi susunan kalimat berita atau statement.
(DS) She said,” where will they go?”
(RS) She said where they would go.
(DS) He said,” are they playing in the yard?”
(RS) He asked if they were playing in the yard.
Perubahan bentuk Infinitive
(DS) He said,” open the book!”
(RS) He asked me to open the book.
(DS) He said,” Don’t close the door!”
(RS) He asked me not to close the door.
Ada beberapa perubahan yang terjadi apabila kita ingin mengubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tak langsung. Perubahan tersebut meliputi perubahan pronoun, tense, adverb dan susunan kalimat. Perubahan lainnya adalah mengenai perubahan tanda baca. Berikut ini adalah beberapa perubahan yang terjadi pada perubahan kalimat langsung menjadi tidak langsung.
Perubahan Pronoun
(DS) Hendra said, “I am ill.”
(RS) Hendra said that he was ill.
(DS) Ana says,” I am a student.”
(RS) Ana says that she is a student
(DS) The students say,” we are waiting for their teacher.”
(RS) The students say that they are waiting for their teacher.
Perubahan Tenses
(DS) He said, “ I am very sad.”
(RS) He said that he was very sad.
(DS) He explained,” I repair the motorcycle in the garage.”
(RS) He explained that he repaired the motorcycle in the garage.
Perubahan tenses tersebut disebabkan bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menuturkan ucapan atau kalimat langsung menjadi ucapan atau kalimat tidak langsung. Kata kerja ini disebut introductory verb. Pada contoh diatas yang termasuk introductory verb adalah kata : say, says, explained.Apabila introductory verb digunakan pada kalimat langsung dalam bentuk present maka perubahan kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung akan mengalami perubahan tenses. Namun bila introductory verb yang digunakan pada kalimat langsung adalah past, maka akan berubah menjadi past perfect tense.
Berikut ini contoh dari perubahan tersebut.
Contoh 1.
"She is very busy at home.”
He says (that) she is very busy at home.
He will say (that) she is very busy at home.
He has just say (that) she is very busy at home.
He had just said( that) she was very busy at home.
He said ( that) she was very busy at home.
Contoh 2.
“They are studying in the class.”
He tells me that they are studying in the class.
He told me that they were studying in the class.
Contoh 3.
“ The family will go to Bali.”
She explains that the family will go to Bali.
She explained that the family would go to Bali.
Pada umumnya Introductory verb bentuk tenses bentuk Past Tense akan mengubah tenses kalimat langsung ketika diubah menjadi kalimat tidak langsung.
Kalimat langsung
- Present Tense
- Present Continuous Tense
- Present Future Tense
- Present Perfect Tense
- Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- Past Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Future Tense
- Future Continuous Tense
- Past Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Future Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- Past Future Perfect
- Conditional Continuous
Berikut ini ada beberapa pengecualian yang tidak mengalami perubahan tersebut,
- Kalimat Kondisional tipe II Past Tense pada kalimat Subjunctive.
(DS) He said,” If I were older, I would go to Medan.”
(RS) He said if he were older, he would go to Medan.
(DS) She said,” I wish I knew him.”
(RS) She said that she wished she knew him.
- Kata kerja bentuk Simple Present Tense yang menyatakan kebenaran umum ( general truth)
(DS) My teacher said, The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
(RS) My teacher said that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
(DS) My Mom said, “ Boiling water is hot.”
(RS) My Mom said that boiling water is hot.
- Modal bentuk past tense; would, should, had better, used to, might, and could.
(DS) He said,” they had better go at night.”
(RS) He said that they had better go at night.
(DS) He said,” I might be there.”
(RS) He said that he might me there.
- Must yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peraturan yang sifatnya permanen dan berlaku umum.
(DS) He said,” The students must respect their teachers.”
(RS) He said that the students must respect their teachers.
(DS) He said,” we mustn’t drive against the red light.”
(RS) He said that they mustn’t drive against the red light.
- Apabila Must tidak menyatakan suatu ketentuan seperti diatas, biasanya Must akan berubah menjadi bentuk had to.
(DS) He said,” I must be at school by six.”
(RS) He said that he had to be at school by six.
(DS) She told me, “ You must stay here until nine.”
(RS) She told me that I had to stay there until nine.
Perubahan Adverb
Perubahan untuk keterangan waktu dan tempat akan berubah menjadi berikut:
Kalimat Langsung Kalimat Tak Langsung
Now………………………. Menjadi …………………… then
Today menjadi that day
Yesterday menjadi the day before
The day before yesterday menjadi two days before
Tomorrow menjadi the next day
The day after tomorrow menjadi in two days ‘ time
Next week/ year menjadi the following week/ year
Next month menjadi the following month
Ago menjadi before/ the previous
Here ……………………….menjadi…………………….. there
This menjadi that
These menjadi those
Can menjadi could
Will menjadi would
Shall menjadi should
May menjadi might
Perubahan Susunan Kalimat
Perubahan susunan kalimat hanya terjadi apabila kalimat langsung yang diubah menjadi kalimat tak langsung merupakan bentuk kalimat tanya. Kalimat tanya bentuk tak langsung susunannya berubah menjadi susunan kalimat berita atau statement.
(DS) She said,” where will they go?”
(RS) She said where they would go.
(DS) He said,” are they playing in the yard?”
(RS) He asked if they were playing in the yard.
Perubahan bentuk Infinitive
(DS) He said,” open the book!”
(RS) He asked me to open the book.
(DS) He said,” Don’t close the door!”
(RS) He asked me not to close the door.
Demikian perubahan bentuk kalimat langsung menjadi tidak langsung dalam bahasa Inggris, semoga bisa membantu anda yang mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat.
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